Tried Naima server,
Seriously fuck this. I'm not waiting over an hour to try this game.

Seriously fuck this. I'm not waiting over an hour to try this game.
As a patron, would you be opposed to them adding more servers to spread the load? I've seen some patrons opposed to that idea.
There were people on the official forums posting "Why are F2P players allowed to play while Patrons have to wait in a queue?"That seems like a selfish thing to be opposed to.
Yesterday I spent around 5 hours to get in Kyrios. Boy was that a mistake. I ended up making a new character on the new server Inoch and the queue time was 10 minutes or so.
I'm probably not going to stick with the game for a long time but I'm going to hit 50 and see what happens.
Strange, logged on from the queue, logged off to fix FPS issue on laptop. Logged back in, skipped queue.
So GAF in what server are you playing?
Are there any raiding or endgame contents?
Farming and house don't interest me since I am more of a social-gamer doing instances and stuff with a guild.
As a patron, would you be opposed to them adding more servers to spread the load? I've seen some patrons opposed to that idea.
There are a variety of dungeons all the way up to level 50. I'm not sure about raiding, there might be world bosses to defeat but I'm not sure on that either.
I'll just stay away from it for the time being. I don't have the time to queue then play.
Too bad Trion seem like not going to add new servers anymore. I think they're playing it safe, don't wanna throw a lot of servers just to find them empty a month later or so, just like Wildstar.
There's 5 minute queue grace period.
That seems like a selfish thing to be opposed to. More servers = more players playing the game which = less wait time. As a Patron myself I want more people playing this game as it stirs the economy, and adding servers wouldn't affect me at all.
Obviously don't add a ridiculous amount, because that will lead to dead servers when the laucnh rush has worn off. I'd say add at the very least four to five servers on NA and EU, that should help ease the queues.
So GAF in what server are you playing?
That seems like a selfish thing to be opposed to. More servers = more players playing the game which = less wait time. As a Patron myself I want more people playing this game as it stirs the economy, and adding servers wouldn't affect me at all.
Obviously don't add a ridiculous amount, because that will lead to dead servers when the laucnh rush has worn off. I'd say add at the very least four to five servers on NA and EU, that should help ease the queues.
Any comments on the game's performance? It seems like it will require a lot out of the hardware.
Anyone have any experience with lvling through as a straight up healer? Having a bit of trouble atm and it's not much fun (combat wise). Might make a new character and just send them all my stuff.
Game is pretty fun but the combat system is still not there yet on the same level of TERA =_=.
I guess I will wait for Black Desert Online
Which skillsets did you choose?
oracle is ok to level as healer, I am currently Boneweaver, Hierophant and templar are amazing pvp healers but slow to level (Hierophant is bearable while templar, you really want a buddy).
I'll keep vita and aura all the way through and will switch sorcery for witchcraft soon. The problem with Boneweaver is that I need two sets (one for healing and one for dps).
My character is a Cleric (Vitalism, Auramancy, Songcraft). I have two attacks (Antithesis and Comet's Boon) and the rest of the skills are heals/buffs that aren't even that great so far. I am only lvl 14 at the moment. But yeah, thinking about trying something else although I would really like to heal dungeons and pvp. Not sure what to do.
Also, I'm probably not going to be a patron for awhile so I was thinking of just becoming an asshole pirate and focus on stealing stuff and killing people ;]
Pirates have a hard live though:
First of all, it will take a while to grind the infamy you need (3k iirc?). Not to mention once you are a pirated, every time you die on the continent you go to prison automatically. You won't have any quests except a few dailies from Pirate island, too.
Pirate island is also always at war which makes it pretty hard to build anything (ie a ship).
Btw, I have played MMOs since UO. I have never every complained about a launch no matter how bad it was or how long the queues were..but for the first time I really feel royally screwed over:
First of all, I purchased the Archeum pack for 150 USD (should have never done that..)
I played a bit in Alpha and the Beta (not that long since I got it kinda late).
During the Headstart I was (with many others) labeled as non patron and thus had much longer queues then the ones labelled as patron.
The Eanna server (on top of the Authentication issues thanks to the DoS attack and long queues) had hardware issues and crashed almost all day during Satruday, so my playing time was very limited during Head Start.
I got my Archeum Founder's items on the last day of headstart instead of on the first.
And now, I lost my Founder title completely, not gaining any additional labor at all..
GG Trion, GG..
In Rift, they messed up a few times. They were way too quick to add new shards during the f2p rush. Then split them all into two clusters so players could no longer play (questing, raids, pvp) with half the game's population.
By the time they decided to cull again and merge clusters, they decided to do it almost immediately prior to the Steam re-launch, suddenly creating massive queues again out of nowhere.
So yeah, I wouldn't put anything past them regarding server decisions.
500+ queue already (8:00 AM central) on Kyrios. >__<
So, when does the game quote on quote, open up? I'm level 9, so still new and still in the tutorial. I know there is a full questline to 50, but does it ever feel like there's a point where your choice comes into play?
On other news:
A friend of mine just mentioned there was a green system message in game:
"In moments of heavy queue, afk mount leveling is still counting as afk and subject to removal"
I can't even...
On other news:
A friend of mine just mentioned there was a green system message in game:
"In moments of heavy queue, afk mount leveling is still counting as afk and subject to removal"
I can't even...
Reminds me....Yesterday someone was autolevling their mount in Dewstone so I opened up a portal to Karkasse Ridgelands and he went through it. I bet he was shocked when he came back from AFK.