Stupid question tried restoring licences, right?
Huh, that's a new one, it worked. Never seen that before, just figured it had to be the wonky store update.
Stupid question tried restoring licences, right?
I've heard of this fix many times, and I honestly think it has to do with Sony's wonky old database systems + the way they are read by the new systems. Good thing it worked thoughHuh, that's a new one, it worked. Never seen that before, just figured it had to be the wonky store update.
Huh, that's a new one, it worked. Never seen that before, just figured it had to be the wonky store update.
I've heard of this fix many times, and I honestly think it has to do with Sony's wonky old database systems + the way they are read by the new systems. Good thing it worked though
Still no store update?! C'mon Sony! I look forward to this every week!
All them kids waiting on the GCT... Ahaha.Yeah seriously, the incompetence of their store staff knows no bounds in the US it seems.
I've heard of this fix many times, and I honestly think it has to do with Sony's wonky old database systems + the way they are read by the new systems. Good thing it worked though
Source?Looks like we're getting Game of Thrones and Dragon Age sales this week. Plus discounts for Draon Age.
Edit: Dragon Age is the Spring Fever sale, GoT is the only new one. My mistake.
Any good horror games for the Vita? So far, I've played Home and Corpse Party.
Any good horror games for the Vita? So far, I've played Home and Corpse Party.
Any good horror games for the Vita? So far, I've played Home and Corpse Party.
that's the Asian release of SAO?
I wish we'd get Hatoful Boyfriendsooner. :/and FFVII PS4
Any good horror games for the Vita? So far, I've played Home and Corpse Party.
I've heard good things about Lone Survivor.
Lone Survivor, but that's about it.
Have you played Silent Hill on PS1?
Want to experience the whole series and go from the beginning? Ys 1&2.
Want to get the best game in the series with the tightest combat system? Ys Oath in Felghana.
Want to get something more traditional-rpgey with a whole battle party, more story and stuff? Seven or Celceta.
3, Oath in Felghana.
FYI Ys 1 and 2's 'combat' system is old style and won't sit well making them a questionable starting point.
Ys 3's combat is more 'approachable' and offers good challenge while still being a good action adventure RPG game, with a godly soundtrack.
Anyone played the Silent Hill Vita game from a while back?
Anyone played the Silent Hill Vita game from a while back?
I assume you were talking about the PSP Corpse Party so yeah, Corpse Party Blood Drive is getting localized sometime in the future.I was afraid of that. I recently started to rediscover my love for horror games, and I've been wanting to dig into a lot that I haven't gotten to play. I do hope the Vita itself gets more survival-horror titles.![]()
Steven from TVL's forums just tipped me to this;
Looks like Guns Up! is now PS4 only, no Vita(or PS3).
gerneric123 commented
Today, 03:44 PM
Cool, now Sony has an out when they cancel the rest of their Vita lineup (if they haven't already).
I assume you were talking about the PSP Corpse Party so yeah, Corpse Party Blood Drive is getting localized sometime in the future.
How was Book of Shadows?
Awesome, almost became my GOTY 2013.
Stealth 2 is PSTV compatible. Boom!
Is the game good?
I heard really mixed opinions about the first one...
The thing is we've read time and time again how easy it is to develop for the Vita, compared to other platforms, specially the PS3. The only excuse I get is that they're prioritizing other platforms first, except that as a Vita owner first and foremost, I take that, most of the times, as a middle finger to all Vita owners that don't own a PS4 or a PS3.
The thing is we've read time and time again how easy it is to develop for the Vita, compared to other platforms, specially the PS3. The only excuse I get is that they're prioritizing other platforms first, except that as a Vita owner first and foremost, I take that, most of the times, as a middle finger to all Vita owners that don't own a PS4 or a PS3.
Seriously, it's especially terrible how Sony is so stubborn about supporting their own product, and a damn good one at that. It's my current favorite handheld for RPGs, especially.
Sony's support is the reason we're getting these games on Vita at all, and the reason it's your current favorite handheld.
Wow. I don't think the store update on the blog has ever gone up this late. It's almost 10PM EDT.
Really? Isnt it the likes of Atlus, XSEED, NISA, BAMCO, Aksys, Tecmo Koei and some others I am probably forgetting that we are getting Vita titles in Japan and in the US? Its certainly not because of Sony. I mean, they had hardly anything for Freedom Wars or Oresheika in terms of fan fare at their launches in the West. Hell, they forgot about Oresheika launching on the respective PS Store Update Blog post and had to be reminded by numerous folk in the comments section.
If by "Sony's support" you mean that Sony is allowing the Vita to still exist, then sure.
Sony's support is the reason we're getting these games on Vita at all, and the reason it's your current favorite handheld.
