Not going to be at Redbox, sorry. ):I'm interested, but still not sold on this game. Does anyone know if it'll be available at a Redbox or something so I can try it out? I wasn't in the beta (was it PSN+ only? Or am I just an idiot for missing my chance?)
I'm interested, but still not sold on this game. Does anyone know if it'll be available at a Redbox or something so I can try it out? I wasn't in the beta (was it PSN+ only? Or am I just an idiot for missing my chance?)
Bummer tho if it's only 1 extra costume since no pre-order one. Oh well this is more than I dare ask for so it's all coo.
PSY・S;44424733 said:I wonder who Kat's minion will be.
PSY・S;44424733 said:I wonder who Kat's minion will be.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Scrafty Cup!*
Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be first to five kill limit, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned on. Once entry has closed on the 19th, matchups will be chosen at random. The bracket is single-elimination, so once you're out; you're out. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your oponnent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. Winner gets a cool thing!
2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man-is-Obsolete (Man-is-Obsolete) and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil (emeraldphoenix7)
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
Då Vikings's - Drencrom (Drencrom) and Napalm_frank (NapalmFrank)
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24(maxbahamut24) and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Artful Dodgers - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
RazOr Chamber - Chamber (Novuscaine) and RazOmari (Knot-Locks)
Itchypads - Mik_Pad (mik_pad) and Kouichi
Figmuncher - Jawmuncher and FigBoy79 (Figboy)
Explosive Duo - Zephyrus (GoncaloPacheco) and B.O.O.M (rathne)
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa
TribalSponge - Sponge and tribal24
We Don't Use Dumb Names - Noi (Noisama) and The Grim Heaper (TheGrimHeaper)
Psyborg- PSY・S (SuP3RiViAIN) and cyborg009
DigiTron - DigitalOp and Vysetron (Chuftbot)
Unclenching Kings - Snapshot King (SnapshotKing) and uncleniccius (uncleniccius)
???? - Tricky I Shadow and Oyashrio-Sama (FFVIIguy)
The Baked Knights - BakedPony (BakedPony1) and batmandarkknight (Macky_Tung)
Parappin' Believers - Tsunamo (JayTooCool) and FMTownsMarteh (NoR4U_)
InFamous Rising - Spindasher (Mrp7792-X) and Spindasher's Brother (JetsRap94).
Looking for Partner
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (Sharingan_Itachi)
Since Dusty might be with her at all times, it'll probably be Raven or Syd.PSY・S;44424733 said:I wonder who Kat's minion will be.
PSY・S;44424733 said:I wonder who Kat's minion will be.
PSY・S;44424733 said:I wonder who Kat's minion will be.
Alright, I will add you in moment.
Name the games that have duel psn log in? I can't even recalled any games that are allowed us to use that option.
Team Name please?
Littlebigplanet 1+2, Uncharted 3, Resistance 2+3, Starhawk and Motorstorm Apocalypse are the ones that i know about. I'll definitely join SpinDasher in pestering Superbot about it. I'm going to play with my nephew a lot and without dual log in, one of us will have to forfeit his character progress and use of unlockables while playing together. A title like PSASBR that will have a strong emphasis on couch multiplayer, should definitely support this option.
Regarding the tourney, i'd gladly join it, but i'm getting my game from the UK and it will take about a week to arrive. With a friday UK release date delivery might even slip to monday, the 3rd of december, unless they send it out early. >.<
Raven, probably.
Raven, I hope.
Since Dusty might be with her at all times, it'll probably be Raven or Syd.
Dog from Dog's Life.
Creepy old dude that sucks her off?
BTW Seth still refuses to comment on Kats and Emmetts rivals so I fully expect that they will be 2 3rd party ones released at the same time and propably not for free. Perfect marketing of the DLC too since you'd get to fight them in arcade mode.
Ryu and Connor.
Creepy old dude that sucks her off?
Creepy old dude that sucks her off?
PSY・S;44425390 said:
BTW Seth still refuses to comment on Kats and Emmetts rivals so I fully expect that they will be 2 3rd party ones released at the same time and propably not for free. Perfect marketing of the DLC too since you'd get to fight them in arcade mode.
Ryu and Connor.
I hope the game sells well enough so we can see Cloud '_'.
BTW Seth still refuses to comment on Kats and Emmetts rivals so I fully expect that they will be 2 3rd party ones released at the same time and propably not for free. Perfect marketing of the DLC too since you'd get to fight them in arcade mode.
