Cool. Assuming this isn't patched into the Vita version, Bandai Namco just lost my sale.
Cool. Assuming this isn't patched into the Vita version, Bandai Namco just lost my sale.
How can it not be patched into the Vita? What happens when you open up a NG+ save on the Vita using a difficulty that the Vita doesn't have access to.
I guess it is possible, but that would be kind of fucked.
Got a mail from my local store here in Chile (Todojuegos).
Also seems to be alreayd shiping from some stores in ebay.
How can it not be patched into the Vita? What happens when you open up a NG+ save on the Vita using a difficulty that the Vita doesn't have access to.
I guess it is possible, but that would be kind of fucked.
Sent Bamco US a tweet about this topic and I hope they respond soon.
Regardless, Bamco usually is good to Vita owners (outside of the new translation and other features of Re:Hollow Fragment never landing on the Vita despite that being a big success for them), so I have hope that those features are coming to Vita too.
They really are not. God Eater 2 Rage Burst localization is nowhere to be seen even though they have trademarked the subtitle. It's not even a Vita exclusive game.
They have promised us Innocence R if Hearts R sells well enough. It was sold out but Namco decided to skip Innocence.
I can't imagine what they think about Ray Gigant localization.
They really are not. God Eater 2 Rage Burst localization is nowhere to be seen even though they have trademarked the subtitle. It's not even a Vita exclusive game.
They have promised us Innocence R if Hearts R sells well enough. It was sold out but Namco decided to skip Innocence.
I can't imagine what they think about Ray Gigant localization.
Vita version should have the new features, Bandai Namco told me.
Ray Gigant's localization I imagine will be localized by the same publisher that localized Demon Gaze.
NISA? I doubt that. They already have two Experience DRPG's waiting to be localized: Stranger of Sword City and Operation Babel. One of them self published in Japan and other one is by Kadokawa (which is pretty close to NISA) so they should prioritize them instead of Ray Gigant. Much easier.
Oh I know. 2 years waiting on GE2 over here. I am with you brother.They really are not. God Eater 2 Rage Burst localization is nowhere to be seen even though they have trademarked the subtitle. It's not even a Vita exclusive game.
They have promised us Innocence R if Hearts R sells well enough. It was sold out but Namco decided to skip Innocence.
I can't imagine what they think about Ray Gigant localization.
They really are not. God Eater 2 Rage Burst localization is nowhere to be seen even though they have trademarked the subtitle. It's not even a Vita exclusive game.
They have promised us Innocence R if Hearts R sells well enough. It was sold out but Namco decided to skip Innocence.
I can't imagine what they think about Ray Gigant localization.
Oh I know. 2 years waiting on GE2 over here. I am with you brother.
NISA? I doubt that. They already have two Experience DRPG's waiting to be localized: Stranger of Sword City and Operation Babel. One of them self published in Japan and other one is by Kadokawa (which is pretty close to NISA) so they should prioritize them instead of Ray Gigant. Much easier.
ToIR is probably dead because there's no time for them to port it to PS4. This year is Zestiria. Next year is Bearsomething and the year after is an actual game developed for PS4.
Same here, hey at least we have Cyber Sleuth from Bamco.
Meanwhile I'm replaying Toukiden Kiwami.
Hells yeah on Mad Max. Got it pre-ordered. Ready for a good "big" game this year. Just rewatched the old Mad Max films in prep. Thunderdome still sucks.
Witness, brother!
Just pre-ordered, and I recommend reading the comics in preparation. Written by George himself, they really complement the last movie.
Also, game's 31.5Gb on PS4 according to PSN
As much as I don't think the title encapsulates my feelings well, Actual Sunlight is the best $5 game I've ever played. That is all.
As much as I don't think the title encapsulates my feelings well, Actual Sunlight is the best $5 game I've ever played. That is all.
Yeah it's a big improvement even when it's not perfect its totally playable and ejoyable this way. I need to try this with chronno triger and see if improves the loading times . in some games it doesn't work.Will try that with Mega Man 2 now and see if that helps with the slow down. Thanks for the tip incpdo.
Edit: After playing through Metal Mans stage (and dying at the boss twice X(), the slowdown during the crusher section is ALOT less then before! Thank you for the tip
Yeah it's a big improvement even when it's not perfect its totally playable and ejoyable this way. I need to try this with chronno triger and see if improves the loading times . in some games it doesn't work.
Might as well wait for a sale on DT2, depending on how much it bombs it might get on sale ever quicker than usual.
Why assume it is going to bomb? Why advocate behavior that would, if taken, contribute to it bombing? Eh. I hope it does well, the more localizations the better and the best way to send that message is to have the games that do come over do well.
