Totally new to crpgs. How does it compare to Divinity's lore, sidequesting, story, and characters? Adored the combat in Divinity OS but dreaded pretty much everything else.
Aw man. I loved exploring and doing the sidequests in d
Totally new to crpgs. How does it compare to Divinity's lore, sidequesting, story, and characters? Adored the combat in Divinity OS but dreaded pretty much everything else.
The name it gave me sounds like a drow name or some shit, I picked Dwarf.
Should be like Bor Stonecutter, or Thagrand Battlehammer
Jamendithas? The fuck?
I'd suggest buffing his int for a gimmick build. Though they are great, I've not seen any problems with accuracy like you'd see in D&D games when playing the backers beta.
I dunno; the writing seems rather flowery and self-indulgent, but at the same time it's been very consistent so far, which gives it a real atmosphere, as if it's your own character interpreting these experiences. The writing is also real good, too, which helps a lot. It reminds me of a more in-depth Shadowrun game.
Ok sweet, I was kinda worried it would be like "MISS MISS MISS" haha but I love my melee!
Oh, man. What a gif.
I dunno; the writing seems rather flowery and self-indulgent, but at the same time it's been very consistent so far, which gives it a real atmosphere, as if it's your own character interpreting these experiences. The writing is also real good, too, which helps a lot. It reminds me of a more in-depth Shadowrun game.
The only thing that really bothers me so far, aside from the text ligatures, is the backer-related stuff that's totally immersion-breaking.
Oh, man. What a gif.
I dunno; the writing seems rather flowery and self-indulgent, but at the same time it's been very consistent so far, which gives it a real atmosphere, as if it's your own character interpreting these experiences. The writing is also real good, too, which helps a lot. It reminds me of a more in-depth Shadowrun game.
The only thing that really bothers me so far, aside from the text ligatures, is the backer-related stuff that's totally immersion-breaking.
He's more likely to put someone in to orbit, than to miss. :E
Like what?
You can turn off the text ligatures in the options menu if you want.
Like what?
I'm interested in this too. Ignorant question, is there a limited number ofHere's a question I'm sure will anger some of the purists or whatever, so I'm gonna spoiler tag it lol
? I want to try playing the game on hard the way that the difficulty comes from the hard encounters, not from trying to manage a balance between resting and.. Not resting.Is there a way to get unlimited rests/camping things
I suppose I could do it with a console command, but I don't know how to open the console
There are some tombstones in the game where backers got to put whatever messages they want.
An option to disable would be nice.Well...that's disappointing.
Possible to disable that?
Nope, game keeps crashing almost every time I try to access Gilded Vale. I'll wait until this gets fixed before I go on, I don't want to find any more similar surprises.
oh wow at the framerate chuggin when you get to the tree, lol, wasnt expecting it
I'm interested in this too. Ignorant question, is there a limited number ofover the entire game, and once you run out, you're done?rests/camping
I'm also still interested in whether you can respec abilities, but I am assuming that you cannot. Google turned up some threads discussing it, but it basically came down to "not as far as we know", which makes sense.
Performance is surprisingly solid on my 2010 Macbook. Graphics all look fine. The framerate takes a hit, but its consistent, and its a fucking RPG, the framerate isn't going to kill the experience for me
An option to disable would be nice.
Perhaps these two things are related? What are your PC specs, Krelian91?
It's not too bad, I can run most high-end games without too many problems.
graphic card 1GB DDR5
2,4 GHz processor
To give you an example, games like Dragon Age Origins and Fallout New Vegas didn't give me too many issues. I don't think PoE is that higher in requirements than those, right?
[Asmodean];157613068 said:Playing @ 2560x1440 and the game is rather blurred. Low resolution textures, etc. I'm seeing only a small number of people seem to be having this problem. The wole screen looks to be interpolated.
Can't find anything out of the ordinary in the log. It's detecting my gpu, and threading capabilities, etc. uugh.
In other news, not found much in the way of tweaking anything visually yet, either. Excluding the msaa that they forgot to include in the gui options.
Reference to the saves/settings for anyone who wants;
Save data: C:\Users\"your username"\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity
Settings are stored via the registry under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity
Too bad there isin't an option to enable the higher quality models / textures from the character creation.
Shortly after the intro you'll start running into it. Stuff likeSome of them have really uneven writing or are completely fiction-breaking.NPCs with little stories attached to them, or gravestones with a name and a poem.
It's a bit of a bummer, like all in-game backer rewards (aside from the kickass portraits).
Fortunately, a couple kind souls pointed that out to me a page or two ago. But thanks!
Thisin the first town is murdering me on hard and I have two companions. I'm thinking about just hiring some companions and then trying to clear out everything. >_>Temple of Eothas
For camping, you need camping gear. The amount of gear you can carry is limited by the difficulty (On Hard you can only carry 2 sets, for example) but you can buy and find more camping gear easily enough. You can also rest at Inns. There are rooms that are free, but there are also rooms that cost money and those rooms will give a stat buff to the entire team.
For example, one of the rooms I stayed in cost 100 copper, but gave a +1 mechanics boost to my entire time.
Also, no problems with crashing in Gilded Vale for me. No framerate chugs, but my GPU fans go crazy.
How long does the buff last?
How do you see status afflictions? The game told me someone is fatigued but I can't see who. Is there a way to see your alignment as well? It said I'd gained a level in my rep or something but I can't find that either :/
How long does the buff last?
Until you rest again.
Is stealing a thing in the game?
Is the backer site slow as hell for anyone else?
I'm unsure of exactly how long, but it persisted through me camping twice in a dungeon.
You can steal from the enviroment, not sure about people.