KlockreN said:What views are you guys playing with? I'm currently trying everyone but i kinda like view 4..
Moggelicious said:Bought this game(table Excalibur) yesterday and this game rocks! Been having mini tournaments with my nephews and will probably buy rest of the tables soon
Add me if you guys are interested for some competition!
GT: Moggelicious
I tried the trials of all the tables and I agree with you 100%. Will buy the FX2 tables soon.forgeforsaken said:I like that table, but be sure to get the 4 pack for FX2 tables. The EDF table is pretty decent too. The FX1 4pack tables are kind of meh, and the Street Fighter, Nightmare Mansion, and Rocky & Bullwinkle tables aren't that great imo.
Moggelicious said:I think that the street fighter 2 table is the shittiest of them all btw.
catfish said:put some time into this last night, getting a pretty good handle on secrets now but the multiball takes ages to trigger and if you don't get it it can put an end to the games score potential, seems like secrets takes the longest to rack up score. but I also like it the most at the moment.
In secrets how do you activate the left flipper lane, flipper thing, or the multiplier AT ALL?! there is big multiplier icons beside the left low flipper and the score is always 'x1' I never hit that.
Also I cant get the ball into that dive helmet if I get it open, how the fuuuuuu
Rome is HARD. although I did start some score generation with it on my last game, managed to sink that boat, but it's easy to lose a ball by shooting the ramps and having it not make it, roll all the way back down and go straight between the flippers.
Nose Master said:There's three multiball triggers in SotD. Shark Attack, Mine Chaos, and the Sub/Abyss.
catfish said:yep, I know how to get shark attack, it's those top targets to the left of the top left flipper right? I don't know how to trigger mine multiball though.
do you guys have a multiball strat? I know 'shoot ramps' is generally it, but god...... I get freaked out with all the balls on screen and can barely hold anything together. Usually I try and trap 2 balls on flippers once I lost another one. then shoot ramps.
Hivemindcatfish said:rome is a big fat stupid bitch. the amount of times that I push it half way up either ramp then watch it sail back down again straight between the flippers. BLARGH
Truth. I definitely had buyer's remorse immediately after playing this table.Moggelicious said:I think that the street fighter 2 table is the shittiest of them all btw.
Petrae said:Just racked up 2.1 billion on Rocky & Bullwinkle. I finally grabbed Pinball Wizard status from Parallax Scroll!
Open Source said:We're going to address the disproportionate effect that some tables (mostly R&B) have on superscore.
jizzlobber said:I considered cheating last night... but didn't
was playing rome and had the multiball, 2 of them went down the right side at the same side, but they couldn't kick back all the way out, they kept going up and down and clicked together in an infinate loop, 250p every time... if I let it go for the weekend I would've had a huge score :lol
but that aint how I roll![]()
Gowans007 said:4 Marvel Tables, coming next month
catfish said:how the hell does the book of tales work in pasha?! I can get it open but then nothing I shoot does ANYTHING. I eventually get the fight the guards mode but nothing else.
catfish said:how the hell does the book of tales work in pasha?! I can get it open but then nothing I shoot does ANYTHING. I eventually get the fight the guards mode but nothing else.
Gowans007 said:4 Marvel Tables, coming next month