Ever since they committed to hitting 2pm PST they did a fantastic job doing so [except for the past month or two]. But they were nailing it on the money for over a year.
You must have been using a different PSN than me.
Ever since they committed to hitting 2pm PST they did a fantastic job doing so [except for the past month or two]. But they were nailing it on the money for over a year.
Where is the hype for Hatoful Boyfriend, guys?
Waited a few days, and my Neptunia U LE still hasn't arrived despite the tracking information saying it was delivered. Shot IFI's Store Support an e-mail. Hopefully it didn't get lost.
I am serious. You are in no position to judge her when you don't even know what she does. You don't know her what she has to go through getting the updates. And neither do I but we know that she works hard to get the updates, and I intend to believe her more than your mere speculation that she takes nap all week long.Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Are you serious?
Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Are you serious?
Because like I always say when someone jumps to this conclusion she isn't the one who is at fault when the store doesn't update on time
There are two parts two the PS Store the Operations (Your wrath is more better directed at this side and whoever runs this) and Marketing side of which she works the latter.
She is more responsible for the sales and stuff that we get on PSN (which have been pretty good over the last little while) the playstation plus content and she publishes the blog posts for the content, she is not in charge of putting up the content itself.
http://blog.us.playstation.com/2012...cast-51-one-year-older-70-million-ps3s-wiser/ - Start from about 01:31 (an hour and 31 minutes)
This is basically the best example of something getting spread around as a joke to where it can actually be damaging to someones image.
Grace Chen works hard to stabilize and update PS Store.
that shucks :/
hope it arrives soon in good shape!
If that's working hard, I must be working about 100x as hard since I post nearly 100x as many posts as she does, right? They should fire her ass and hire me for 50x the pay (a bargain, considering how much quicker and more accurate I am).
Truth be told, I don't care how hard someone works if they can't be part of the solution to a problem they're involved in.
maybe you should take some time to read this and listen to the blogcast
It starts mostly around 01:31:40 or so
have you been liking the PlayStation Plus games (or at least enjoyed them at one point)
have you been liking the various sales
if your answer is YES to both, you need a new article thanking her and her team
Sr. Director means Sr. Director. The buck stops with her just like any other business.
I see. I hope you got the time or chance to listen to that bit of the blogcast
nobody seriously thinks grace chen is sitting at her job stroking a black cat and sipping red wine during psn update times, we're just poking some fun at her
Oh there's no doubt she's attempting to do her job as otherwise she would've been fired, I just can't fathom how the PSBlog and PSStore update teams continually fuck this shit up.
Not entirely her fault, but I mean - seriously... overhaul your goddamn store procedures and information gathering! This is 2015 and everyone else can update on a proper schedule.
Where is the hype for Hatoful Boyfriend, guys?
I wonder when NISA will announce the stuff they were going to at Anime expo.
Google tells me they've announced stuff at TGS before so maybe there?
I wonder when NISA will announce the stuff they were going to at Anime expo.
Google tells me they've announced stuff at TGS before so maybe there?
Where is the hype for Hatoful Boyfriend, guys?
I think it will be throughout the year if they have a lot of game announcements or a few select events if they don't have a lot but the stuff they do have is big enough.
Between the Paris Games Show, GamesCom, TGS, New York Comic-Con and the PSX, there are a lot of places they could announce games.
Hey PS4 gaf idk where to post this but I need some help. One of my controllers recently died (wouldn't charge at all) so I took it upon myself to open it. I successfully did however I have absolutely no idea what battery I can replace it with.
Does anyone know a store I could get this battery physically rather then ordering it online? I live in the US btw
You must have been using a different PSN than me.
Criminal Girls 2 was supposedly leaked through Amazon ad banners.
inb4 Criminal Girls is shit and perverted. Only one of those is true (and it's the latter).
It is a good game especially balance-wise (the characters has really well defined roles). Especially once you get more skills.
My only worry is if they'll be able to follow what made CG quite well regarded (and no, it's not because of the punishing stuff). ImageEpoch is dead, so I wonder who's making this. And maybe improve the balance further.
Oh, and actually follow up on the complaints on the game (too short/too tedious end-game contents) as INVITATION is almost the same thing, just with Live 2D.
Edit: Supposedly clicking the banner would lead you to Yomawari, another game by NipponIchi.
I wonder when NISA will announce the stuff they were going to at Anime expo.
Google tells me they've announced stuff at TGS before so maybe there?
Sure, I understand this POV. I'm not so much in for the character out story as I really enjoy the gameplay. It's just a rewarding stimulus-response loop that clicks with me.IMO GoW 1 and 2 are more than enough GoW for me.
The rest of the games can be skipped.
Kratos isn't that great a character too.
http://gematsu.com/2015/07/dragon-quest-builders-details-protagonist-story-gameplayWhen is the info on DQBuilders supposed to come out? This coming week right?
IMO GoW 1 and 2 are more than enough GoW for me.
The rest of the games can be skipped.
Kratos isn't that great a character too.
God Eater Anime is out and seems to be pretty good. Can't wait to finish my shift to watch. May even fire up Burst on my Vita again.
Sure, I understand this POV. I'm not so much in for the character out story as I really enjoy the gameplay. It's just a rewarding stimulus-response loop that clicks with me.
I will concede that GoW 3 has fantastic graphics though. I'm just not in the mood to go through Kratos being a raging man-child killing the world just to kill one guy because he pissed him off.
Hngghh just a few more hours until I can watch this!Saw the first episode of the God Eater anime and was very impressed. The story looks very interesting and the characters are likable. The combat sections look awesome and I look forward how the MC's God Eater will morph depending on the situation (we already saw it turn into a gun in this episode for example).
Very impressed and I'm looking forward to future episodes of the anime. If the anime is successful enough, that might push Bamco to speed up the localization of GE: Resurrection and/or GE2: Rage Burst
The worst part is that if you played prior games in the series (mainly the PSP games), you get some extra context to why his is so violent.
-Chains of Olympus: He is forced to kill his daughter 'again' in order to save Olympus and can never see her again. He has to literaly pull her off him, thus giving him even more anger prior to the events of God of War 1
-Ghost of Sparta: He not only has to kill his mother (who the gods turn into the monster once she try's to tell Kratos that Zeus is his father) but he loses his brother that he spent the entire game traveling to find (with him being killed by another god).
-God of War I and II: In 1, its established that the kills his family in a fit of range with influence of the God of War, and in 2, he kills Athena when trying to kill Zeus
So, between the gods tricking or forcing to kill his family and preventing him from saving his brother alongside killing the only god that he is close with, Kratos has every right to be that angry at the start of God of War III.
Granted, the lengths he goes through in his vengeance is really, really over done (I was a bit disgusted at some points in GOWIII) but thanks to the PSP games, there is context to it all despite it not being enough to mask how 'savage' Kratos gets by God of War III.
It's a little hard to see Kratos as a tragic character when in every game he's been in, the developers think of various reasons to fuck him up, for no other reason than just to make him 'GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH KILL EVERYTHING AND FUCK YOU!'