Lightning and Connor.
Littlebigplanet 1+2, Uncharted 3, Resistance 2+3, Starhawk and Motorstorm Apocalypse are the ones that i know about.
I'm in a quandary right now: Buy the game on PSN and not have the physical disc and go through the likelihood of server issues that stall downloading at 12:01 EST OR buy the game this weekend at my local store and pay a few dollars more but then not get the extra costumes and lastly, wait all the way until Tuesday afternoon to get the game at Gamestop.
Connor vs Emmitt= The primitive tribal warrior (well primitive in Emmitt's eyes), against the man- or warrior of the future, a man of technology.
Kat vs Lightning= Another Japan match up, this game needs a goodKatcat fight, and it'd be a really really good girl vs. girl match up.
Wishful thinking on my part, but I haves faith.
BTW Seth still refuses to comment on Kats and Emmetts rivals so I fully expect that they will be 2 3rd party ones released at the same time and propably not for free. Perfect marketing of the DLC too since you'd get to fight them in arcade mode.
Ryu and Connor.
SuperBot made a conscious decision to forgo a fighter from this series, and I don't believe the prospect of downloadable content will make them rethink this.
PSY・S;44426479 said:The Wonderbook should be a stage, hahaha.
I'm very serious.
I was one of the strongest supporters of this game, but I'm slightly disappointed in the single player now.
Arcade with photo panel openings and endings (with a one minute "real" rival cutscene in-between) and no true story mode?
Mortal Kombat (I know, very different game) had the same panel endings, but a fully fledged (with tons of cutscenes) story mode.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl had that giant adventure mode too.
I understand this is the first game in a possible series, but as a generally single player only person, I'm a little bummed.
I refuse to believe Wander can't be in this game. I cant believe that developers have their boss's by the balls like that. It pretty much gives me this image:
Sony: Yo guys, can Superbot use Wander for their game?
Sony: Lol kk, btw how is The Last Guardian?
ICO: iunno
Sony: kthxbai
I refuse to believe Wander can't be in this game. I cant believe that developers have their boss's by the balls like that. It pretty much gives me this image:
Sony: Yo guys, can Superbot use Wander for their game?
Sony: Lol kk, btw how is The Last Guardian?
ICO: iunno
Sony: kthxbai
Stage hazard is a woman in the background who fails to cast spells.
Also why isn't Jeremy in this game, I think he did a good enough job to be in.
I was one of the strongest supporters of this game, but I'm slightly disappointed in the single player now.
Arcade with photo panel openings and endings (with a one minute "real" rival cutscene in-between) and no true story mode?
Mortal Kombat (I know, very different game) had the same panel endings, but a fully fledged (with tons of cutscenes) story mode.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl had that giant adventure mode too.
I understand this is the first game in a possible series, but as a generally single player only person, I'm a little bummed.
If you care only about SP I propably would recommend some other game. They clearly went with multiplayer focus with this one. Maybe sequel has more fleshed out SP.
For the 20000th time, the belts are your online matchmaking rank. And I'm pretty sure Omar talked about leaderboard stuff in the IGN stream.Which only puts more emphasis on the fact that they do not have a online skill based ranking system.
Which only puts more emphasis on the fact that they do not have a online skill based ranking system like the other multiplayer fighting games, and a comparatively small roster.
For the 20000th time, the belts are your online matchmaking rank. And I'm pretty sure Omar talked about leaderboard stuff in the IGN stream.
Well Omar talks about matchmaking seasons in the IGN stream and I dunno how the fuck seasons would work without ladder system. You unlock titles after each season based on what belt you have and how many seasons you have been holding that rank.Sorry but I thought belts were just unlockables like those silly little tags that you can unlock in other games that noone ever cares about. Is there a proper skill based latter system attached to them that I don't know about?
Scan everything and become the martyr PSASBRGAF deservesMan this strategy guide has awesome breakdowns of moves and AP. I am going to enjoy reading this info until the release
If you care only about SP I propably would recommend some other game. They clearly went with multiplayer focus with this one. Maybe sequel has more fleshed out SP.
Why can't you have fun with us online then?Lol I already preordered it on PSN![]()
Torontobro, where did you get the guide?!Man this strategy guide has awesome breakdowns of moves and AP. I am going to enjoy reading this info until the release