Nice!Finally got a 24x24 spot and starting to build, yay. This whole time I kept spending so much time searching around Sanddeep and other coastal areas for any open spots, but then decided to stroll into White Arden and discovered so much open space. More out of the way, but doesn't matter to me
Whelp, the Pirate's Life For Me.
You know what's better than farming mats for trade packs and fishing? Stealing them so you don't have to.
Earned about 350g last night without having to spend a dime. Two fishing boats, a Juke, and two clippers destroyed as well.
Some people are trying to control the worker pot market for the last few days on my server, labor pots only listed at 20g...
Idk how they are not going bankrupt doing it, I see them getting undercut, then those get bought up and immediately put back on at the higher price, but the difference is smaller than the AH fee they're getting..
So, I've heard good things about this, and I'd love to give it a shot, but for the life of me I cannot get this thing to work. I've been working with customer support, but maybe you guys know something that could help.
When I try and boot the game, it throws up an FAQ page (in Korean) in my browser, and then... nothing. No error message, loading screen, black screen, whatever. It just puts up the page and that's that. So far I've:
-Shut down my nonessential startup processes/services
-Updated Hackshield
-Allowed Hackshield through my firewall manually
-Allowed ArcheAge through my firewall manually
-Disabled proxies
-Turned off my firewall (temporarily)
-And something weird involving IIS that didn't really seem possible.
Any thoughts?
Just to be sure, you're running it from the Glyph client, correct?
So, I've heard good things about this, and I'd love to give it a shot, but for the life of me I cannot get this thing to work. I've been working with customer support, but maybe you guys know something that could help.
When I try and boot the game, it throws up an FAQ page (in Korean) in my browser, and then... nothing. No error message, loading screen, black screen, whatever. It just puts up the page and that's that. So far I've:
-Shut down my nonessential startup processes/services
-Updated Hackshield
-Allowed Hackshield through my firewall manually
-Allowed ArcheAge through my firewall manually
-Disabled proxies
-Turned off my firewall (temporarily)
-And something weird involving IIS that didn't really seem possible.
Any thoughts?
Interested in trying this out. What is the server that most of the gaffers are on? I know the OP said that that was up in the air, but wondering if a GAF guild and server has been established since the last OP update.
Any tips as well?
So you're having problems after you hit the Play button in Glyph? If so, after you hit Play you sort of have to let it just sit there a bit. For whatever reason it can take a little time for the game to boot up (I mean even a few minutes.)
Sorta. It goes like this:
-Hit play button
-Enter admin password
-FAQ page appears
Have you tried running as Administrator maybe, other than that no clue. I never had the FAQ popping up and stuff
Go fishing, get money
Screenshot of another thunderstruck proc at one of the farms we make ^^ (the cloud above one of the trees)
Us picking off a huge number of people en route to stealing fishing boats and packs:is this game one of those clicking mmos? How's the combat?
Sums up a large portion of Gaming GAF, and gamers in general.When the game mechanics don't coddle them, control them and lead them by the hand people get all lost and confused.
Whoah whoah whoah you pked empty fishing boats, 90 percent of their raid didn't react when you got attacked and it appears none of you even got any fish from it.
What a futile endeavor for both you and those fishers.
I've pked 100g of fish today (from some guild who messes with our fishing raid and thinks they still get to fish at all themselves now) and I'm just a fisher myself.
You're wasting your and their time tbh, how much gold did you make the day of that video each?
I'm at 600g made today (after counting potions and lure and bait cost) so far today and I'm just one guy in a raid of 25.
No offense mkeynon but you're doing it all wrong
Boy am I glad I don't care about PVP in this game haha
I for one want to know who is more hardcore. And I say it should be decided with a farm cart race across Halcyona during war time!
In other, more interesting news, Trion was swinging that banhammer pretty hard today. Thousands of bots and people with hacks banned and gold obtained by them traced and removed.
I'm curious if this is gonna help. I'm quite fascinated by the amount of bots skittering around in this game. They even do trade runs!
You don't have much choice but to pvp, no matter what you do.
I fish most of the time and still have to fight constantly because people will mess with your fishing boat or try to attack you on gilda star traderuns.
Unless all you do is craft you will pvp, but if all you do is craft you are done in 10 minutes each day because that is how long it takes to blow through 5k labor crafting gear![]()
So, how much gold will it cost me to get my fishing up to the point where I can sport fish?
30 mins of work:Fish arent tradepacks they can't be stored on galleon nor dropped at a farm.
Gathering wealth is required, those who do will have divine/epic delphinad weapons in a week or two and oneshot you.
The people who arent gathering wealth now will quit soon because they will be outgeared by 300 percent.
Not trying to be a dick btw, just saying you'll have problems if you're not spending time getting the gold to gear up (and if you think you'll just craft some delphinad stuff you haven't looked at how low the odds are to craft delphinad let alone a piece you can use)
right now hasla weapons put people on somewhat equal footing, soon people will run around with 400+dps 1handers
Can anyone do me a massive favor and whisper someone on Archage for me?
I played with this guy on Path of Exile and I can't seem to get ahold of him since he started playing Archage.
If anyone can pretty pretty please whisper him and say "A old guildmember on Path of Exile asked if you can check your PMs on the PoE Website"
Apparently this is his info for Archage:
Name: Cura
Server: Naima
The game is F2P, can't you do that yourself?
Not trying to be a dick, just curious. Don't have a character on that server so I couldn't do it anyway.
No I gotcha, just a lotta downloading on the bandwith cap just to get a single message to a dude that's all.
The point of dropping them off at the farm is that the farm is on Thunderstruck Island. We can take 4-6 boats from a raid before they disperse with how quickly we get back.Didn't know you could drop them from the equipment menu since it only shows release fish on the menu which vanishes it
(there is no labor cost to handing in fish btw, so no point putting them on your farm)
ot: the fishing raid continues growing, soon all the server will be assimilated.
And buying gold? Really? Yeah support the bots who are shitting on the game economy and who spam chat all day... lovely
Protip that has made it extremely difficult for us to nab boats.Fishing raid is a complete success.
Protip that has made it extremely difficult for us to nab boats.
Line up in a circle with everyone pointing inwards. This makes it near impossible to escape with the boat after a quick PBAOE fear.