Sucks a bit that US PSN is down (the PS Vita PSN Store says maintenance :l). But I was able to see the PSP/Vita games on sale for the super hero sale....not bad honestly

Justice League: Heroes is 3 bucks and considering that is normally 20 bucks, if anyone wants it, they should get the game now

. From what I remember about the PS2/Xbox versions, its a bit like the X-Men Legends/Diablo, but with DC heroes (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, ect). Should be worth the 3 bucks

Lego Batman 2 while not on pair with the console versions (first Lego open world game), it was fun enough

Lego Batman 3 supposedly was more in-line with the console versions, but don't take my word for it.
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is a full-on remake of the original MMX; intro anime cut-scene, full on secret anime prologue unlocked after beating the game once, re-done visuals, re-done soundtrack (
which ROCKS
!) and some tweaks in how you get armor upgrades. Outside of that, the core game is the same as the SNES classic

. Well worth the sale price and its a fantastic game

Baman: Arkham Blackgate should be a fantastic game considering Metroid Prime devs. are behind it....but its just an okay game. The repeated use of the touch screen for scanning instead of a button alongside the awkward controls leads to a average handheld game that while looks/runs great on Vita, its gameplay is annoying enough to bother you.
Amazing Spider-Man is a port of the PS3 version runs badly :l. 20FPS alongside it being well below native res. leads it to be a blurry mess, but it still is playable and having a open-world Spider-Man game on your Vita (without using a toy and base via Disney Infinity 2.0) is nice. It is a mixture of Spider-Man 2 and Batman Arkham City; solid ideas but poor execution leading to a game that tries to do a lot right but fumbles a bit here and there.
Not sure if Injustice Vita is on sale, but if it is, a solid deal. The game is a port of the PS3 version by Armpture Games (same team that made Arkham Blackgate, the Vita port of the MGS Collection, a canceled FPS set in the Mega Man X universe, and in the future, ports of Bloodstained on PS Vita/Wii U and the main developer on a new IP called Re-Coil). So, the port is closer to native res than MK9 and runs a bit better, but it goes from 60FPS to 30FPS during stage-transitions frequently preventing it in being used competitively. But if you are casual fighting game fan, a great game for the Vita.