As in "Heathcliff"
Does this game have an online pass?
From what I heard, no.
Does this game have an online pass?
My name is same as here, and Time Effect is Alpha-Male22
Does this game have an online pass?
It'd be a crying shame if the game ends up incredibly unbalanced 1v1 considering 2v2 well, yeah.
Does this game have an online pass?
Watching the Superbot guys go at it 1v1 didn't give off the impression that the game is unbalanced. In skilled hands, a 1v1 fight is incredibly intense and enjoyable to watch. I think people are going to be surprised.
When I was playing a stock match as Ratchet, by the end, it was just me and Nariko, and the fight was back and forth. Lots of defensive and offensive playing, with rolls, blocks, dodges, whiffed Supers (plenty of those!). Building up to a Level 2 or 3 in a 1v1 isn't always the best strategy. I ended up winning that battle against Nariko with Ratchet's Level 1 Ryno.
I do think 2v2 is going to be where it's at, since it is a 4 player party brawler, but if 2 friends just want to go at it on the couch on a weekend, it's still incredibly fun. Especially if the two of you are good at the game, and the nuances of the character.
I really, really want to get my hands on Ratchet again. Watching that WNF video, I picked up on some really useful stuff that I wasn't aware of when I was playing him.
EDIT: Those Starhawk multi-player videos are great. Lol. It's a shame the game just hasn't done well, but hopefully the free single player campaign on PSN will entice more people. I love that game, but I admit I haven't played it in a while.
Good. Saved me $60.
from the OP
- 1-4 (Local and Online)
But the picture says 1 player.
I'm confused.
You don't buy any first party sony games I presume then?
Not since they started.
Good. Saved me $60.
Not since they started.
Thanks, partner.
We need to decide the official rules:
What happens if you disconnect, potential networking issues, laggy matches, exactly what kind of mode we will be using (whether or not we will enable or disable in-game scoring).
Will fight sticks be allowed? I dont see why not, but let's nail these rules down so as to avoid confusion
For those of you going digital, does anybody know how large the download is going to be? I don't have much room left on my PS3.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Scrafty Cup!*
Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be first to five kill limit, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned on. Once entry has closed on the 19th, matchups will be chosen at random. The bracket is single-elimination, so once you're out; you're out. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your oponnent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. Winner gets a cool thing!
2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man-is-Obsolete (Man-is-Obsolete) and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil (emeraldphoenix7)
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
Då Vikings's - Drencrom (Drencrom) and Napalm_frank (NapalmFrank)
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24(maxbahamut24) and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Artful Dodgers - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
RazOr Chamber - Chamber (Novuscaine) and RazOmari (Knot-Locks)
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi
Figmuncher - Jawmuncher and FigBoy79
Explosive Duo - Zephyrus and B.O.O.M (rathne)
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa
TribalSponge - Sponge and tribal24
We Don't Use Dumb Names - Noi (Noisama) and The Grim Heaper (TheGrimHeaper)
Psyborg- PSY・S (SuP3RiViAIN) and cyborg009
DigiTron - DigitalOp and Vysetron (Chuftbot)
???? - Snapshot King (SnapshotKing) and uncleniccius (uncleniccius)
???? - Tricky I Shadow and Oyashrio-Sama (FFVIIguy)
The Baked Knights - BakedPony (BakedPony1) and batmandarkknight (Macky_Tung)
Parappin' Believers - Tsunamo (JayTooCool) and FMTownsMarteh (NoR4U_)
Looking for Partner
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (Sharingan_Itachi)
Someone said the Vita version is 1.6 gigs. Doubt it would be much higher than that.
Does anyone here actually plan to play with a fight stick? I'm going to try it out at least once. Should be interesting, although throwing with 2 buttons might feel a little strange.
Not to jump on you or derail the topic but if are willing to pay $60 which would include the online pass why are you against speninding $60 because it includes it? Resell value?
Hmm....I dunno. Digital does seem cool, but Grace Chen Time and all, I can't see a situation where I could possibly be playing this before I could go to a store and buy it.
PSN ID - Novuscaine
Yeah, it's suppose to be up at 12:01 but it is always scary when you're dealing with GCT. I understand that.
Hmm....I dunno. Digital does seem cool, but Grace Chen Time and all, I can't see a situation where I could possibly be playing this before I could go to a store and buy it.
Pretty much. No option to rent/borrow + my purchase is devalued as soon as I buy it. That, plus it kills online activity.
No need to derail further. Carry on.
Where was it mentioned that it's supposed to be at 12:01?
Pretty much. No option to rent/borrow + my purchase is devalued as soon as I buy it. That, plus it kills online activity.
No need to derail further. Carry on.
So your trying to do the one thing that they have legit reasons to keep from happening that's cutting in on their sales....ok. If you are going to rent, borrow or get the game used they aren't getting your money anyway so honestly why should they care for those not supporting them when they can?
How so? If a game has a pass, I cannot play online to see if it's worth it.It seems like you weren't contemplating on buying it so saying that you saved yourself 60$ is a stretch.
You don't buy any first party sony games I presume then?
Look again, it's the Vita version. Good luck having four players locally on a handheld![]()
No, people rent games to know if they're worth it. I buy everything new.
How so? If a game has a pass, I cannot play online to see if it's worth it.
Lagging will follow an honour system. As for disconnects, I'm going to assume that everyone here is too good to ragequit but if a disconnect happens, we'll just have to assume the worst and give that round to the team that didn't DC. I'd encourage teams to do a few practice matches with each other beforehand to calibrate controls for fightsticks (which will be allowed) and make sure the lag isn't to astronomical. If you test it and the lag makes the game unplayable, contact Smith or me and we'll swap your opponent with someone else who hasn't played their match yet.
Some fun work Im doing for Playstation
In connection with the release of Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale.
I'm actually supportive of a casual trial round if not to make the actual fights more interesting when it comes to knowing your enemies, as well as dealing with lag and whatnot.
By the way, Scrafty, I preordered this game at EB Games and had to put down $5. Do u know if EB gives money back if u cancel preorders? Especially if Im getting everything with digital.
Cards? Nice, you guys are lucky. All we get here in Murka are costumes, I've never even seen those before.
Last time I cancelled a pre-order at EB, they didn't give me my money back but instead kept it in the system, allowing me to put it towards a purchase or a different pre-order. It may vary from store to store, but I wouldn't count on it![]()
You don't buy any first party sony games I presume then?
Look again, it's the Vita version. Good luck having four players locally on a handheld![]()
You know we could make this a more interesting if will allow are opponents to pick are characters for us.
You know we could make this a more interesting if will allow are opponents to pick are characters for us.
You know we could make this a more interesting if will allow are opponents to pick are characters for us.
Can you rank up just by playing offline or must it be done online? I want to unlock the alternate costumes but I'm not sure how much online I'll play versus offline.
Yes, from what I've heard you can rank up in Arcade at least, and maybe with bots (?) I'm not sure about bots though. Superbot was saying on the stream that they wanted the offline and online to be relatively seamless and that ranking would be part of that.
Tuesday is crazy for me too between Black Ops II, The Walking Dead, Vita PS+ and this.Eh screw it, went digital. There's so much stuff coming out that I don't even need this day 1, really, so why am I worried about GCT. Walking Dead, WiiU lineup, and P4G'll all be competing for my time anyway.
EDIT: Christ and that DmC demo as well. Man fuckin Tuesday.