There is your answer.
i'm 57 and still see plenty of leavers and salt
There is your answer.
Honestly the most annoying thing about comp at average ranks is that if you don't play a Pharah killer yourself it's all but guaranteed that she will be free the entire game... like you think "alright we got a Soldier and [any long-range hero] so I don't have to go Soldier again" but despite knowing better you still underestimate how rotten their aim actually is
Honestly the most annoying thing about comp at average ranks is that if you don't play a Pharah killer yourself it's all but guaranteed that she will be free the entire game... like you think "alright we got a Soldier and [any long-range hero] so I don't have to go Soldier again" but despite knowing better you still underestimate how rotten their aim actually is
People treat healers like a bailout thing.
"We got creamed but I was Lucio/Mercy so I am absolved from blame. It's my teammates who suck!"
Yup, even at the higher ranks, Pharah goes unchecked way too often. She's a goddamn nuisance the entire game.
lol seriously? junkrat feeds her so much charge and it's incredibly easy to intercept firestrike with self shield. you can also save people who get pinned or ulted.
the only way rein is a zarya counter is if you don't break his shield before ulting, and even that doesn't matter if you have a hanzo or mei with ult to combo with yours.
the only real zarya counter is reaper, and he's situational.
People treat healers like a bailout thing.
"We got creamed but I was Lucio/Mercy so I am absolved from blame. It's my teammates who suck!"
lol seriously? junkrat feeds her so much charge and it's incredibly easy to intercept firestrike with self shield. you can also save people who get pinned or ulted.
the only way rein is a zarya counter is if you don't break his shield before ulting, and even that doesn't matter if you have a hanzo or mei with ult to combo with yours.
the only real zarya counter is reaper, and he's situational.
lol seriously? junkrat feeds her so much charge and it's incredibly easy to intercept firestrike with self shield. you can also save people who get pinned or ulted.
the only way rein is a zarya counter is if you don't break his shield before ulting, and even that doesn't matter if you have a hanzo or mei with ult to combo with yours.
the only real zarya counter is reaper, and he's situational.
People treat healers like a bailout thing.
"We got creamed but I was Lucio/Mercy so I am absolved from blame. It's my teammates who suck!"
Lmao"11% total damage healed" card.
I still get salt not so much leavers, but having played with someone who was in the 40's the difference was/is night and day.i'm 57 and still see plenty of leavers and salt
For PS4 players that play competitive, play mostly at nights, and with voice chat -
PSN: jorgejjvr
Junkrat is a double edged sword if you dont have your shield up. Same as reaper. In fact he's deadlier than reaper because even with your shield you're still done if he can trap you. Also unlike reaper junkrat is able to kill you in more situations that just close range.
Junkrat can also easily bait you into throwing up your shield when he ults. Ive seen plenty just tire and jump over the Zarya player purposely and then detonate after theyve baited the shield.
Rein is a counter because his shield nullifies everything you can do. As long as a rein has his shield up(and it will be in most cases) your ult is completely useless. Firestrike is easy to absorb, but that doesnt really mean much when rein's utility in shutting you down has nothing to do with that ability at all. If you want to talk about Rein offensively then he still shuts Zarya down pretty hard if he gets close up. Unless you have high energy and high health or the rein isnt at full health, a Zarya will always lose a one on one match with rein if hes already close to you.
lol seriously? junkrat feeds her so much charge and it's incredibly easy to intercept firestrike with self shield. you can also save people who get pinned or ulted.
So Sombre at the end of the month?
For PS4 players that play competitive, play mostly at nights, and with voice chat -
PSN: jorgejjvr
Junkrat is a double edged sword if you dont have your shield up. Same as reaper. In fact he's deadlier than reaper because even with your shield you're still done if he can trap you. Also unlike reaper junkrat is able to kill you in more situations that just close range.
Junkrat can also easily bait you into throwing up your shield when he ults. Ive seen plenty just tire and jump over the Zarya player purposely and then detonate after theyve baited the shield.
