Spring Drive
A Reinhardt is really helpful for an Attack Torb. Set up your shield, allowing the Torb to build his turret.
I won Gibraltar on Attack in 3 minutes with 20 eliminations and 0 deaths with that strategy, playing as Torbjörn
A Reinhardt is really helpful for an Attack Torb. Set up your shield, allowing the Torb to build his turret.
Elo has no direct correlation with winrate; whom you beat (or lose to) is as important as whether or not you win.isn't the idea to get you into a bracket of people roughly your skill so you'll be winning and losing with equal frequency? that's not happening with me, i'm consistently >60% winrate in comp and haven't climbed so i'm still playing the same people.
if you're winning 80% or more of your games like some pros you should probably be in the 90s right now and i don't think anyone's past 82 or so
(And yes, the ideal is to get you to a place where you're more or less winning 50% of the time and slightly outperforming that if you're above-average. But it's a swing-y game with odd multiplicative/snowball effects [principally because of ults], and matchmaking prioritizes putting you in a game over finding the perfect game. Sometimes you are going to get stomped by a team you're actually about as good as, and vice-versa. Sometimes you're going to get put in a bad situation because no one wants to wait more than a few minutes to play again.)
The Skill level or whatever the other one is called in Competitive.
EDIT: Just got stuck with him in the next match too.
The sample size for this is probably several hundred games. Someone better at math could calculate for you at what point your winrate should stabilize. In any case, a 60% winrate means less when all wins are not equal.well obviously things will swing one way or the other based on factors outside your control, but given a large enough sample size of games it should even out. so far that doesn't seem to be happening.
Holy Toledo, someone has a 13 rank in competitive? I feel like you have to literally be unable to move your character or look at things at that point.
Just got him again. Same shit with Mei. I think he's trying to get to 0. If you see Bezerker22285 expect bullshit.
Seagull said it would probably takes 100s of wins with 0 losses to get to 100 skill rating.it would be interesting if it turns out to be impossible to play enough games to reach "true" elo in the length of a season
Seagull said it would probably takes 100s of wins with 0 losses to get to 100 skill rating.
So yeah, pretty much impossible.
Well an issue then becomes once you reach a point in which losing is so significantly worse than winning in terms of xp gains there is literally no reason to play ranked, and thus people will either make smurfs or stop playing ranked.100 is arbitrary. Nobody has to reach it. If the best players cap at, say 90, the system can be working entirely as intended if it's placing them properly relative to the skill/performance of others.
Symmetra is the best character.
Symmetra is love.
Symmetra melts through 5 characters in less than 5 seconds.
Welcome to my reality.
Seriously I'm god awful at playing Offense, but oh the webs I weave as Symmetra on Defense is so good. Move over Widowmaker, the real black widow is Symmetra baiting foolish Genji and Reaper and such into my 6 turret car wash of death. Oh you think you can move the payload? Lets see you move past a seemingly infinite minefield of turret annoyances while my team moves in to kill you, immediately coming back to haunt you if you even manage to kill them thanks to the teleport. Also the fear people have of Symmetra coming straight at them is fantastic. Until D.va and Zen gets a decent buff (if D.va deserves a buff, I guess that's still debatable), Symmetra is officially my main.
On a totally different, unrelated topic: I hate Winston.
Well an issue then becomes once you reach a point in which losing is so significantly worse than winning in terms of xp gains there is literally no reason to play ranked, and thus people will either make smurfs or stop playing ranked.
Overwatch will need at some point a GrandMaster league, last thing you want is very high profile pro streamers have no reason to play.
You know, im actually starting to think that I'm using one of the most underpowered characters in the game with Tracer.
It's hard killing more than one character with my special move and I need to unload an entire clip to kill anyone, while others can destroy an entire team with their specials and kill people in one shot.
Tracer just can't kill as fast and as many.
But I think it's the most fun character.
Does Blizzard track how much damage is done to the spawn rooms? Every game they just get trashed while people wait for the match and it seems like one of those dumb little statistics that would be fun to track.
You know, im actually starting to think that I'm using one of the most underpowered characters in the game with Tracer.
It's hard killing more than one character with my special move and I need to unload an entire clip to kill anyone, while others can destroy an entire team with their specials and kill people in one shot.
Tracer just can't kill as fast and as many.
But I think it's the most fun character.
I'm also not bitching because I suck. I'm above average with Tracer, but I feel like she's very limited.
you need to be close and aim for the head to be effective, i dont think that tracer is underpowered
Tracer is an excellent character. Are you within 5 feet, landing consistent headshots and dancing around?
That's the thing though, headshots can be difficult, but Hanzo, Roadhog, Junkrat and some others don't need headshots, they can kill you in less than a second with one shot anywhere. They just have it easier.
Another thing I've noticed is that I feel like blink isn't really teleporting, it's just an invisible dash. I can get killed in the middle of using blink. It should be a real teleport.
Like I said I do pretty well, but I could do better and be more helpful with another character.
Or maybe I'm just butthurt.
I just wish I could destroy a group by myself in an instant. I've done that maybe once or twice with the bomb. It's super hard.
I can do pretty well. I can get really high kill streaks(between 10-20 usually) and survive for really long. I've gotten really good at using blink in a way where I feel I can do it infinitely. I know how to space it enough for it to constantly be recharging and ready to use.
I just wish I could destroy a group by myself in an instant. I've done that maybe once or twice with the bomb. It's super hard.
I'd say her vertical mobility is her only real limiting factor though that can be mitigated with Blinking across high spots, proper timing, positioning and Recall. Her damage output is not weak when up close and especially when landing headshots. Her strength is in flanking, popping in and out of battle, contesting and distracting. As others have said she is also situational, as much as I enjoy playing Tracer I know I can serve the team better on certain modes with people who are more team-oriented like Soldier 76 for example.You know, im actually starting to think that I'm using one of the most underpowered characters in the game with Tracer.
It's hard killing more than one character with my special move and I need to unload an entire clip to kill anyone, while others can destroy an entire team with their specials and kill people in one shot.
Tracer just can't kill as fast and as many.
But I think it's the most fun character.
I'm also not bitching because I suck. I'm above average with Tracer, but I feel like she's very limited.
Maybe their theory is once they're at the bottom they can easily climb ranks, get wins and a gold gun?
It seems like the higher your rank, the less crappy the players are, I was in the 50s and was in pretty solid games, but it might be different for others.Is ranked with randoms hard? No groups for me to join atm.
Is ranked with randoms hard? No groups for me to join atm.
It seems like the higher your rank, the less crappy the players are, I was in the 50s and was in pretty solid games, but it might be different for others.
Even when in the 50s, YMMV in Ranked, just like in Quick Play. For instance, the last Ranked game I played had people in the 50s, yet they were so bad, they completely ignored Torb's turret.
Don't know if this was already said, but:
New brawl is up:
"Show your support"
Heroes: only supports(Mercy,Lucio,Zenyatta, and Symmetra)
Only two of the same hero
Don't know if this was already said, but:
New brawl is up:
"Show your support"
Heroes: only supports(Mercy,Lucio,Zenyatta, and Symmetra)
Only two of the same hero
Don't know if this was already said, but:
New brawl is up:
"Show your support"
Heroes: only supports(Mercy,Lucio,Zenyatta, and Symmetra)
Only two of the same hero