i'm glad I reached 65 last night. pretty worried there's gonna be a big drop off with finding a group once NMS comes out.
This is a very good point. Now I'm gonna try to get it all done by the end of day today.
3 measly ranks to go~
i'm glad I reached 65 last night. pretty worried there's gonna be a big drop off with finding a group once NMS comes out.
After the last few sessions I've played in Quick Play, something about 3 McCree's that pack up together and all shoot in sync.I don't think I played a QP game ever since Comp's introduction
Can't go back to hero stacking and joining games in progress
5 Ana's that have no idea what to do because that one Tracer kept on breaking their Sleep Dart chaining
Or a team of 5 Tracers on Numbani pushing the cart and refusing to switch after dying to 2 Torbjorns over and over again, maybe I should play some more Comp.
This is a very good point. Now I'm gonna try to get it all done by the end of day today.
3 measly ranks to go~
aw, man. Peeps really think NMS will affect grouping up in OW? Sheeeeeet -___-
At SR70+ on PC every game I go into players willingly scrap their entire initial comp in order to set something up with Lucio/Zen. Everybody is actually coordinated enough at this level to make this work and it's getting out of hand :<
On another note it's fun doing a speedboosted Reaper ult with a Zarya shield on you in those games. The fact we can pull that off is amazing too.
I'm tired of playing DVa every game. She's a boring but necessary component of a decent team![]()
Not anymore. People are really starting to doubt that since she has no full counter to a discord before shes completely wrecked (Zarya can barrier at the normal time and it's gone for free) and with Zarya being essential the ult being completely wasted fully charging your opponent is pretty awful.
Zarya is really strong in general against dva too. Just beam her matrix since she's also gonna get discorded through it.
Fuckin zenyatta man.
Does this use regional servers? If i buy the US digital version but live in the UK will it put me on US servers?
You can carry with DPS in comp all the way through the 70s. It's not going to be the DPS wiping everybody every other second. It's going to look more like a DPS winning their 1v1s every fight as they start to snowball. The rest of the team snowballs from that advantage, etc.
"but Anne, what if my team can't snowball"
Then you're not killing the right people or making enough off your own snowball. If you're team is reasonably ranked and you can consistently pick 1-2 people at the start of each fight, you can make it happen. Sometimes you get unlucky and can't get the snowball going early or fuck it up. To climb you have to play enough to outweigh any of those unlucky losses until you get to the point you can't consistently force the carry.
Edit: I'll admit certain non-DPS chars can carry like Zen/Zarya, but they still have high damage & kill pressure.
Did they change something concerning Overtime respawns?
Because my timer was stuck at 0 seconds for 3 seconds (I counted). Maybe it was just lag.
I bought the game when the Olympic box went live, I'm level 15ish now and I have the Genji, Torbjorn, red Zarya and union jack Tracer skins. Am I doing good?
Zarya is really strong in general against dva too. Just beam her matrix since she's also gonna get discorded through it.Not anymore. People are really starting to doubt that since she has no full counter to a discord before shes completely wrecked (Zarya can barrier at the normal time and it's gone for free) and with Zarya being essential the ult being completely wasted fully charging your opponent is pretty awful.I'm tired of playing DVa every game. She's a boring but necessary component of a decent team![]()
Fuckin zenyatta man.
So when a team goes reinhardt + bastion with reinhardt just sitting in front of bastion, what's the best way to counter it? Especially when they're in a corner that you can't flank. That's the only situation I haven't figured out a way to handle reliably.
So when a team goes reinhardt + bastion with reinhardt just sitting in front of bastion, what's the best way to counter it? Especially when they're in a corner that you can't flank. That's the only situation I haven't figured out a way to handle reliably.
About Lucio Ball.
I don't get leavers who leave when the game isn't even close to being lost.
Like, why.
If your internet is shitty, don't play ranked.
I'm not sure how owners of Rocket League can sit through more than 2-3 matches of Lucioball, exploits happening or not.
Every time I pick Zarya I survive for too long and then lose sync with my team
Every time I pick Zarya I survive for too long and then lose sync with my team
It sucks when you've lined up that perfect Graviton Surge only to realize nobody else is alive.
Every time I pick Zarya I survive for too long and then lose sync with my team
It sucks when you've lined up that perfect Graviton Surge only to realize nobody else is alive.
I don't get this, she's not a particularly survivable tank. 2 second shield with 10 second cooldown, 200 armor and 200 HP. Seems if the other team was even remotely competent there's no reason you'd survive if the rest of your team is dropping; or am I missing something?
aw, man. Peeps really think NMS will affect grouping up in OW? Sheeeeeet -___-
So I'm really starting to find team comp on the PS4 is pretty broken in competitive. You must have a Hanzo and D.Va for their ults ability to clear, lucio the best support and junkrat for non line of sight damage. That is four slots gone, one has to be a tank, normally reinhardt, and that leaves you one spot for another damage dealer or second support. Probably best served by a McCre, Bastion or Zenyatta. They need to make more characters viable.
No, half this list isn't viable at all.
So I'm really starting to find team comp on the PS4 is pretty broken in competitive. You must have a Hanzo and D.Va for their ults ability to clear, lucio the best support and junkrat for non line of sight damage. That is four slots gone, one has to be a tank, normally reinhardt, and that leaves you one spot for another damage dealer or second support. Probably best served by a McCre, Bastion or Zenyatta. They need to make more characters viable.