Wait, how do you activate Japanese audio?
Oof. Wow. That isn't just a little bit. That thing is wrecked. I hope you complain.Got an early copy from Amazon today, really excited to play! Unfortunately, Amazon can't ship shit without things getting damaged (they had absolutely no bubble wrap or air cushions whatsoever inside the shipping box) so that's sucks.
Got spoiled by the review thread!!!
Thought 4/4 was refering to early april in the game.
Fuck, how do I forget this.
Can we start using the terms early game or after X palace?
Wait, how do you activate Japanese audio?
Thank you, I appreciete you comforting me.That's not a spoiler. It's Morgana's catchphrase of sorts. 4/4 does refer to the beginning of the game, it's something morgana says when you first meet. It's literally the first line you hear from morgana in the introduction trailer.
Odd because I got mine today.
I live in France, too.
I'm in Ireland, mine didn't ship either from'm in Portugal, was the cheapest I found for the TYH edition, here I would pay at least 20 euros more.
Really sucks that it didn't ship today.
I don't like the japanese VO, though I'm early in the game so i haven't heard everyone.
MC: obviously a great voice, but so is the english one
Ryuji: I think the english voice fits better for a thug/punk. Don't get that vibe from the japanese voice.
Ann: probably on par. Neither is great.
Morgana: I only hear Chopper from One Piece...
There's really too much dialogue that goes missing, in the dungeon anyway.
I'm going through the third dungeon and I'm loving hard, challenging you to use all the tools at your disposal and choosing your moves carefully.Guys without any spoilers, what difficulty should I start on?
Main thing I don't want is losing one hour of playtime due to something ridiculous like getting into a battle and all my party members being one shotted instantly.
I love challenges like Souls games and I played Persona 4 Golden but don't really remember the difficulty that much since it was a while ago.
You can, but it I'm sure it has some spoilers in it.
Not only that you miss out on the background chatter as well, as it may not be important it adds to the setting. Plus I really don't think anyone wants to miss out on the lines that some of the demons say during combat as they can be pretty funny.
Does the protagonist have a given name? If not, is it wrong I named him Arsene Lupin?
Just got a call from GameStop. They'll apparently be selling the game at 9 tonight!
I'm going through the third dungeon and I'm loving hard, challenging you to use all the tools at your disposal and choosing your moves carefully.
Eastern time?
I'm in Ireland, mine didn't ship either from
Im shielding myself from spoilers so maybe this already got posted, but theres some free dlc in the US PSN store already.!/en-us/search/q=persona 5
Is Japanese audio not on the disc?
Oh shit thanks for the heads up, I almost went through with that!He's called Akira Kurusu in the manga adaption that the eventual anime adaption and any spinoff will most likely ignore, but calling him "Arsene Lupin" might not be the best idea considering that Arsene Lupin is the protagonist's Persona...
Just got a call from GameStop. They'll apparently be selling the game at 9 tonight!
Might wake up early to get a few hours in before work tomorrow... decisions decisions.
sounds like west coast time.
Not only that you miss out on the background chatter as well, as it may not be important it adds to the setting. Plus I really don't think anyone wants to miss out on the lines that some of the demons say during combat as they can be pretty funny.
I didnt have this problem with Nioh or Horizon. Even got those early!
What kind of background chatter? Damn, I'm starting to think I'll just play it in English.
After hearing all their voices, I'm quite certain now.'s andFutaba's English VAs should have been switched with each other to match how their characters are in the JP VA.Makoto
Anyone with the digital version on PS4 know what time the game goes live? Thinking about going digital for the English release if Amazon fails me
's English VA shouldn't have been in there at all. She's really bad, and I don't think she'd fitFutabamuch better.Makoto
Yeah, and some slightly longer load times.I've been doing so research and the PS3 version seems fine? It's just running 720p vs 1080p on ps4?
I might have to pick this up if that's the case.