Hey guys is SAO Re: Hollow Fragment not coming to Vita or did I read the news wrong? Because I swear Bandai announced on twitter that Vita will also get the updated game.
Hey guys is SAO Re: Hollow Fragment not coming to Vita or did I read the news wrong? Because I swear Bandai announced on twitter that Vita will also get the updated game.
They didn't.
Oh, lame. Was almost impressed with bamco for a moment
They didn't.
Oh, lame. Was almost impressed with bamco for a moment
They didn't.
It's PS4 only
they did in the asian english version
Bought DR2 guys, I was wondering if it's okay to play it on gentle instead of kind ?
Bought DR2 guys, I was wondering if it's okay to play it on gentle instead of kind ?
store's down
just tried to buy bastion and nope
You guys remember the reports of Tri-Ace and Spike Chunsoft working together on a project? Well, it got announced today and the game is called Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky and its landing on both PS Vita and PS4.
No localization news yet, but here is the information listed in the thread of the game:
-Its a Sideview RPG
-Mino Taro art design
-Sakurba score
-Norimoto scenario
-Gotanda programming
-Yuichiro Saito producer
This is great news; another interesting JRPG landing on PlayStation platforms and yet another interesting Vita game coming next year
Heh saw this on Gematsu and thought to myself "Looks great. Will we ever even see it in english though?". As time passes I get less and less enthusiastic about Japanese announcements because at the end of the day it only means that we MIGHT get it one day.
The game be would be localized even without PS4 version.And with this having a PS4 version, I would feel safe assuming that Spike Chunsoft has plans in bringing the game over.
The game be would be localized even without PS4 version.
I'm checking the NA PSN Store now and it states it cannot load :l.
I guess its under maintenance or something now. Sorry you couldn't get Bastion now robotrock. But the store should be working by tomorrow morning, so that should be good
Really? Being exclusive means they respect? If they really did, this would be exclusive also. They are just putting it out where will sell and porting to where it might sell (it will be a failure).That is a good point; they really want to support the Vita and their main series still being Vita exclusive speaks a lot in how much they respect the platform.
Only mention the PS4 version due to that being used with other companies like Bamco (Digimon CS, One Piece Warriors 3, ect) in ensuring sales in the west on consoles.
Really? Being exclusive means they respect? If they really did, this would be exclusive also. They are just putting it out where will sell and porting to where it might sell (it will be a failure).
Bamco strategy is different. They know digimon wouldn't sell in Japan, that's why it hasn't been announced there. And Vita only in west for Digimon would have sold well even without PS4 version. It wouldn't even have existed without that petition.
If SC wanted west sales that badly (that'll surely work!), they would be porting games just for west also.
And OPW3 of PS4 would have existed regardless of west.
it'll come over because NISA is too desperate to leave spike chunsoft games unlocalized
It's a great morning already and the DQ things hasn't even started yet.
get out of here with your cynicism
Announcing that before the 3DS port is even out seems like a great plan
But all the minigames are pretty easy or at least tolerable aside from "improved" Hangman's Gambit
Apparently the Dragon Quest game that is releasing on Vita is Builders, the Minecraft-like game.
Not DQ Heroes 2 which now has 4 player co-op.
We're still getting DQ on Vita though so win-win regardless~
EDIT: Wait was I misinformed?
MAybe DQ Builders isn't releasing on Vita @_@
DQH 2 is also coming to Vita
Both are on Vita. Why can it only be one?
Heh saw this on Gematsu and thought to myself "Looks great. Will we ever even see it in english though?". As time passes I get less and less enthusiastic about Japanese announcements because at the end of the day it only means that we MIGHT get it one day.
Poor Vita
Will people say the 3DS got "just a port of the game" instead of calling it a multiplat release?
Because that's how I learned it works around here.
I guess that will depend on how the versions turn out.
PS4 might as well get a cheap up-port of the 3DS game
But it's apparently made in UE4 so I'm not sure how the 3DS ver. will work at all
Poor Vita
3DS ver. is being made by the Kid Icarus devs.
More like Poor PS4, 3DS has a bigger base than PS4 atm right? Come the game's release the 3DS ver. will hit like 1 mil Week 1, and PS4'll reach like 100K week 1 :kappa
But yeah if they made it for Vita it might get a sales boost *shrugs*
So is it the PS4 version or the 3DS version that "doesn't count"?
So is it the PS4 version or the 3DS version that "doesn't count"?
So is it the PS4 version or the 3DS version that "doesn't count"?
Some info from magazine
-Setting is Tokyo and planet called Plotraksa(?)
-12 young protagonists gets Shinigami (Evil God)'s soul in them so they become immortal, and they end up getting involved with battle of Gods
-Dungeon traveling is 3D Sideview with SD characters
-you can perform actions like jump and dash to progress dungeons
-enemies are symbol encounter so you can attack them first
-battle involves 4 characters in system called active chain battle
-Each members are bound to the 4 face buttons (○/×/□/△and when you press each button corresponding characters attack
-you have to think of the order of the attack to keep the combo going, and higher combos will result battle chance of rare items
-In the battle there is 'front row' and 'back row' and you can switch them during battle. Front row has higher damage output but is easier for enemies to attack. Back row has lower damage but it's harder for enemies to attack you.
-main characters have power of shinigami, so you can unlock those powers to do special attacks
-story is not your typical "good guys beat evil guys"
-you have important choices to choose which member you send back to Earth. The order in which you send characters back to Earth will have influence on the road to the ending.
-time it takes to beat the game is around 40~50 hours
-There is extra dungeon after you beat the game
-there are lots of post-game contents
-online elements include time attack on boss battles
From Takaki's twitter
Can't believe it's actually coming out![]()