Sony's third party relations group are the people convincing and paying publishers and developers to put out games for the Vita. In March alone I probably spent over 50 hours between OlliOlli2, Hotline Miami 2 and Flame Over and none of those games would have been on Vita without Sony's direct action.
If this is considered support then what Nintendo is doing for the WiiU must be charity.
Sony's support is the reason some games disappeared from the Vita.
Sony is doing the bare minimum to support the system. They're only investing in very very low risk (and thus low cost) ventures. If you actually think this translates to Sony actively supporting the system with any sort of vigor, you're incredibly naive.
I think what's naive is expecting continued development of 20-40 million dollar budget games like those that were clearly and loudly rejected by the market.
I certainly didn't say anything about Sony needing to make more games like Uncharted. I agree they're not financially viable. But that's not what we're talking about, so I have absolutely no fucking clue why you brought it up. What we're talking about is whether or not Sony supports the Vita to a degree that stating such is not questionable. They don't.I think what's naive is expecting continued development of 20-40 million dollar budget games like those that were clearly and loudly rejected by the market. Nobody wants a B-tier Uncharted handheld game, that's the reality of it. In the mean time I keep playing my Vita a lot, and that's because people at Sony have worked to make those games happen on the Vita. Games that are financially viable on the platform.
I like that a game called Oreshika is a thing that actually exists and comes out in the west, and it was promoted on Sony events, was promoted on the blog, was promoted to media outlets, and was promoted on the web as well as the Vita storefronts. It was also promoted post release with another blog post and a demo release, which cost money to develop. I don't get hung up on the fact that it was a couple hours late on a blog post due to a human mistake.
I don't understand how people can really love a device and still think Sony "hates it". How do you think that device, and the games you love on it, came to be?
Something that no one here mentioned. I don't think you got the point.
I certainly didn't say anything about Sony needing to make more games like Uncharted. I agree they're not financially viable. But that's not what we're talking about, so I have absolutely no fucking clue why you brought it up. What we're talking about is whether or not Sony supports the Vita to a degree that stating such is not questionable. They don't.
Eh, Uncharted and the like are Sony's first party games. They're not on Vita because they're not viable on Vita, and people brought up first party Sony games, but that wasn't the point anyway. Forget about that part.
My point is that if you like the Vita and use the Vita then it's because it's being supported by its platform holder. If it weren't being supported you wouldn't be using the damn thing. Instead people are like "third party games delayed on the Vita? Sony hates the Vita! Third party games that I love are on the Vita? Well, it's not like Sony had anything to do with that!". The leap of logic is astounding.
Man, you must be super popular putting thoughts in peoples heads the way you do, huh?
On my shelf right now are 3 sony-published Vita titles. 1 of them I have never played and opened purely to humour baekshi, 1 is a platformer that I beat in under 10 hours, and 1 is a port of a PS2 trilogy. I own 16 physical Vita games.
Please make your case -- given the evidence provided -- how exactly Sony's support has determined my appreciation for the Vita?
- Escape Plan
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
- Frobisher Says!
- Hustle Kings
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
- Little Deviants
- MLB 12: The Show
- Modnation Racers: Road Trip
- Motorstorm RC
- PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale
- PulzAR
- Reality Fighters
- Resistance: Burning Skies
- Smart As
- Sound Shapes
- Super Stardust Delta
- Uncharted: Fight for Fortune
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss
- Unit 13
- When Vikings Attack
- WipEout 2048
- Bently's Hackpack
- Doki-Doki Universe
- Ecolibrium
- Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
- Flow
- Flower
- Gravity Rush
- Invizimals: The Resistance (EU Only)
- Jak and Daxter Collection
- Killzone: Mercenary
- MLB 13: The Show
- Open Me!
- Pinball Heroes Complete
- Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Soul Sacrifice
- Tearaway
- Borderlands 2
- CounterSpy
- Dead Nation
- Destiny of Spirits
- Entwined
- Freedom Wars
- God of War Collection
- Hohokum
- Invizimals: The Alliance
- Lemmings Touch
- Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
- MLB 14: The Show
- The Muppets Movie Adventures (EU Only)
- Murasaki Baby
- PlayStation Vita Pets
- Ratchet & Clank Trilogy
- Resogun
- The Sly Collection
- Soul Sacrifice Delta
- The Unfinished Swan
- Grim Fandango: Remastered
- Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake
- Helldivers
- MLB 15: The Show
- Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Third party games happen on a platform because the platform holder pushes to make them happen. That's what Nintendo historically failed at. There's a reason the Vita has more third party published downloadable games coming out for it than the Xbox One, a platform that's technically easier to develop for and far more popular in sales. They're not Sony published, and yet they happened on Vita because of Sony. That's their support.
Hm, Dragon Age II for $11.99
Should I bite?