i turn all sound off. RIP
So you're the guy who runs around without noticing his whole team get bodied behind him :O
i turn all sound off. RIP
This is my experience, if my team is just scattered around the map I'm no use, so I usually just go to Pharah and do what I can.There are absolutely games where I can't work my Mercy magic because of my team's comp or - more often - behavior. That happens - so I switch to Lucio or Pharah or Zarya or whatever I think may turn the tide - but when a team is really workin' it and you're constantly, 100% of the time healing, buffing, shooting and catchin' on fire, Mercy can make a huge difference. She'll never carry a bad team - or even be of much use to one - but she can make a good one great, and a great one unstoppable.
i turn all sound off. RIP
Torb on Attack is actually not bad and can actually screw up the enemy teams who aren't sure how to deal with it.
This the fourth OT
Do we really need to have a 15,000 post OP every fucking OT created
I left a link that gives you all the fucking info you need
OK Matt Frost sorry I rusteled your jimmies or triggered you, by not having dedicated OP info, yet with one click you get to the info!
No one was making the thread, so I did it, kept it plain and simple and the conversation continued, isn't that more important than copy/pasting the absurd info amount
A Reinhardt is really helpful for an Attack Torb. Set up your shield, allowing the Torb to build his turret.Torb on Attack is actually not bad and can actually screw up the enemy teams who aren't sure how to deal with it.
This the fourth OT
Do we really need to have a 15,000 post OP every fucking OT created
I left a link that gives you all the fucking info you need
OK Matt Frost sorry I rusteled your jimmies or triggered you, by not having dedicated OP info, yet with one click you get to the info!
No one was making the thread, so I did it, kept it plain and simple and the conversation continued, isn't that more important than copy/pasting the absurd info amount
Not usually. Roadhog is great for Defense IMO and is self-sustaining with his heal so less reliance on other characters.
Zarya is also a good pick even if there are no other Tanks but so long as there are other push-classes that will be aggressive for Zarya to throw shields on. So a Tracer, Reaper, Genji will still do well to generate Energy for Zarya unless they're flanking way out of her LoS.
This the fourth OT
Do we really need to have a 15,000 post OP every fucking OT created
I left a link that gives you all the fucking info you need
OK Matt Frost sorry I rusteled your jimmies or triggered you, by not having dedicated OP info, yet with one click you get to the info!
No one was making the thread, so I did it, kept it plain and simple and the conversation continued, isn't that more important than copy/pasting the absurd info amount
Many people don't even respond to a 'Behind you!' when it's their own bacon on the line.
What about on defense where you're likely to not get as many offensive heroes?
Last night me and some family member were playing online. I proceeded to type "I thought this was a bot match. Oh no". Joking of course. The other team started playing along with it and were saying "beep boop" or several "MissionFailed.exe" comments. Not only was it a funny game but very competitive and close on several matches. Probably the funniest moments I have had in this game. Overwatch is love although it makes me rage at times.
I like how bots always say gg like they're actual people.
No gg ez though
Everyone knows the best map is Hollywood.God, the maps in this game are so shit apart from Kings Row
At least link to the desktop version of the OT
you could at least add the quotable community links? You can't access them in the page you linked because the thread is locked. Mess. LOL
I complain internally when someone on my team picks himdo people still complain about bastion? every time i see one i instantly know that team is going to lose, he's just garbage
Since the OP is a useless link to a closed thread, anyone who wants to join us on GAF Overwatch Discord just click the link below:
Plenty of us there to chat with, make teams with, and voice chat with. All are welcome, PC and consoles!
In WoW they have a set of AI NPCs when you do the tank or healing trials that are basically shitlords. 'WHERES THE HEALS' 'UM HELLO I HAVE AGGRO' and so on
do people still complain about bastion? every time i see one i instantly know that team is going to lose, he's just garbage
Everyone knows the best map is Hollywood.
One of my least favourite because of that first chokepoint, disgusting!
Someone needs to be Reinhardt yeah.
The real question is Ilios, Nepal or Lijiang?
do people still complain about bastion? every time i see one i instantly know that team is going to lose, he's just garbage
So you're the guy who runs around without noticing his whole team get bodied behind him :O
what? How do you know if there's a turret or teleporter ahead, and if they've been taken care of? o_0
I complain when there's one on my team. I have yet to see a good Bastion in comp.do people still complain about bastion? every time i see one i instantly know that team is going to lose, he's just garbage
Anyone seen this on PC? I noticed some replays of Soliders dropping me way, WAY too quickly and without missing a shot and am wondering if this is to blame:
90% of the matches we lack damage output and a healer, so yeah I go Lucio.
There's only so much I can do and I would rather lose playing the team game than lose trying to be the MVP, so I feel like picking support is in the cards for me.
The times I play Mercy all I hear is "I need healing" as they run away from the point or away from me, and then I die with ult up and they die after I do.
Also how many times do I need to call out someone before people typically react to it? I try to watch every entrance and call things out but it's a miracle if people react to it.
I was hoping competitive would be a little less YOLO than quick play, and I know it's probably dunning-Kruger effect at work but I always feel like the other team is a well oiled machine and we're a car with square wheels.
Avoid Berzerker22285 in Competitive on PS4. Plays as Mei on Nepal...keeps setting up ice walls to block his own team from getting into the building.
Somehow got paired with him at Level 40 when he's level 13.
wait, i thought anyone under 25 can't play Comp.
I mean, this is how Elo works. When you're near the upper bounds, it's far easier to fall than to climb. Progression is not supposed to be linear.seagull has played ranked like 5 hours on stream everyday, 2-3 queue, and he hasn't climbed much if at all and that's with winning a lot. Playing hard matches for several rounds, 1 guy dcs. reconnects, he gets almost nothing, one loss loses 1 rank lol.
I checked shayed's stream, she plays support with him, she gets about half of what he gets, that's even worse.
I mean, this is how Elo works. When you're near the upper bounds, it's far easier to fall than to climb. Progression is not supposed to be linear.
Man, FUCK this stupid ass sudden death shit.
Sooner this shit-poor excuse for a season is over, the better.
So why play that game mode?