Excellent thread is excellent, but if I may make a suggestion for an addition to the opening post?Never worked this hard on a thread before - I hope you all enjoy it, and enjoy the game!
Excellent thread is excellent, but if I may make a suggestion for an addition to the opening post?Never worked this hard on a thread before - I hope you all enjoy it, and enjoy the game!
Yes. Yes I have.
You won't need a guide to get the best ending. It's not nearly the mystery it's made out to be in P4
Excellent thread is excellent, but if I may make a suggestion for an addition to the opening post?
Excellent thread is excellent, but if I may make a suggestion for an addition to the opening post?
Any spoiler free Persona 5 guides out there?
I just want the to get the true end without guessing my way there.
Seeing this OT just really awakened the hype within me.
Never worked this hard on a thread before - I hope you all enjoy it, and enjoy the game!
I heard this game was about chairs or something???
By the time the doujins are done, it'll be Lupin the Filth.
Nice OT! I'm 4 hours into the game atm and it's even better then I hoped it would be.
Great work, dude! You too, CJ!
Been avoiding all the threads lately, dont want spoilers this close to release.....
But i know BRSxIgnition worked really hard to get this looking amazing and spoiler free, so had a very quick scroll through it.
Looks amazing as expected, great job!
Trying my best to finish Horizon before the game comes out; it's gonna be all about P5 once it's here!
Decided to cancel my "Take Your Heart" edition once I realized I liked the box more than anything in it. Got the steelbook edition, at least!
Anyone have a rundown on the differences between PS3 and PS4 versions? Is it just the resolution? I was going to grab the PS3 version and wasn't sure if I was missing out.
Anyone have a rundown on the differences between PS3 and PS4 versions? Is it just the resolution? I was going to grab the PS3 version and wasn't sure if I was missing out.
Anyone have a rundown on the differences between PS3 and PS4 versions? Is it just the resolution? I was going to grab the PS3 version and wasn't sure if I was missing out.
Also, 20gb? That is really small for a PS4 game, no?
the OT is up now huh...I guess now's a good time as ever to ask my age old question:
any NYC gaffers out there who bought the standard cover edition and wants to trade for the steelbook?
Never worked this hard on a thread before - I hope you all enjoy it, and enjoy the game!
will people get mad if I start spamming this on every page...gettin kinda desperate here
Also, 20gb? That is really small for a PS4 game, no?
So I gotta ask, those "confidants" in OP aren't all the S-links right?
Word. Was hoping there would be somewhere in Coral Springs lol figuresA place in Miami claims they'll 'get it soon' and I'm 'on a list', whatever that means. If they get it, I'll let you know.
So I gotta ask, those "confidants" in OP aren't all the S-links right?
I've been trying (and failing) to beat Horizon, Nioh, ME:A and AoT in Destiny before this comes out...not enough hours in the day.
And of course, Yooka Laylee comes out a week later...
So I gotta ask, those "confidants" in OP aren't all the S-links right?
So I gotta ask, those "confidants" in OP aren't all the S-links right?