The game really becomes a lot more enjoyable at around lvl 35.
Got to the first pvp zones , the second dungeon, start to actually earn a bit of gold from quests.
It's a shame the combat is typical tab target wow style and that almost all the quests are kill 10 boars/click item on npc/pick 5 cabbages because the sandbox stuff is really cool.
Met 2 friendly people who know the game really well and went along on their ship to dive for treasure , we hauled up a few trade packs from people who died/whose ship sunk at sea (the packs sink to the bottom of the ocean if your ship sinks)
There's a surprising amount of functionality to the ships and they are fast. (just the smallest ship after the rowboat is the only one ive seen so far, I hear there's huge ones)
Went on a long trade run riding along on their car, The car holds 2 extra tradepacks and can be upgraded to 10 I believe. trade caravans through pvp zones with escorts should be quite entertaining.
I haven't seen any form of matchmaking (for pvp or dungeons) and haven't seen any cross server stuff, I hope there is none, this game could have a really good sense of community.
My friend (who plays with super hardcore pay2winners) and these 2 friendly people also both told me the same thing:
"don't play on the 'older' (first) servers, they are 100 percent patron and full of guilds that bought thousands of gems in the cash shop, you cannot compete there (compete as in have an impact in the pvp/guild wars etc) if you didn't buy the 130 euro pack and keep buying patron and are part of a big guild.
The smaller newer server I'm on seems pretty casual, not that many 50s yet, no heavy cash shoppers, 50/50 patron/non patron, probably even still has some land available.
If this game didn't have the nexon pay2win shit and had tera combat and dungeons and some form of loot pk (beyond tradepacks) it would be the mmo I've always wanted (alas
