Just got around to watching. Great run. Hope to be that good someday.Nikashi said:
Just got around to watching. Great run. Hope to be that good someday.Nikashi said:
TruHero said:Finally buying this game today!
I already DLed the trial and played it a couple times. Great game. Can't wait to unlock the full game after work today.
Well, CE has much less content than DX. For me, DX is the kind of game I play whenever I have a few minutes to kill these days, three months after its release.Gryphter said:yup, same here. I bought regular CE and had a lot of fun for like 3 days... then stopped. DX seems worlds better but part of me is worried I won't play. Even if that happens though, for 400 points it'd still be worth it
DJ_Tet said:Couldn't find an XBLA sale thread but this game just went on sale for 400 pts for the week.
Thanks for the heads up. I should jump on this.DJ_Tet said:Couldn't find an XBLA sale thread but this game just went on sale for 400 pts for the week.
DJ_Tet said:Couldn't find an XBLA sale thread but this game just went on sale for 400 pts for the week.
Just saw this on Slickdeals. Definitely picking it up!DJ_Tet said:Couldn't find an XBLA sale thread but this game just went on sale for 400 pts for the week.
Gryphter said:yup, same here. I bought regular CE and had a lot of fun for like 3 days... then stopped. DX seems worlds better but part of me is worried I won't play. Even if that happens though, for 400 points it'd still be worth it
Dead Man Typing said:This news might deserve it's own thread. I wish I could re-buy it for 400 points, which is a little weird I guess.... but no one should miss out on this.
woodypop said:It's on sale for 400pts?
It's showing up as 800pts for me. =(
woodypop said:It's on sale for 400pts?
It's showing up as 800pts for me. =(
Yeah, but thanks for the info. I happen to have a Gold card waiting in the wings. =)Zerokku said:Gold exclusive deal from what I was reading when I purchased it on xbox.com a moment ago. I'm assuming you're only silver then?![]()
Fixed.Miri said:This shit is amazing. You can't pull yourself away.
ghibli99 said:MAN... I was so close to finally breaking into 2mil territory tonight. It was crazy... I could *feel* it too, and I got nervous during the last 15 seconds or so. Totally choked! LOL I love this game.![]()
Haha! That's great... yeah, if I think too hard about it when I'm playing, I mess up really bad. Also do bad after a big meal when my reaction time just isn't where it should be.MrPliskin said:I tried for WEEKS to break 2 Million (PSN) and when I finally did, it was extremely unexpected. I had been awake for about 27 hours (pulled an all nighter for an engineering exam) and just decided to play for a few minutes before I slipped into a coma. I didn't even realize I had surpassed 2 mil until I was ready to shut it off, lol. Crazy business for sure.
I know one thing, very few games make my heart pound like this one. The intensity of racing against the clock when time is ticking away and you're fighting for a few extra thousand points...MAN. I love it.
Yeah, the same was true for regular Pac-Man CE. Humorously, these are the only 2 games where I have all the achievements...divisionbyzorro said:Just bought this during the sale. I gotta say, it's pretty freakin sweet. My only complaint is that the achievements seem way too easy; other than that, I'm loving this!
ghosts are your points maker, grabbing pellets quickly to change the maze around spawns new ghosts in, just make your train uber long and then munch all 60 ghosts for profit.tuco11 said:Picked it up this week and loving it. Any tips for a noob getting to the 1 million point score mark(5 minute score attack)? I been playing it on normal and my best so far is 860,000. Championship II course.
Diablohead said:ghosts are your points maker, grabbing pellets quickly to change the maze around spawns new ghosts in, just make your train uber long and then munch all 60 ghosts for profit.
Heh... yeah, I learned this when trying to "exploit" the max ghost mode.Nikashi said:Max chain is 30, any other ghosts get 'destroyed', just fyi.
Tunavi said:XBLA sale ends tonight, does anyone want to convince me to buy this for 5 bucks?
Tunavi said:XBLA sale ends tonight, does anyone want to convince me to buy this for 5 bucks?