Nose Master
Sweet god, turnbuckle. You make me feel so inadequate at digital pinball :'(
Petrae said:Speed Machine is worse, in my book. The multiball makes no sense (in either one, actually) and the table design is just... boring. The table objectives have no real direction, and there's no real excitement to be had.
It's obvious that ZEN has improved with their table designs since the FX1 Core set. Really liking Pasha and Biolab, and starting to like Excalibur more and more.
Nose Master said:Sweet god, turnbuckle. You make me feel so inadequate at digital pinball :'(
Parallax Scroll said:To be perfectly honest, I found the physics in both FX 1 and Zen so bad that neither one was worth playing. I'm playing the shit out of FX 2 and having a blast, so there's an indication of how improved the physics are. This is definitely worth getting.
That said, FX 2 still doesn't come close to the physics and realism of The Williams Collection.
Will do.jizzlobber said:[..]
Yeah but I always forget its there.thundr51 said:Picked up Dance Central and DJ hero 2 and yet this game continues to consume me...
In other news, anybody else notice theres a slowdown button?
I'm not really planning on doing regular updates for it, but you can be my friend!zorbsie said:Parallax Scroll: Can I get added to that score sheet? GT:zorbs
Nose Master said:I kind of want to buy all the tables. Any of them I should steer clear of (minus SF2, which I already bought :lol)?
jizzlobber said:I just got the top score (on my list anyway) on nightmare mansion by a measly 200k :lol
Dash Kappei said:Bad? That's the first I wanted! Isn't that updated or something for the new ball physics?
Is it true to the original arcade pinball?
Multiball is where the points are at, so you've got the right idea. Trap the ball and then line up your ramp shot.thundr51 said:Ok SERIOUSLY I want to know what some of you guys are doing to get those outrageous scores...I'm lucky to get 6-7M on Secrets of the Deep but you guys that are getting over 100M W T F.
At this point i'm trying to concentrate on doing one thing (Getting 3 balls locked on the minisub isn't as easy as I thought). But obviously I'm not doing something right...
2 more orbit shots in the left upper playfield.Jucksalbe said:What do you have to do when you activate the Roar of the Kraken on Secrets of the Deep? I saw all the lights of the lower ramps but hitting those isn't enough.
Muscle is the only upgrade I can get reliably.jizzlobber said:I want to get a decent biolab score, but I just don't have it in me, I can't do the skillshot, and I can't do the muscle upgrade.
Nose Master said:Brain upgrade in biolab is stupid easy as well.
Does it even have multipliers? I don't know either.Kweh said:I've been playing Secrets of the Deep solidly, and think I have got the hang of most of the rules, but I still haven't a clue how to get a multiplier.
Parallax Scroll said:Does it even have multipliers? I don't know either.
Ignore it, lolNose Master said:Damn you, Paralaxxxxx :lol. Once you get going on SotD, it's so easy to just keep the multiballs coming up every time you run out.
Still 400m shy, but I'm 11th now on that table :lol
PS: What in the hell are you supposed to do when you're asked to save the turtles? I have no idea, and always hate when I get that mission.
Mr YuYu said:Will the gaf contest be held on the new tables or the old ones? Or both? I wanna enter but i only have the old ones + sf 2
see5harp said:Sorry, but Parallax's score on Deep will never be beat, which really makes the Wizard Score nearly unattainable unless you are straight boss on the other tables.
Open Source said:There are codes for both 1st and 2nd place!
see5harp said:Sorry, but Parallax's score on Deep will never be beat, which really makes the Wizard Score nearly unattainable unless you are straight boss on the other tables.
Nose Master said:Nonsense. He will be defeated![]()
see5harp said:I'm going to keep playing because I love the game. I just don't want to be in denial about being 2nd place or worse. Parallax had a night where he first doubled, then tripled my high score to jump to 2nd in the world. That's like legend etched into granite.
Why would you want to? I just let it drop down to the bottom flippers so I can lock it.turnbuckle said:One thing I don't like about Pasha is how the board gets dark when the lock is lit. It makes the board harder to see and I have an especially difficult time locating and aiming the ball off the top left flipper during it. Otherwise, I think it's my second favorite board next to Excalibur. I still haven't managed to get a hang of hitting the lock consistently in that one.
I've only pulled it off once. Sometimes I fail it in like half a second.Nose Master said:Is there a trick to killing all the guards in Pasha? I can never even get close.
Parallax Scroll said:It's first now
Why would you want to? I just let it drop down to the bottom flippers so I can lock it.
Nose Master said:Is there a trick to killing all the guards in Pasha? I can never even get close.
Yeah, if you go off the end of the flipper you can make sort of an "orbit shot" that brings the ball down onto the moving targets from above. You can take out a bunch of them with one shot that way and clear out some space.turnbuckle said:I've only killed all the guards once. Every time I try to intentionally kill the guards I end up losing the ball. Heck, many times I lose the ball right away. I've had my best success in that mode when I try to shoot the ball off the end of the flipper though.
Nose Master said:Damn you, Paralaxxxxx :lol. Once you get going on SotD, it's so easy to just keep the multiballs coming up every time you run out.
Still 400m shy, but I'm 11th now on that table :lol
PS: What in the hell are you supposed to do when you're asked to save the turtles? I have no idea, and always hate when I get that mission.