...Rob Lucci is getting a 6+ evolution, right guys?
Yeah I agree Sabo needs a 6+ over everyone else first.Sabo next imo.
I really hope he does sooner rather than later. Hody is gonna have some insane tanky teams....Rob Lucci is getting a 6+ evolution, right guys?
I really hope he does sooner rather than later. Hody is gonna have some insane tanky teams.
Speaking of Lucci, less than 2 more days for socketing. No way I get him done this time around, so that's a little disappointing after a whole week of farming. All that 2 year anniversary news is really good though!
Sabo next imo.
But legend Sabo already got an upgrade. Raid Sabo.
But legend Sabo already got an upgrade. Raid Sabo.
If I need 7 more skillups for BB, what's a safe number to farm? 30?
I hope it's like "power increased by the number of non captain strawhats on crew"Barto's boat is coming to the rayleigh shop in Japan. I feel like that's something worth having just because it's so cool.
I hope it's like "power increased by the number of non captain strawhats on crew"
I hope it's like "power increased by the number of non captain strawhats on crew"
Thanks for the inspiration. I did yolo Caesar feeding after I saw your post and maxed him out as well. Can really use all that space.
Edit: Got Franky to max too. I dunno if getting a Super on the book feeding raises the skill up rate but it seems to have helped a lot.
100 free spaces!
I see "7 free pulls" and I think "oh cool, strawhat island is back"so..in the japan account i managed to get 5 silvers in a row last time they gave us yolo pulls..let's see if i manage to get 7 useless units this time too
Finally maxed Caesar. Maxed both evolved and unevolved versions of Monet and Franky in the process...
You kept the unevolved version? Why? Sengoku team?
You kept the unevolved version? Why? Sengoku team?
I keep every unevolved dupe I get. Don't know why since I don't even have Sengoku.![]()
My Japanese box
Well you should keep them for the ray store, right?
I won't sell them either. Leveled them up to level 55+.
Don't know how you have the box space then lol. I've sold/socketed every dupe save the two legend dupes I pulled.
Well the Blackbeard came and went and all. Was able to get was 3 special level-ups. Not as much as I wanted ah whatever is fine.
Now to wait for tomorrow to come and all the new stuff.
Free Luffy is okay for a free unit. 3 sockets, but where would you get his skillbooks? Just during the ace event?
[edit - 3 rainbow crabs from the evolve island thing, nice!]
Don't sweat it. To max a guy in one go, you have to basically pour an entire day into the game and/or have extreme luck in getting skill ups. I've run BB since he first showed up and I didn't max him until this past December.
Fed 10 skill Cesar books and got 3 skillups...only 1 away from max skill now. Hope i can get it done today and the gamble paid off lol. With a bit luck ill be able to finish Sockets on RR Blamenco and Izo as well.
If i get it done i might run Lucci FN again and hope for 1-2 useful Sockets lol.
my luck with yolo feeds has been horrible in the last 2 weeks...none on alvida with like 25 fed,2 with STR kaku with over 55...only one i was a bit lucky was INT jabra with 2/5 for now...and i'll probably have to sacrifice some of his books later today if i wanna farm kizaru and the new luffy
When I see people posting screenshots, they often have some ridiculously high amount of keys to adventure. How are they getting all of these? I have been gifted like 15 max since I started playing.
I only have 30 goku books. Not nearly enoughI am so tired of doing that stage, not sure if I can do it any more.
Was able to max out Franky, Monet and Caesar though. Unevolved Franky will have to wait til next time.
probably every legend is ..with time
Sitting on 20 Sengoku books myself. I'll run it a few more times before hoarding stamina for the new FN tonight, so hopefully I'll get one or two more. I had pretty terrible luck with them in general, but I had a bright spot over the weekend and got like 6 in one day. It's all RNG, but I swear this game gets streaky at times. Got like 10 Monet books last night, for instance.
Anyway, I need 7 more skill ups for my Sengoku, so hopefully I can get 4-5 or so from what I've farmed here. Of course, my grand total so far for Sengoku is 2 for 21, so I'll need better luck than that. We've got the Sand Sand fortnight coming back in a couple weeks as well, but I got tired of that one long ago.
i think this will be the case
does everyone else think thats the case?
(for example log luffy?)
Hoping this Bepo FN actually yields some Lucci books. After the way the Lucci FN was with drops and the WB one was with Sengoku books, I'm feeling pretty discouraged about the future drops. I wish we'd get the double stamina/double drop thing, because I don't have hours on end to grind every single day for a maybe.
Thats where I got most of mine. It having a chance to drop 2-3 times in one run is good.
Agreed. IntHawk farming burnt me out too. With Lucci needing a lot of skill ups I'm gonna be disappointed when his rate is still miniscule.