Today had some great news; we are getting a Dragon Quest game for the Vita (Heroes 2) at some point in the the future and Nintendo system owners with CN can get a great free game

Picked Mario Kart 7 for myself (only own a 2DS) but if you guys don't have DKC:TF and own a Wii U, you have to get DKC:TF through CN if you got platinum

; great game and one of the Wii U's stand out tittles.
Sorry about talking Nintendo stuff here, but I had to mention that considering this is the thread I am the most attached on on Gaf

Anyway, what are your guys views on Toukiden Kiwami? I enjoyed the original demo when that came out but it didn't push me to getting that last year. Considering Monster Hunter never 'clicked' with me, I guess that was why I didn't like it as much as I could have (as Toukiden takes a lot of notes from that series). I'm not getting it anytime soon (only have enough to put toward Axiom Verge Vita, Broken Age, Shovel Knight and Mighty No. 9 this month) but if the reactions to the game are good, I might get it latter on

Any answers to that would be really appreciated
