Guys do you get the pre-order costumes the moment you put money down or the day of release?? I found a place near me that might have it this weekend and i might bite but i want those costumes.
Basically, there was a Kid Icarus: Uprising tournament held by Nintendo World Report in April-May earlier this year, and it used the photo proof rule to ensure everyone played fair. Long story short, some dirtbag and his high school-aged friends tried to impersonate the people who beat them so that they could move on. It was a really long and complicated affair that ended with these dirtbags attempting to use a fraud email site to pose as the judge and disqualify everyone who had entered. It was a very nasty state of affairs that I'd rather not see imitated.
A few more details can be found in the comments here and in this podcast.
It needs to be DigiTron; you'd already have a mascot.
Is the game up for pre-order on the EU/UK Store, or just the US one? Can't see it on my Vita...wanted to see how much it was digital.
Day of release afaik.Guys do you get the pre-order costumes the moment you put money down or the day of release?? I found a place near me that might have it this weekend and i might bite but i want those costumes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Scrafty Cup!*
Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be first to five kill limit, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned on. Once entry has closed on the 19th, matchups will be chosen at random. The bracket is single-elimination, so once you're out; you're out. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your oponnent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. Winner gets a cool thing!
2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man-is-Obsolete (Man-is-Obsolete) and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil (emeraldphoenix7)
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
Då Vikings's - Drencrom (Drencrom) and Napalm_frank (NapalmFrank)
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24(maxbahamut24) and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Artful Dodgers - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
RazOr Chamber - Chamber and RazOmari (Knot-Locks)
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi
Figmuncher - Jawmuncher and FigBoy79
Explosive Duo - Zephyrus and B.O.O.M (rathne)
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa
TribalSponge - Sponge and tribal24
We Don't Use Dumb Names - Noi (Noisama) and The Grim Heaper (TheGrimHeaper)
Psyborg- PSY・S (SuP3RiViAIN) and cyborg009
DigiTron - DigitalOp and Vysetron (Chuftbot)
???? - Snapshot King (SnapshotKing) and uncleniccius (uncleniccius)
???? - Tricky I Shadow and Oyashrio-Sama (FFVIIguy)
The Baked Knights - BakedPony (BakedPony1) and batmandarkknight (Macky_Tung)
Parappin' Believers - Tsunamo (JayTooCool) and FMTownsMarteh (NoR4U_)
Looking for Partner
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (Sharingan_Itachi)
For people who are on the list, please post your PSN names. I lost track of some people's PSN username.
For people who are on the list, please post your PSN names. I lost track of some people's PSN username.
I hate it too.
For people who are on the list, please post your PSN names. I lost track of some people's PSN username.
For people who are on the list, please post your PSN names. I lost track of some people's PSN username.
Oh right, I remembered you. You are one that added me to your friend list awhile you were lurker of neogaf during MVC3 era. Right?
I'm with Snapshot king in the tourney, it says I'm with Lord Phol?![]()
Really? My bad. Name of team?
Have I met on xbox360 or psn before? Your name sound familiar for some reason.
i dunno if i wanna find a partner or not.i might let them down due to my sucky fighting game skills.
that and the net speed here in the philippines sucks. but if i have 3-4 bars in COD, then I think I should be fine.
Any players from asian countries?![]()
I'm pinoy as well but I'm not sure if I'll be home during the tourney. It will probably be in the wee hours to morning in local time.
noice. you and i should be partners then.![]()
I'm waiting on him for a name. I'm not really bothered about it to be honest.
what time will the tourney be? (in EST time)
For people who are on the list, please post your PSN names. I lost track of some people's PSN username.
no idea. haha. i dont mind if i miss it pretty sure i'd get my ass kicked. wanna practice before actually diving into the serious stuff. haha.
Noi is Noisama and I'm TheGrimHeaper.For people who are on the list, please post your PSN names. I lost track of some people's PSN username.
what time will the tourney be? (in EST time)
This isn't serious, at least it shouldn't be. It's all in good fun really.
Sounds like it will take place over a couple days or a week so people can work out when they'll be available.
This isn't serious, at least it shouldn't be. It's all in good fun really.
Okay cool. I'll join with batmandarknight if I'm able to. PSN ID is bakedpony1
Sounds like it will take place over a couple days or a week so people can work out when they'll be available.
*says the guy who's going to win the tournament*
This doesnt have dual log in right? Cause I love playing online (especially cod) with my neighbor
HAH!!! I am decent but I know there are much better players here. TheMink and Jstien are probably early favorites.....the harder they fall they say![]()
This doesnt have dual log in right? Cause I love playing online (especially cod) with my neighbor
Tricky I Shadow and I will be teammates!
What is your team name, I just put temporary team name on the list. Baked Batmans![]()
The Baked Knights :T
Team name?
Temporary name till I talk to Tricky....Team Oyashadow-Sama.
To true absolutely hated the game as a kid. Hell playing as both the Compy and Human are just trials of horrible gaming. However even with all that it still has a place with me.
Though I completely agree about GAF when they get bent out of shape over a small detail.
Sort of like how some posters were all "hurt" when they announced PSAS
Good competitive funThis isn't serious, at least it shouldn't be. It's all in good fun really.
Couldn't do it before because the betas servers seemed to be region based