I sincerely hope you're right. I'm guessing 2016 will be the transitional year where we see lots of PS4/Vita titles brought over (it's already kinda happening, no exclusives announced for next year yet, but plenty of multiplats - Odin Sphere; Digimon etc. and I'm expecting stuff like Exist Archive & Ys 8 to come in 2016 too) and then 2017 will be when the Vita starts getting dropped.
For next year, I dunno really. There's definitely stuff I think XSEED will work on for Vita. But just because Marvelous Japan are developing for it, doesn't mean they'll bring all the games across. As much as I want Net High, I can see them skipping it. Possibly Valkyrie Drive too.
They'll make up their schedule with Falcom games, PC ports and possibly some 3DS games (don't really know enough about 3DS' lineup to say what though, so maybe there's nothing). Aksys are the batshit crazy ones who just pick up whatever they like once they've got their ASW titles in place, whereas I think XSEED play it a lot more safe with the odd in-house favourite title like Kiseki or Corpse Party thrown in.
I wouldn't worry about Vita support for the next year; 2016 has a lot of stuff from JP publishers/developers and indie studios coming next year.
And we already know that the Vita will get games in 2017 thanks to Bloodstained's Vita version launching that year

The tricky thing is what is coming in 2017, as that is a complete unknown right now outside of Bloodstained......
I guess we have to see what is announced throughout 2016 to make a stronger guess, but the Vita has a ton of games coming this year and next year, so I'm happy regardless what happens

I got my Vita in 2013 and own well over 250+ games and I plan on picking up at least 20+ more in the future (plan on getting a 7+ games this fall.....please be on sale XD); I'm very happy with my Vita right now

Just hope before everything ends, we get the God Eater games & Ray Giant localized, some PSN ports to the Vita (please have some kind of Sonic game on Vita; I would be happy with a Sonic CD 2011 port

) and the Legends games landing on PSN (something more likely then in the past, with Tron Bone landing on the PSN Store early this year).