Rein is a counter because his shield nullifies everything you can do. As long as a rein has his shield up(and it will be in most cases) your ult is completely useless. Firestrike is easy to absorb, but that doesnt really mean much when rein's utility in shutting you down has nothing to do with that ability at all. If you want to talk about Rein offensively then he still shuts Zarya down pretty hard if he gets close up. Unless you have high energy and high health or the rein isnt at full health, a Zarya will always lose a one on one match with rein if hes already close to you.
eh? Any good Junkrat can kill Zarya way before she has a decent charge built up. Just hammer her w/ grenades, use mines to throw her around/separate her from her teammates, bear trap her in place as you hammer her, etc.
saying "x is good against zarya at low energy/shields on cooldown" is true for any dps hero. anyone can outplay anyone else, that doesn't mean their character is better.
the way their abilities interact generally mean zarya counters rein and junkrat harder than they counter her.
eh? Any good Junkrat can kill Zarya way before she has a decent charge built up. Just hammer her w/ grenades, use mines to throw her around/separate her from her teammates, bear trap her in place as you hammer her, etc.
I specifically mentioned junk and rein because theyre effective against her at all energy levels. one on one against a reinhardt, a high energy full health zarya vs a full health rein is a wash because as Zarya you can still be one shot if he pins you. Since Zaryas mobility options are pretty weak and you'll have to take him down with your primary fire, you're even more susceptible to be pinned by his charge. Reins shield is effective against Zarya no matter what energy level shes at which makes him pretty much the best counter to her. Junkrat can kill you in a variety of situations regardless of your energy level or shield because of his trap and Zaryas low mobility.
I dont consider reaper as much of a counter vs those two because at high energy a reaper is pretty useless against Zarya unless he gets the jump on you.
and a good zarya is going to get charge from the junkrat's spam well before he sees her. bear trap isn't really a good ability at higher skill levels since it's pretty obvious and everyone looks for it when there's a junkrat on the enemy team.
again, "you can kill her if she's bad at using her shields" doesn't mean zarya's countered, it means you're playing bad zaryas. i absolutely love playing against both of those characters because it's way easier for me to kill/neutralize them than the other way around.
If I'm playing Zarya and you manage to throw a trap down on me, point blank, and kill me after without getting fucking atomized, I will give you a tip of the cap, good sir or madam.
i really can't disagree more with basically everything here. do you play zarya yourself?
You sent me an invite the other night but I was coming offline. Catch you again soon!
I went to go add you and saw that I had a friend request from you already that I must have missed.
So, yeah, added!
Some healers definitely think that just because they heal they should be absolved of any blame or scrutiny but a bad Mercy or Lucio that keep dying is just as bad as any other player who doesn't play well. Actually it's even worse because the healers are way more important to the game.
If I'm playing Zarya and you manage to throw a trap down on me, point blank, and kill me after without getting fucking atomized, I will give you a tip of the cap, good sir or madam.
In most cases a junkrat wont be within point blank range for you to even use your primary fire on him though. This isnt even mentioning the fact that you are open fodder to the entire enemy team, not just junkrat.
Yes, she's my main and I'd say I'm pretty good with her actually.
again, y'all are making these 'situational' arguments - why would we be point blank? Any good Junkrat knows distance = friend. If you are in my trap I'm using that time to put distance between us, or if you stepped in my trap and I was already at a distance... ALOHA!![]()
saying "x is good against zarya at low energy/shields on cooldown" is true for any dps hero. anyone can outplay anyone else, that doesn't mean their character is better.
the way their abilities interact generally mean zarya counters rein and junkrat harder than they counter her.
i really don't want to be a prick about this so all i'll say is i think you can play these matchups better
Fucking lol man. Please.
So your argument is essentially "because I disagree with you, I'm going to say that you suck instead of actually trying to have a discussion." Try not being an ass next time.
In fact I'd say that I could say the same to you since you actually havent presented any arguments for why these matchups are in fact in Zaryas favour.
i've made my points and don't want to start bringing elitist arguments to bear. if you think i'm wrong try to find opinions from players you think are better than you and see if they agree.
enjoy your games.
Alright, so I finally started playing this game and I am enjoying it from what little I have played... but I can definitely understand the "lack of content" complaint. And its not even the number of maps for me, the characters themselves seem very... barebones? Only like 2-4 abilities each? I felt like a CoD character had more options on him with all the guns and builds. Help me understand GAF? Also, any good videos/written pieces for beginners?
That post literally mentioned a trap, which has a relatively short deployment distance, so that's what I responded to. If I see a Junkrat from distance, I'm just gonna mortar him to death. If we're point blank, chances are I'm at full energy and he's getting roasted. It's not like some dominant match-up for Zarya, but I'm genuinely not afraid of a Junkrat when I'm running her on attack.
If I get gold elims as Genji, am I still a waste of a slot
If I get gold elims as Genji, am I still a waste of a slot