Always ask them how much damage they've done when they talk about eliminations.
I always wonder about objective kills
Always ask them how much damage they've done when they talk about eliminations.
Overwatch is very fun. That makes it a good game. Could it be better? Are there technical and design issues holding it back a little? Sure. It's a brand new game, and Blizzard has never made a team shooter before, or any shooter really, so what they've achieved is already fantastic.
I agree with this. There's room in competitive games for high threshold entry points and there's room for accessible games. I'm not excusing the game's problems by any means but these large grace area hitboxes aren't in there by accident or incompetence. It's ridiculous to think they are with a company this large with a game this popular.
They're very carefully trying to balance accessibility (otherwise known as "casual") with competitive gaming (otherwise known as "Mountain dEwSports.")
Anyway, the new Quake is coming out soon. While it's super reductive to just say "Go play Quake" to complaints like server tick... go play Quake?
I've kind of learnt to let go in QP lol. Just had a game where we had 4 Reinhardt's on King's Row defense. It nearly worked, the enemy team pushed the payload pretty close to the first checkpoint and there was only a 30s or so left on the timer. But then they decided to get their shit together and pretty much all swapped over to Pharah's. At that point none of them changed and I figured I could get some hooking practice in with Roadhog.
Another game before that one, Hanamura defense, 3 genji's and a junkrat. Me and the other guy just decided to mess about and went double Mei. Ended in a loss but a lot of shenanigans.
Nobody should expect their rank to climb or stay steady. There's enough variance in this game (due to the fact that you're only 1/6th of the equation on your team) that you should expect your rank at any point to be fluctuating a few levels above or below your "actual" skill level.
I'm stuck in leaver hell... i went from rank 57 to 49 yesterday due to horrible teams and tons of people leaving the game. Seems like the lower I drop in rank the great chance of people leaving too. Kaplan has a bit of a mess on his hands here.
It's ridiculous that Hanzo can one shot tanks with his scatter arrow.
Raise the price of golden weapons.
Raise the price of coins you get for winning.
Give people coins for completing the match.
I rarely ever get to play Reaper due to me being a fairly proficient Roadhog/Zarya, but this felt good.
Blizzard needs to do something about these rage quitters. We found out the hard way that it isn't a problem that just plagues solo queues, even in group play, other groups quit when they are losing. We faced one team on KotH that beat us in the opening round with a double Tracer strategy, so in the next round, we countered with double Junkrat. Instead of readjusting for the third round, the entire team quit and we were the ones who were punished.
Yeah he has a ton of work to get ranked up to a decent standard, I can't see it being at that level for another 2-3 seasons. I'm having way more fun in Quick Play at the moment.
There's literally no reason for the losing team to stay once they know it's fucked. They don't get any competitive points for participating and they can fuck over the winning team by messing up their rank gains.
How Kaplan didn't see this coming is crazy to me.
6-stacking in Quick Play is really cool at the moment.
It's all teams trying new things or warming up before jumping into Ranked.
I've seen a lot more variation in gameplay because of this. Hyper-aggressive Defense teams, triangulation of the KOTH point instead of a melee, etc. They don't always work out but it's fun to shake things up and see things shaken up.
5 comp points for winning, one for playing would go miles.
5 comp points for winning, one for playing would go miles.
6-stacking in Quick Play is really cool at the moment.
It's all teams trying new things or warming up before jumping into Ranked.
I've seen a lot more variation in gameplay because of this. Hyper-aggressive Defense teams, triangulation of the KOTH point instead of a melee, etc. They don't always work out but it's fun to shake things up and see things shaken up.
6-stacking in Quick Play is really cool at the moment.
It's all teams trying new things or warming up before jumping into Ranked.
I've seen a lot more variation in gameplay because of this. Hyper-aggressive Defense teams, triangulation of the KOTH point instead of a melee, etc. They don't always work out but it's fun to shake things up and see things shaken up.
Encountered a heartbreaking moment last night...
My ranked play team had won a hard fought round on Route 66, during which I had been running ragged as a Mercy to keep us in the fight. After a 4 player revival on the payload, we had thrown them off with 5 seconds left on the clock to win the match.
My screen went black with two seconds left and I was presented with an Overwatch log-in screen. I hammered in my details and sure enough, back on the main menu. No win registered or change in my rank.
That was the only satisfying game of the night. I've never encountered a disconnect in the game prior to now, and nothing so abrupt. Soured my ranked play experience needless to say and I quit early. The games last forever as it is, I don't want to be robbed!
I've seen more disgruntled players who are actually pretty good just going back to quick play. Games are also faster.
Watching good Genjis play is inspiring
I love Genji
I pray they give him a good legendary skin
Genjis only good skin is Carbon fibre and Bedouin.
Really Soldier 76 is the one who needs better legendaries, they're all so ugly without his mask.
Games not lasting forever is another thing I don't like. KotH doesn't need to be best of 5 and the 2CP maps don't need to potentially last 40-60 minutes.
It's incredible to me when you see people with 40-50 hours of play time being completely oblivious to very simple rules/expectations/objectives and just chasing kills or running in to a full squad by themselves over and over. So many people continue to play this as TDM.People are so shit in this game, damn.
I can't even win One Single game if I'm not playing with my friends, most of the people don't even know what they're doing...
Genji's Sparrow skin is awesome imo.Watching good Genjis play is inspiring
I love Genji
I pray they give him a good legendary skin
it just fucking did it again!
unexpected server error, booted, put in your account details.
As long as I'm not penalized for one person or the entire group rage quitting, then I don't care.The problem with giving everyone a competitive point for finishing a match is you'll get people afking instead of just rage quitting
"What is this shield that is facing directly towards the turret for me (Soldier) to shoot down? Whatever, I'll go chase Genji away from the objective."I also found out, thanks to playing with randoms, why Blizzard is nerfing Torb. It's not because he's OP or hard to take down, it's because people are so bad at this game that they seemingly choose to ignore the damn thing. There's no way in hell a Tob turret should last for the entire round.
Never again will I play with randoms.
Yep. I saw something new today: a glitch that allowed some piece of shit to phase through walls with Bastion and shoot from all payload angles. I reported his ass and reported the glitch to Blizzard.
On a serious note, the most insane stacking strategy I've seen is the two minute CP on Volskaya done with Surefour and his group. They went D.Vas, Lucio and Winston, and they captured the first point in under a minute despite the Torb setup by ENVIOUS.
I thought I had heard that Quick Play was a Hanzo wasteland after ranked hit, but if people are indeed going back to QP and trying random shit, maybe that's a reason to come back to the game. I still like Overwatch in theory, it's just it's felt so bad lately that I stopped playing.