Regarding Touch My Katamari, it is a good game on the Vita

; got it during the first major JP Sale sometime in 2013 and even though I only put maybe a half hour into it, I had fun with it.
Very simple game and it does a good job transitioning the controls of the PS2/PS3/360 games to the Vita and the game looks really great on the Vita's OLED screen. For its cheap price, I highly recommend it

Just keep in mind that if you want to unlock some of the games extra levels, you might 'have' to play PSN credit for fans or something (forgot what they were called....) you collect in the levels and/or get through level score at the end. It isn't a deal breaker, as right now the price is great, just something to keep in mind.
Never played Silent Hill Origins but I got that from this sale and after clearing some space on my Vita, I will put it on it. Looking forward to it honestly, as it seems to be a faithful Silent Hill experience made during a time where the series still had high quality (around the time after SH: The Room came out I think.....).
One Piece looks to be an action/brawler game and if you have the funds, I say pick it up

. The only reason I didn't get it is due to saving money for Shovel Knight this Tuseday; I know for sure I'm going to love that as I enjoyed the MM series in the past, love DuckTails Remastered and am a big fan of the Mario series.