That's odd. They're supposed to be resting bonuses so they should expire next time you rest. Either a bug or they changed the way they operate.
Either a bug or they changed it, because I just camped again to check and the bonus is still there.
That's odd. They're supposed to be resting bonuses so they should expire next time you rest. Either a bug or they changed the way they operate.
Either a bug or they changed it, because I just camped again to check and the bonus is still there.
So is the only way to regain health resting? No potions or spells or anything?
So can someone help me out here with making my character.
I really want to play a fire godlike barbarian however in rpgs I always like to (when offered) use the dialogue to find out the most info I can and get through gameplay that otherwise might be blocked off. (I loved Vampire: TMB when it came to this, actually felt worthwhile to have the dialogue options).
I am wondering, I see that perception is a similar skill in POE in regards to dialogue and was just wondering if it was worth it? Is there a lot of uses for it throughout the game that would make it worthwhile to have high perception for those special dialogues it opens up?
I googled and found a wiki that listed just like 4 "checks" for it, but I was hoping that was just avery early incomplete list, becuase if there's only those four checks it would seem quite useless.
Build wise I had it pegged at 14 str/13 con/12 dex/16 perception/12 int/11 resolve.
Is that a good build for a barbarian (if perception is useful) or would I be better off putting those points more in the other useful stats for my class?
Sounds like a bug. Congrats on the permanent Mechanics buff.
Thisin the first town is murdering me on hard and I have two companions. I'm thinking about just hiring some companions and then trying to clear out everything. >_>Temple of Eothas
That one dialogue choice when encountering the first, I laughed.
Great job, Obsidian.
Depends how much you want to min/max and what you want out of your dude/dudette. Higher perception will give you a tankier barbarian that interrupts a bit more often, at the loss of some offense. A more happy medium might be switching your PER and INT; barbs have a lot of AoE and duration based abilities that will be bolstered by the extra intelligence, and INT is a pretty frequent conversion modifier as well.
TotalBiscuit streaming the game along with lead programmer Adam Brennecke fielding questions from the chat!
Well I decided to finally take a pic of this little problem I have been having.
Lovely Unity engine with its hitches. Little annoying panning the camera and getting that unmistakable Unity hitch.
So INT and PER are the stats most used in conversations? Which classes make the best use of those stats?
Adam just moment ago said that PoE team peaked at 25 people at its largest. High quality and huge product from such small team.
What you are running on? PC, Linux or Mac? I assume all drivers are up to date etc, or?
Probably a stupid question, but are your available party members/companions a good mix of classes? I want to make sure I have some bad ass chanters and wizards, monks, etc. but of all the main characters I've tried to make so far, I like my lady elf ranger the best and I want to stick with her.
I dont think my key was ever emailed to me. Is there a place I can check for it?
So the game won't let me role-play a Pale Walker who's turning good. Playing as a good character apparently doesn't jive with my order, which prevents me from getting really powerful.
That sucks. Re-rolling as a Cipher.
So the game won't let me role-play a Pale Walker who's turning good. Playing as a good character apparently doesn't jive with my order, which prevents me from getting really powerful.
That sucks. Re-rolling as a Cipher.
You can role play counter your order but its doesnt make much sense and youll have to take the hit.
So, which race is the most effective to play as? I'm either gunning for human, elf, or godlike.
You got a link where I can find all other console commands?[Asmodean];157613068 said:You can open the console (with the ` tilde key) and type msaa 0, if you want a fairly nice performance increase, on lower end machines, etc.
This game.
I'm really liking it so far. I tend to gravitate towards spellsword-esque classes/builds, and this seems perfect for that. I got draining soul whip when I leveled so I can cast spells more often, pretty effective.
Good to know. I'm starting up an Aumaua Cipher and will see how that goes.![]()