Why assume it is going to bomb? Why advocate behavior that would, if taken, contribute to it bombing? Eh. I hope it does well, the more localizations the better and the best way to send that message is to have the games that do come over do well.
ToIR is probably dead because there's no time for them to port it to PS4. This year is Zestiria. Next year is Bearsomething and the year after is an actual game developed for PS4.
I'm trying to platinum Akiba's Trip, i'm on the third playtrough, luckily the game is really short without secondary missions and skipping the dialogues.
Is that what you really think?
Do you really think that anyone on ps4 would pay good money this abomination?
(many say that the game is plain bad, not just ugly)
Damn i bet that many vita owners(me included) wouldn't buy it!
That the game is ugly, and if ported to a PS4 in this state, aside from fans of the game no one would probably buy it. I think that's their this screenshot supposed to prove something that i'm not seeing?
It wasn't pretty but it was overall better other than slightly better looking^I'd buy it
ToHR wasn't very pretty either
is this screenshot supposed to prove something that i'm not seeing?
Is that what you really think?
Do you really think that anyone on ps4 would pay good money this abomination?
(many say that the game is plain bad, not just ugly)
Damn i bet that many vita owners(me included) wouldn't buy it!
Did you see their ps4 ports? They don't have particularly high standards.Do you really think that anyone on ps4 would pay good money this abomination?
If you don't see why a ps4 owner wouldn't buy it then you seriously need new glasses.
Unless you intend to play a game day one you should never pay day one prices for it. Especially Atlus/Capcom/Sony games, which will hit rock bottom prices in a year or so. Even waiting 6 months can get you a significant discount.
Lower tier Atlus games go down in price especially quickly. Conception 2 was 15 bucks only a few months after it released.
Come on Vylash that looks like something straight out of a DS with higher resolutioni don't see how you can use a screenshot, much less one that doesn't look bad at all, to dictate what ps4 owners will or won't buy but ooooooooookay
If someone at bamco believed that TOIR would have sold decently TOIR would have been localized before TOHR, instead TOHR was the only one localized, because they knew that TOIR would have bombed, bamco may be as stupid as you think but they wouldn't waste their money for a ps4 port of TOIR(at max as a cheap digital only game or a free bonus for something else, but nothing more)Reused DS assets are a another big issue, but I think timing is #1.
You have really low standards, good for you i guess, but you are delusional if you think that most of the people have the same standards.i don't see how you can use a screenshot, much less one that doesn't look bad at all, to dictate what ps4 owners will or won't buy but ooooooooookay
Did you see their ps4 ports? They don't have particularly high standards.
Hollow Fragment looked bad on the Vita already, it looks atrocious on PS4. J-Stars is a pretty garbage-looking game as well.It's not a matter of port quality but of source material quality, would you really compare TOIR to Digimon and Toukiden?
Hollow Fragment looked bad on the Vita already, it looks atrocious on PS4. J-Stars is a pretty garbage-looking game as well.
But anyhow, it's not gonna get localized either way.
You know, I try to avoid arguments here on gaf since most of them are just really stupid and pointless but reading through your posts is just giving me a headache
that's to be expected, Hearts R came after Innonce R and reused/touched up a bunch of its assets
the shining games are not representative of the entire psp library, most psp games do not look that good.
Where's this even coming from, I don't think anyone's said otherwise.
people would obviously rather have those games.
The game's not gonna get localized either way, baba has said so himself. So I really don't understand what you're trying to argue here.
Even if you remastered the game, the majority of ps4 owners would still not be interested.
This type of game appeals to a niche audience, giving it fancy graphics won't make it a best seller. SAO Re hollow fragment for instance is a PSP>Vita>PS4 port that's been barely touched up along the way. It looks like crap on PS4 yet people still bought it.
your standards are too high
people have shitty opinions, what else is new
People should ask for Luminous Arc Infinity instead, btw.
Look how beautiful it looks.
People should ask for Luminous Arc Infinity instead, btw.
Look how beautiful it looks.
It's Marvelous so the chances are good. Even though I think it has a certain amount of "questionable" content.Localization of that game hasn't been announced yet? Thought that got announced before for some reason.....
Back on topic, that looks great: animations are very smooth, the performance looks very solid and the effects from attacks/spells/ect from past trailers of the game look really detailed as well.
Hope it comes over, as the Vita doesn't have a ton of SRPG's despite having a few of them thanks to PS1/PSP BC.
Seriously, I want this game so much
It's Marvelous so the chances are good. Even though I think it has a certain amount of "questionable" content.