Why don't you play quick play like a normal person whippy?
We are clearly not normal people here.
Why don't you play quick play like a normal person whippy?
I also got the generic tracer skin. Even though I don't play her, the GB skin is my most wanted followed by Lucio Brazilian.When I play as Mr. Roboto, I feel incredibly calm & controlled in any given situation. Zenyatta is a peaceful character with a soothing voice, so it helps me focus on duel healing my allies & DPSing the stupid Genji's & tanks that want to wreck my shit.
I feel fortunate that I have the Olympian skins that I wanted, as I keep reading horror stories of players either getting duplicates or sprays for their daily loot crates. The Brazillian football uniform fits Lucio much better than the generic white one, for sure.
Why don't you play quick play like a normal person whippy?
Have to say this is the most frustrating thing about Competitive for me. I'm more than happy for people to pick whatever hero they want but you've GOT to be playing the objective.
It's heartbreaking the amount of times I've lost matches in Overtime simply because the one or two players that were on the objective just ran away from it when under no threat at all.
Surely by Level 25 you would have an idea of how the game works?
Why don't you play quick play like a normal person whippy?
We are clearly not normal people here.
Purple coins man.
Also man I've been having the worst luck in QP. Granted I'm also using it to practice mccree but some of these teams....
I think if they just put the body shot damage back where it was it would be fine. There's really no need for it to be that low anymore what with Zen getting a significant health buff, and that's mostly who it was about. That means that the only person who will die from full health from a body shot from Widow is Tracer, and it would have to be an extraordinarily good Widow or an extraordinarily poor Tracer for that to happen.
The nerf to quickscoping was worse for Widow than the reduction in body shot damage, but regardless I still think she's good, you just need to hit headshots. She can take out every character that isn't a tank or Bastion in 1 shot, no damage fall off and her grapple lets her get to areas most other characters can't reach. I think shes better than Mcree and most of the defensive characters
The most annoying feeling as a Genji player is solo wiping a team and have your team kind of mosey over to the point after doing lord knows what, then they get wiped by respawns.
Why do people run away from the point the second they've captured it? If we stay as a group and protect it, it will be a lot fucking harder for us to lose it.
Just had a game on Nepal where we capture the point first in every round, then I just watched in amazement as I, Lucio, was left to battle for myself whilst everyone else went running towards the opposition's spawn point. It didn't take long for them to over power us, gain control of the point and keep it locked down. Three fucking times that happened! THREE!
And Junkrat, you pissy little Aussie fuck! Go stand on the objective. Why does dying in overtime worry you so much, you explosive arsehole!
They applied the PC nerf to the console versions and lowered her bodyshot damage, even though she was one of the least effective characters on console. They should probably at least reverse that nerf to make her even remotely viable.
I think if they just put the body shot damage back where it was it would be fine. There's really no need for it to be that low anymore what with Zen getting a significant health buff, and that's mostly who it was about. That means that the only person who will die from full health from a body shot from Widow is Tracer, and it would have to be an extraordinarily good Widow or an extraordinarily poor Tracer for that to happen.
The only time I ever get close to the spawn point is if I'm Tracer and we already have the point, and I try to keep as much of the enemy team busy and fighting away from the point as possible.
The nerf to quickscoping was worse for Widow than the reduction in body shot damage, but regardless I still think she's good, you just need to hit headshots. She can take out every character that isn't a tank or Bastion in 1 shot, no damage fall off and her grapple lets her get to areas most other characters can't reach. I think shes better than Mcree and most of the defensive characters
^Getting headshots is way easier said than done, especially on console.
I agree that she is probably fine on PC, but it is incredibly difficult getting headshots on console, especially with the speed 50% of the cast in this game moves at.
I'm doing the team-wiping lol. I'm just at like 20 HP afterwards and need to lick my wounds, but just happen to either be alone on the point or my team is still stuck at choke (being guarded by no one).Have someone play Winston to counter him. Even if you're not a great Winston player, he usually scares away a good Genji player. We were losing in Comp to a good Genji until I switched to Winston with my main goal of fucking up that Genji. Worked well.
alright cool.
got it.
I'm playing on console though. If it was easier to get headshots then she would be overpowered, they need it to be a bit more difficult to stop her from just shutting down everyone
I don't get leavers who leave when the game isn't even close to being lost.
Like, why.
If your internet is shitty, don't play ranked.
I'm doing the team-wiping lol. I'm just at like 20 HP afterwards and need to lick my wounds, but just happen to either be alone on the point or my team is still stuck at choke (being guarded by no one).
I don't get leavers who leave when the game isn't even close to being lost.
Like, why.
If your internet is shitty, don't play ranked.
Indeed, leaving when you're losing is obvious. leaving/disconnecting when you're winning is the worst feeling cuz you know you would win if that guy didn't drop. sometimes you hope they reconnect but they don't.
I don't get leavers who leave when the game isn't even close to being lost.
Like, why.
If your internet is shitty, don't play ranked.
My internet is actually great (NYC), but the one day I actually managed to get a group of people to play with it dropped 4 times. I was incredibly pissed and felt horrible about it.
Wouldn't you stop after the first or 2nd drop though? Especially seeing that you do lose ranks for it don't you?
Today was pretty frustrating though, because I felt like the 3 games I did lose were for reasons that weren't anything I could help with (people dropping, people trolling ranked, and a reinhardt who almost seems to be trying to feed the other team). Just luck of the draw I guess, but my WR at the end of the day is 50%.
Like, I don't mind losing usually, but not through those ways.
2-7, I give up.![]()
NMS just needs to come out already.
Speaking of randoms, there was a guy last night who kept spamming "Thanks" while we were losing. I did my usual spamming of "Understood" in reply and that actually ticked him off. He ended up punching me at spawn which made me laugh. We eventually came back from a 0-2 deficit and won 3 straight rounds to win it all. Guess he felt better afterwards, lol.
Frustration is very real in this game. I don't spam "Thanks!" during the match, but during a bad match when DEFEAT shows up on screen I do. It's cool tho, I'm sure everyone thinks that is in a "GG" kinda way. XD
But yeah, save the venting for the end of the match. Because as bad as you and your team may be doing, you'll always do worse if you give up.
I don't think I played a QP game ever since Comp's introduction
Can't go back to hero stacking and joining games in progress
Leveled 4 times today and got 3 legendary skins.
Red Zarya, Striker Lucio and... Widowmaker's Odette costume.
I got Tracer's orange hurdler skin earlier though.
Thought I was going to hate it, but after a couple of matches, I started having fun with it. The dynamic is completely different since wins and losses don't mean anything but +/-500 XP. Was starting to get to frustrated with comp, QP is a nice break.I don't think I played a QP game ever since Comp's introduction
Can't go back to hero stacking and joining games in progress
I would like to play with more forumites. How do I get added to the GAF party?
I would like to play with more forumites. How do I get added to the GAF party?
I need help GAF, I have a friend who mashes the trigger when playing. I play on PS4. I have a friend who comes over and plays sometimes. Sometimes I let him borrow my PS4 so he can play at home. I've played 10x more than he has and it seems to me the only character that benefits is 76, as burst fire seems to have more distant accuracy. Outside of the annoyance of hearing the controller squeak, I'm afraid he's going to wear out the trigger. When I bring it up, he sounds certain it's benefiting all the characters he plays but 76 is the only one I've noticed. So, does burst fire/fanning actually help any other characters?
I don't think she needs a buff, shes pretty good where she is right now. Although they classify her as a defense hero she isn't all that good on defense, but on attack she's as good as any of the offence characters.
btw anyone know if the servers on PS4 are region locked like they are on PC?