Corprate apologists. And We? We didn't buy their AAA games? Who are we?
No one used PSM? Really? I wonder how I got Tokyo JungleM and such then.
I wonder how Destiny of Spirits climbed to over million downloads? Yeah, no one evet played it. That is what it must have been.
House didn't say anything wrong, it is truly legacy to Sony at this point.
And that one game they're truly localizing is on PS3. That's funny.
Okay, I will answer all of your points :l.
1) We are not corporate apologists, but are honestly being realistic; the Sony mismanaged their retail releases and at times rushed them to market, leading them to not be as successful as they should of been. Its a shame that the market and Sony themselves lead to poor success of their first party line up. What genus releases your charming 3D adventure/platformer at the launch of not only your own console (PS4) but at the launch of 3D World and Link Between Worlds? Sony messed but so did the market; they showed no interested in AAA-tier releases for the Vita and they responded to that.
2) PSM's closing is a shame, as a lot of interesting games are dying with it. But, its closing is due to un-natural integration within the PS eco system and it not kicking off on smart phones (the main 'goal' of the program). Its a shame that indie developers projects now have to be moved to standard PSN releases (if they can do that) but just like PSN and XBL, its a digital platform; something that is not sacred. We will all have a big discussion when what happens to PSM happens to PSN, XBL and Nintendo's E-Shop, but that is (thankfully) far away from now.
3) What happened to Destiny of Spirits happens to all free-to-play games on mobile; they close down once it stops being successful or ranking in enough money. So, the game ended :l. I never played it, so I have no attachment to the product, but it is a shame it closed down.
4) What House said WAS wrong; Legacy consoles is what the PS2 became after its finally wave of games in 2006/2007 (KH2, God of War 2, Persona 3, Persona 4, Bully, ect) and that is when the platform gets nothing but 'legacy' installments of games (Madden, Tiger Woods, FFA, ect). The Vita didn't reach that yet and is still getting plenty of great indie games and lots of localization's of Vita games from Japan.
I will close saying this; I'm sorry you hate your Vita

. Sony messed up big time when they launched it and set big expectations for the platform with AAA software and long support of Sony-made games.
But, they did what they could with the platform and now its thriving with tons of games coming from all over and the owners that love the console, really love the console.
I could point you to the 350+ Vita games thread, or even share my large collection of games for the platform, but that won't matter. If you don't like the console, then I'm sorry

But all of us here do love our Vita's and for a while, was negative about the system too, but we decided to accept reality and enjoy the console for what it is; a system filled with games. Not just AAA game, or just indie games, or just PS Classics or just PSP games. A system filled with games. We got positive about the console and are happy with it.
You are being to negative about it like we all was in the past, and I'm sorry

. But we are happy about the console and wish to remain that way.