How many Hanzos did they have?
Rein, soldier, mcree, pharah, mercy and zarya. They were really bad =\
How many Hanzos did they have?
Why are all the bad players Hanzos
Why are all the bad players Hanzos
You usually only get a tenth when there is a leaver on the other team, otherwise you'll get some xp for gaining but it depends partially on your individual performance, skill rating gap between the teams, it seems like your rating compared to your teammates, and a host of other hidden factors.
Also you might just be falling back down to your actual skill rating which is a huge problem if placements can accidentally place you too high because instead of getting better you end up just getting shit on for huge losing streaks until you reach the area you're supposed to be.
I went from 57 to 47. I've since retired the game. It's not enjoyable losing every 2/3 games I play. The final straw was getting disconnected, coming back and helping my team win but then losing a rank and taking a loss. In what world does this make sense?
I guess I shouldn't be surprised but there are some salty, petty people that will ragequit at the end of a match just so that the winning team doesn't get the proper MMR up. It seems to be even more prevalent as I rank up too.
Yeah if you work well with your friends then your skill ranking could be partially inflated which sucks when switching to solo queue. At least you can group up with them and lower your group skill ranking and get easy matches lolHmm I guess it makes sense. I did placement ranking with my friends and then I made the huge mistake of solo queuing the rest of the games. Dumb on my part.
Man, that sucks. Don't they give you a minute to get back into the game in the case you disconnect? I'm actually kinda scared to go back into ranked lol. I might just consider sitting out the rest of this season (or at least getting back up to at least 55 ;and just playing quick matches.
Japanese ninja appeal + "unlimited" ammo + meme Ultimate
Folks still get caught in his ultimate? Nowadays it's a minor inconvenience to step ten paces to the left or right and avoid it.
Good hanzos use the radar arrow to ping for tight groupings so they can fire it close.
Bad hanzos sprays and pray.
Im talking about the guys who main him and think they're amazing when they get Q of the game.There are so many bad "insertanycharacterhere" players that doesn't bother me as much as people just not listening or moving into objectives as a team etc.
not everyone can be sick mlg pro.
Folks still get caught in his ultimate? Nowadays it's a minor inconvenience to step ten paces to the left or right and avoid it.
Good hanzos don't even play him as a sniper. They use his mobility to get around the sides constantly.
I've met hanzos that aren't as good as this but played similarly, and they are no fucking joke.
Im honestly surprised Soldier isn't more popular due to the whole assault rifle thing. He's insanely good right now too.
Look, I'm not saying that I've met hanzos anywhere near the level of seagull, but hanzos who play like that instead of trying to be a sniper are fucking deadly. Deadlier than the sniper wannabes anyway.
Good hanzos don't even play him as a sniper. They use his mobility to get around the sides constantly. Most of the time they're in the mid range.
I've met hanzos that aren't as good as this but played similarly, and they are no fucking joke.
Im honestly surprised Soldier isn't more popular due to the whole assault rifle thing. He's insanely good right now too.
He is really strong but super boring to play imo.
So I put the game on low so I could get a constant 144 fps and that game doesnt look that much different. When I had it on ultra, it was generally +90 fps, but not a steady rate. Most games on low look significantly different compared to max settings, but here Im not noticing it as much.
21,000 healing as Mercy AND 23 eliminations.
What the fuck was the rest of the team doing?!
21,000 healing as Mercy AND 23 eliminations.
What the fuck was the rest of the team doing?!
Is there a benefit of 144fps if you don't have a 144hz monitor?
21,000 healing as Mercy AND 23 eliminations.
What the fuck was the rest of the team doing?!
He's the most handsome.
Those were not solo eliminations, I'm sure.21,000 healing as Mercy AND 23 eliminations.
What the fuck was the rest of the team doing?!
Those were not solo eliminations, I'm sure.
Nothing makes me more mad than seeing a Hanzo shoot arrow after arrow towards a Reinhard shield.
i dont think mercy should be getting so many kills regardless.Those were not solo eliminations, I'm sure.
Looks like we might get nightly GAF v GAFs in competitive if we keep having two crews running concurrently. Numbani is not my map. I have't settled into a role or strategy there on offense.
Speaking of Numbani, I feel like those capture+payload maps are the hardest nut for me to crack. I really wish we could see a breakdown of our w/l by map or gametype. I feel like KOTH is my jam, but capture not so much.
Depends how aggressive you play her - and I also don't think you should be playing her aggressively enough to rack up that many personally. Means you've got your gun out instead of healing or buffing your team.i dont think mercy should be getting so many kills regardless.
48%-52% doesn't really seem like that big of a discrepancy?
but 'good hanzos' just play Widow instead