No problem

; its a game on the top of my very long list of Vita games to pick up this fall (ReBirth 3, Action Unleashed, Dangrompa 1 and 2, Another Episode, Trials of Cold Steel Part 1, Trails of the Sky, Mighty No. 9, Shantae: Half Genie Hero, ect) XD.
The soundtrack of Ciel No Surge specifically is fanatic; the vocal tracks are beautiful and the visuals linked to them (the Song scenes in Ciel No Surge) look amazing :'). Its a shame it never got localized, but I understand why it wasn't (VN x Life Simulator, Extensive VA work needed, large script to translate, ect).
Ar No Suge has a fantastic soundtrack as well and its gameplay systems are very interesting looking (the combat looks like a mix of Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario and KH: Chain of Memories to me....and I love those games

Can't wait to dive into the game this fall
