What's everyone's opinion on play time for all characters?
Like, people that have literally ZERO play time for certain characters.
Is this a dealbreaker for you when grouping? Can a person have valid input on balance having never played a character but they've gone up against it? Does this even matter?
If a person spends most of his time playing, lets say flankers. He can be assigned to flanking if he has amazing stats. Otherwise, look for someone more well-rounded who actually knows what each character does and how to counter him. Unless he is an effective specialist, there is no reason to group up with that person IF you have the luxury of handpicking people and you want long-term Overwatch friends.
But honestly, if you see someone who is really good with a character, there is no reason to not group up with him for a couple of games, and later on decide if you can work together well.
I personally can't get too picky because I can barely find people to group up with. But again, you shouldn't be that picky unless the person you are looking at is a Hanzo main, or someone with ridiculously bad stats that he is not fun to group up with; ranked is a completely different case and you should be picky there because switching is a must if you want to maintain a reasonable winrate.