Has anyone's Amazon copy shipped yet?
Damn really? and I thought I was taking my time.
Doing 5th dungeon with 55 hours in on Easy. I am already feeling burn out but I also want to continue because the story is so good. This game has some crazy Death Note/Code Geass vibes, which coincidentally are some of my favorite animes.
Never forget.
i hope hassou tobi is still op as fuck
I think it went up early since a ton of people are getting early copies of the game.Isn't it a bit early to open an OT ? I thought the release was April 4th...
Has anyone's Amazon copy shipped yet?
Knew I forgot something... oh well.
Man navigating these train lines seems like it's gonna be a pain in the ass.
It's daunting at first but actually very easy, much like the actual train system in Tokyo.
TYH edition, not yet.
Says "Expected to ship Mar 31" but it's not even preparing to ship yet despite being the 1st here on the East Coast.
As somebody who has a hard time getting into turn based battle systems would this game be for me? Literally every other aspect of it is appealing to me (story, character, concept, art style, music, social sim). The only turn based game I have ever successfully completed was south park tsot and I didn't mind the combat there.
As somebody who has a hard time getting into turn based battle systems would this game be for me? Literally every other aspect of it is appealing to me (story, character, concept, art style, music, social sim). The only turn based game I have ever successfully completed was south park tsot and I didn't mind the combat there.
As somebody who has a hard time getting into turn based battle systems would this game be for me? Literally every other aspect of it is appealing to me (story, character, concept, art style, music, social sim). The only turn based game I have ever successfully completed was south park tsot and I didn't mind the combat there.
So um, the stars aligned and I will be able to play this beautiful, majestic game.
I really needed this. Hold me brothers! SMTersona V.
TYH edition, not yet.
Says "Expected to ship Mar 31" but it's not even preparing to ship yet despite being the 1st here on the East Coast.
shin megami tensei fans are about to chew you up for this.
I'm a younger gamer so other than pokemon (which i hate) turn based games were not really present when I was growing up.^ What he/she says is true. The combat is rather fast for a turn based game. Even faster than Persona 4 IMO.
Do you like old JRPGs like FFVII,8,9 or 10? or Old squaresoft RPGs? if not then no you won't like the combat. But if you like all other concepts then maybe give it a try? I recommend it. From what I played so far it's GoTY material for me. But then again I am a persona fan.
I just realized two things...
a) Igor's art in Persona 5 is brand new. High-Definition Spiffy-ness.
b) Igor is grabbing for the Handkerchief in his P3/P4 artwork, but not in the others. Huh... >_>
I just realized that this is the first HD Persona game. Jesus.
And now, brought to you in part by Trish's Healing Springs Inc., Igor throughout the ages.
...who the heck are you?
A place between dream and reality, mind and- you know the drill.
And now... your warden.
We look forward to your rehabilitation.
Oh, there she is.
It's the first HD Atlus RPG, period.
Oh yeah...tokyo mirage sessions fam
Im soooo broke right now... I skipped Nioh, Nier and Horizon but im still getting this game
tokyo mirage sessions fam
Oh yeah...
Wazzup peeps
How many cases or dungeons ("palaces") are there?
How many cases or dungeons ("palaces") are there?
Was that any good? I don't have a wii u...