Just a thought but I think a simple way to "fix" D.Va would be to switch her armor to shields. Thoughts?
i don't get the whole 'fix D.Va' mentality? People that play her don't realize she has two modes: human & mecha (and sort of give up once her mecha's destoryed), and they should practice/git gud as D.Va in her human form as well as mecha, so that when the mecha's detroyed the fun REALLY begins...Many of my D.Va kills happen when I'm out of the suit, tbh.
Kind of part of the problem.
I mean I love playing as her but the buff is not a response to pub play, and more to comp play, where if you want to play her mechaless you might as well play soldier 76.
it's not about wanting to play her mechless, but more adapting to a character? IDK, it seems weird to me to just discard D.Va's human form completely.
Anyone else not enjoying it anymore since the update? I could honestly just walk away atm.
It's a last resort form with nothing going for it. She has no health, no skills besides being able to get back in the mecha, no mobility and her gun is a terrible non-hitscan weapon that barely does more damage than some fully automatic weapons. The only thing D.Va's human form has going for her is that she's not dead, but If your mecha was killed and you aren't in a position that gets you instantly deleted then it's very, very likely you weren't doing your job to begin with.it's not about wanting to play her mechless, but more adapting to a character? IDK, it seems weird to me to just discard D.Va's human form completely.
Double Reaper is the new flavor of the week on console, preeeetty awful.
I'm starting to but I may just be getting burned out on it. There is a part of me that is afraid of putting it down because how easy will it be to get back into in say nine months? Will the only people playing next spring be the elite masters who have been playing since launch or will this still be casual friendly?
This poor Reaper was doing so well but every time he came for my Genji, I headshotted him with his own shotgun.
Like it was impressive how good he was aiming but how much he kept getting it blown back at him.
these guys he's getting queue'd with are like what- rank 80?? I doubt they are idiots lol
I just had some fantastic placement matches, lol. Got matched against my teammates from the previous game, this was their reaction:
It's nice when you find some cool guys to match up with/against.
(They got rekt, for the record)
And btw, what's it mean when your placement not-rank is white & gold?
And btw, what's it mean when your placement not-rank is white & gold?
I don't know how competitive players on any shooter play with such low sensitivity. I'd rather have the quick turns. Like the fine tuning sniping is fine but I guess you just have to get really good at arm movements.
It's supposed to mean you're in the top 500 players in your region, but it's bugged and everyone sees it for themselves. So it means nothing.
It's bugged. Should show up as black and blue.
God damn itIt's bugged. Should show up as black and blue.
What do they usually play at?
Average for pros is about 8 inches per 360... but it really depends on the type of game and weapons. Projectile players often go higher sens (for flicks) and hitscan often go lower (for tracking).
I don't know how competitive players on any shooter play with such low sensitivity. I'd rather have the quick turns. Like the fine tuning sniping is fine but I guess you just have to get really good at arm movements.
What do they usually play at?
Same here. Ive kinda stopped worrying about my rank and just hope to win to get points for gold weapons. I'm losing way more than I'm winning but what can I expect when playing only with randoms
You should be destroying them as pharrah though.![]()
We go up 1-0 in KOTH in very dominant fashion. Then my team decides they want to be Widowmaker and Symmetra and we get creamed three in a row. What did I do to deserve this?
Double Reaper is the new flavor of the week on console, preeeetty awful.
It's the same on PC.
Reaper is the new McCree.
Right now I usually use a Xbox Elite controller on my PS4 with default sensitivity. Tried messing around with settings and haven't really found something that works. I usually play roadhog, soldier, reaper, or supports on console.
It's supposed to mean you're in the top 500 players in your region, but it's bugged and everyone sees it for themselves. So it means nothing.
So I just learned the hard way that Reinhardt blocks D.Va's ult.
Like, completely.
Without even taking any damage. Without even losing any shield hit points.
The elite is compatible on the ps4? Didn't know that.