I just was thinking about what a Ratchet RPG could play like; sometimes random thoughts come to your mind while doing simple chores

As I was thinking this, I thought "You know what, a Ratchet RPG could have its combat system be lifted out Ar No Surge

The combat system in that game uses the face buttons on the PS3 Controller/Vita's face buttons for attacks, with attack having an X amount of ammo. You also have a powerful 'Song' magic attack, that destories waves of foes attacking you. You kill wave after wave (with each wave being on different lanes) and once you kill enough waves, you can use the Song magic to kill X amount of waves.
How could this work with the Ratchet IP?
Well, I think it can work like this

-You have a party of three (Ratchet, Clank, Someone else like Captain Quark)
-Each member can equip six weapons (and swap between two sets of three with the press of L/R when in battle)
-There are two too four rows per wave
-Each weapon is mapped to the Square, Triangle, and Circle buttons, with the X button being used for the characters melee attacks (Ratchet's wrench for example).
-You have X amount of ammo for each weapon and it refills each turn; you can also get bonus ammo is you clear waves faster.
-Each weapon has unique properties (Ex: Infector can 'poison' one of the rows and over time, it effects the other foes in the row; Combuster deals fire damage to the foe in the front of the rows and as it levels up, it can deal splash damage, burning more foes in the row/other rows).
-Instead of a screen nuke with the Song magic, you have the gadget system from Tools of Destruction return, with each gadget having a set 'energy' meter needed for its usage (gets built up through items and clearing foes/waves).
-Different gadgets have various effects: Groveatron causes foes to dance, letting you get to damage foes for two full waves. RYNO is the screen nuke that kills X amounts of waves. Mr. Zurkon is a 'support' gadget that attacks alongside the party for up to 2-4 waves; the more energy you have, the more Zurkons you can summon (with a full meter summoning his family to help you out

Combine that with charming dialog that happens during the fights, a combo system with the gun system, and thrown in same composers behind
Spyro 2 and
Ratchet's PS2 ventures for the OST and you have a great RPG in your hands
