So... I downloaded this game during Open Beta, played it for about an hour and promptly uninstalled it. Something just felt clunky about the combat and movement. Also, the starting area seemed to be derivative MMO fare, with mind numbing "kill X things/talk to Y guy" quests.
Now I'm seeing that the game is packed and this OT is trucking along. I know I didn't give the game much of a chance. Do things get a lot better outside the starting area?
So... I downloaded this game during Open Beta, played it for about an hour and promptly uninstalled it. Something just felt clunky about the combat and movement. Also, the starting area seemed to be derivative MMO fare, with mind numbing "kill X things/talk to Y guy" quests.
Now I'm seeing that the game is packed and this OT is trucking along. I know I didn't give the game much of a chance. Do things get a lot better outside the starting area?
The game does so many things you can't do in other MMOs. The questing is the least interesting part of the game IMO.
For me it's all about commerce so I spend a lot of time farming but you can also spend a lot of time sailing, fishing, PVPing, crafting etc. Lots of stuff to do.
Remember, that to get the most out of Archeage you have to be a patron ie pay a monthly fee. Starting at 15$ a month to 65.94 for 6 months.
I don't know what I am. I'm lvl 10 running around doing early stuff.
If you open your skills menu it will tell you in the upper right what combo your choices make.
Wat up my battlerage auramancy brother. I'm vitalism. Argent for lifeI'm cookie cutter tank. Just plain out tank. I have... One good damage skill, the rest is all tankiness and cc/trips/stuns. When I pop out my shield (aside from 12 seconds invincibility) it's tankin time.
Abolisher (Battlerage/Defense/Auramancy)
Wat up my battlerage auramancy brother. I'm vitalism. Argent for life
Or ingame currency. Don't HAVE to pay real-life money.
Yeah, you can use gold to buy coins in the auction house. Those coins can buy time.. . . wait, really?
. . . wait, really?
No man.
Defense Redoubt Skill: +31% Block Rate and immunity to Push&Knockdown for 20s
Auramancy Liberation Skill: Silence&Shackle Immunity for 20s
Combo-skill for the above 2 that activates: Magic Shield: Gain 1700 Magic Defense for 20s (!)
I can finally tank mages too and not just physical :lol
So my character from Naima just magically disappeared and i cant even create a char there so guess im moving to a new server for now.
Edit: And now queues so guess I wont be playing tonight.
Tried but its actually gone, i'll just play on the latest server until transfers open up and are hopefully free.I've had that bug a couple times. Closing the game and re-opening made the characters reappear. Sadly, that sometimes includes re-queuing.
Dang. Doing this Sharpwind Mines quests can net you some awesome loot.
it sure can. The Sword that drops I JUST replaced, and I'm lvl40 now. I used it all the way from 20 to 38 or so. It's just that good.
(if you get at least the Arcane rarity of it)
Yes. You can buy "APEX" with ingame currency. 1 APEX atm goes for around 60 gold, I think? At least on Naima. And 60 gold is real easy to get. (like a week of light play and continuous spending for me). Youneed 2 APEX for 1 month of patron. (so saving ingame currency for a week or so should be good. maybe more as demand for APEX goes up)
O.O Iv got it. Also picked up this bad boy
Edit: If anyones on Naima and wants to farm some loots at Sharpwind mines message me ingame, Zenvolta
I like the music a lot in this game, pretty different from standard MMO osts imo.
Also moving people while they are reading quest text is a real problem.
Put down a house plot. Found what I think is a great place. If I judged it right, only possible for one other house to be next to me. Right infront of the carriage place at the entrance of Gweonid Forest.
Holy fuck you need a ton of stone though.
Yep that is a good spot. You are in between specialty benches in Lilyut Hills and Gweonid. Only downside is having to port or walk to either. There's a lot to be said about not having a lot of annoying neighbors.
You'll be mining A LOT. I think it took me a full week of mining to get 3k stone. You can buy some off the AH but it's expensive. Also burns 500 labor per pack. I finished mine in a week though and it is SOOOO worth the extra land.
Does the area around your house become unbuildable by others once you complete it? If so what if they have something built there already?
I'm not sure I understand the question. The farmhouse is a 24x24 spot. The land around your farmhouse is protected, but only after it is completed. It's unprotected until then. If you've already placed your structure no one can mess with it as long as you keep those taxes paid.
How much land around it roughly? Just curious if someone can squeeze a house by it.
How are the queues, ladies and gentlemen?
How are the queues, ladies and gentlemen?
They won't be squeezing in close. There's a good bit of land on both sides of the house. Enough to plant trees and stuff. Plus if you go to mirage island you can buy fence posts to put up around it. You won't be crowded for sure. If you had a regular house you could definitely get crowded in on.
Anyone have a friendly guild on Calleil? I just made a character there yesterday. I'm in the faction with humans and elves.
Not really looking for anything too serious, just to hang out and maybe ask questions and what not.
I'm confused I won't get squeezed on but I could get crowded in on?
sorry for the confusion. If you have a farmhouse you are good to go. If you have a regular cottage then someone could crowd you.
I'm confused I won't get squeezed on but I could get crowded in on?
Einbroch said:How are the queues, ladies and gentlemen?
The farmhouse uses the same footprint size as a medium house, the entire 24x24 is yours. The difference is the farmhouse ITSELF is only the size of a small house and the rest of the plot is yours to use for farming. The size of the grass is equivalent to a little more than a scarecrow farm (the big one) in terms of usable space but it goes around the outside with the house in the center so some trees are still too big to fit. So no matter what you'll always have some room between you and the next house even if they are butted right up against your plot.