So many incompetent randoms in competitive mode it's absolutely baffling. Be a useless genji why don't you, be a useless torbjorn why don't you. So crazy.
Im on console :/Are you on PC? If so add me and let's queue together: darkatnight#1407
Anyone on XB1 wanna group up? GT = psyfi.
So many incompetent randoms in competitive mode it's absolutely baffling. Be a useless genji why don't you, be a useless torbjorn why don't you. So crazy.
I've had less issues with Roadhog's as of late. Been getting better at baiting them to Hook as I Blink, Reaper's and Genji's have become my public enemy no. 1.The best counter to Tracer is Roadhog. Reel that **** in and put 20 shotgun pellets in her face.
I've had less issues with Roadhog's as of late. Been getting better at baiting them to Hook as I Blink, Reaper's and Genji's have become my public enemy no. 1.
Hmm. That really doesn't add up. I don't think they are as useless as you think. They earned their rank the same as everyone else. Except on the rare occasion that a younger sibling plays the account or something.I'm in the low 50s rank and still find players that don't seem to know how to be useful in this game. I don't know why the placement system doesn't put them in the 30s where they belong.
*enter thread*
*rants about randoms*
*leaves thread*
My contribution to this thread so far.
Anyone on XB1 wanna group up? GT = psyfi.
Damn, Ster went from 74 to 68 in a few hours solo/due queuing, he just literally lost a full level from one loss on a coin flip - 90% into 69 to 90% into 68. Madness, but also hilarious.
I'm watching the stream right now, the noise he made when he saw how much XP he lost lol
Edit: double >_>
The best counter to Tracer is Roadhog. Reel that **** in and put 20 shotgun pellets in her face.
I'm always pleasantly surprised when a Roadhog doesn't one shot me after the hook as Lucio, tracer, or Genji. It's like, he should have killed me, but somehow missed a point blank shot, whereas if I was the Roadhog, I hit that shot and get the easy kill 9/10 times.Assumimg it's a competent Roadhog that is quick enough to shoot during the stun. It feels like almost half the time I get hooked lately I can blink/recall away before the Roadhog fires.
I'm continuing on my downward spiral, from 42 to 36 and no signs of stopping.
Wake me up.
I'm continuing on my downward spiral, from 42 to 36 and no signs of stopping.
Wake me up.
I'm continuing on my downward spiral, from 42 to 36 and no signs of stopping.
Wake me up.
Are you on PC? If so add me and let's queue together: darkatnight#1407
Well at least somebody agrees with me lol. I mainly play Reaper, DVA, Winston and Lucio. A good Tracer is going to be running circles around you regardless, of course she's supposed to be a small target but that doesn't make her impossible. I drop her in one good close range head shot at times with Reaper, but that's when I can predict where she's moving. The fact I'm using an analog stick didn't change my aiming as to where I'm planning on shooting her. The other players movements truly dictate the outcome. I can understand how mouse advocates will say that you can more quickly and efficiently adjust aim with the mouse. However you can also adjust sensitivity on analog speed as well. So really, I personally don't feel a difference. It's crazy to me that torbs turrets, a stationary target, were so grossly nerfed because of the belief that the console players couldn't aim at them. I personally have used Pharah or Soldier to very easily line up a shot behind cover, and pop out to unleash a rocket to score direct hits in a mere half of a second. I just don't get the controller hate train.
I'm continuing on my downward spiral, from 42 to 36 and no signs of stopping.
Wake me up.
What are you playing on?
I just stopped until they fix the leavers issue. It's getting worse and worse.
STOP PLAYING! PLEASE! Oh God I can't watch...
Just do quick play until the next patch. Or at least spend most of your time there.
You deserve better than this. It's probably time to quick play for a few months. There's no way it could be worse than the utter hell I'm imagining the mid 30s are.
It will happen a lot less if/when they fix the hook. All too often it pulls them to the side or behind or some shit, and after having a perfect shot lined up it can really fuck you up.I'm always pleasantly surprised when a Roadhog doesn't one shot me after the hook as Lucio, tracer, or Genji. It's like, he should have killed me, but somehow missed a point blank shot, whereas if I was the Roadhog, I hit that shot and get the easy kill 9/10 times.
I'm always pleasantly surprised when a Roadhog doesn't one shot me after the hook as Lucio, tracer, or Genji. It's like, he should have killed me, but somehow missed a point blank shot, whereas if I was the Roadhog, I hit that shot and get the easy kill 9/10 times.
It will happen a lot less if/when they fix the hook. All too often it pulls then to the side or behind or some shit, and after having a perfect shot lined up it can really fuck you up.
Somewhat related: anyone having issues with While Hog tonight? Every time I've used it, after a few seconds the whole game slows way down and my shots start doing nothing. and then suddenly I'll be looking into the sky, and my ult will be over. It's making it MUCH less effective (obviously)
If they fixed it and then he became too powerful and needed a nerf that would really suck. I'm happy now because my favorite hero is in no danger to get nerfed. So if that's the alternative then please don't fix itTo be honest, I hope they don't fix it. It seems like having it be instant, guaranteed death every time is a little too much. It's basically McCree's flashbang if it also pulled you halfway across the map and set you right in front of him to be fanned to death every time.
I'm continuing on my downward spiral, from 42 to 36 and no signs of stopping.
Wake me up.
Wow. It seems like when one guy leaves in comp you're screwed.
And now I'm the only dude left.![]()
Ha, was just removed for inactivity anyways. That was fast. I was only standing still for a little bit.Most of the time 5v6 is not gonna work out well when both teams are evenly matched. So once the game says you can leave without penalty (but with a loss), people choose that option to save time in a match they think they've already lost. So you might as well leave as well once additional people leave.
Most of the time 5v6 is not gonna work out well when both teams are evenly matched. So once the game says you can leave without penalty (but with a loss), people choose that option to save time in a match they think they've already lost. So you might as well leave as well once additional people leave.
Most of the time 5v6 is not gonna work out well when both teams are evenly matched. So once the game says you can leave without penalty (but with a loss), people choose that option to save time in a match they think they've already lost. So you might as well leave as well once additional people leave.
The best counter to Tracer is Roadhog. Reel that **** in and put 20 shotgun pellets in her face.