Heads up for anyone interested; Darksiders II is 10 bucks on PSN right now and if you also want the first game, pick up the bundle (which is 20 bucks right now), as it includes the first game alongside all the DLC for Darksiders II

Loved the original Darksiders and it feels like the perfect 'dark' Zelda game for anyone interested

. If you don't want to get both games, you could just get the original game for 5 bucks (which is the stronger, focused game of the two).
The second game mixes in Diablo alongside its Zelda and God of War roots, with the world being open-ended and filled with gear to find. This leads to the story suffering, as it is very bland and 'meh', but for gameplay and design, it makes up for that in spades I find

. In a way, Darksiders II is the Zelda 1 to Darksiders I's OoT/MM roots; more open and filled with things to find but doesn't have a strong focus on story.