Nope. I play Hanzo because Widow is just a regular FPS sniper and I've played that numerous times in other FPS games. Hanzo is fun because the skill needed to actually hit people with arrows that aren't spam shots. Seagull plays Hanzo a lot too.
Edit: I don't really play Hanzo much in ranked though because I don't think I'm good enough to not be a detriment to my team. Will continually try to get better at him though and try him on some maps.
I thought for the pro scene it's generally the attacking side that has the advantage for 2cp?
I don't know honestly, but I'd assume pros are very good at holding positions and choke points, and a close spawn-point with a choke point will systematically favor defenders assuming the same level of skill. It isn't an auto-win, but something like 6-4 or 7-3 matchup. I can't give you a definite answer myself because I don't follow the pro scene that much, but I know for a fact that these maps were banned for some reason.