So I am about 6hrs into Ar noSurge. I have realized that this is a VN with a bunch of battles thrown in between pretty much just because of the amount of story you get VS the amount of gameplay. You get to walk around and stuff, but everything is linear and trust me when I say that there is A LOT of story in this one. I was talking to Shiz yesterday, I feel bad for the folks over at KT because this is like TiTS FC or SC size in terms of scripted localization. Tons to listen to and read. Not that it's a bad thing, since the story and characters so far are pretty great. You may have one or two battles before you reach an area that pops up a cutscene. But that's it. The way battles work though, they can last a while since enemies appear in waves, so only having one or two battles actually helps with the flow of the game. The encounter rate is low, letting you get to where you have to go without having to constantly battle for 5mins at a time. Game is quite sharp looking and beautiful. Framerate can be a mess at times though.
Saw gameplay of the game on YouTube last night and was very surprised with the encounter rate; once you clear a room of foes, that's it unless you go back and forth between areas to raise the encounter rate.
Its a bit odd to considering how the battle system mirrors a lot of its elements from the Mario and Luigi series/Paper Mario/Mario RPG and Kindgom Hearts Re:CoM.
It has the elements from KH being used with a limit on how much you can attack (you have 2-3 different tiers of attacks, but have a set 'ammo' on how much you can use them) and it refills every turn you get. You can get bonus turns if you time your attacks well enough and clear the current 'wave' with the limited ammo you have. Makes the fights fast and fun looking

It also has a timing-system like the Mario RPG's with blocking (as the I saw that you press the circle button as you are getting attacked, with doing it successfully giving you a longer 'Song' meter alongside cutting off damage taken).
The Song system is very interesting, as it doesn't look like a magic system I never saw in prior RPG games. Instead of it being used to heal yourself or cast a simple fire command, its a screen nuke that you launch after you kill enough waves and depending on the waves left, it can either kill most of your foes or all of them.
So, long story short, the combat system is a lot of fun from what I saw of the game

! The game seems to have a lot of charm too; the crafting system ends with a video of your party and the smith having a little 'dance' until the item is complete, the characters seem to have a lot of personality and like Persona 4, sometimes you can start conversations with your party about items being picked up, stuff eaten and even commenting on how much you have been fighting.
The visuals look great on Vita if YouTube quality means anything but the frame-rate seems to be something that taken a huge hit when coming to Vita; it slows down in a good number of places sadly. Granted, it is a JRPG, so the frame-rate isn't the biggest deal in the world, but when it acts up during fights, it might be an issue for some
