there are tons of good games in the saleIt is as if the worst titles from each platform were handpicked and tossed into a single sale.
everyone go buy Graces and Xillia and Neptunia and Monpiece and Fate Extra
there are tons of good games in the saleIt is as if the worst titles from each platform were handpicked and tossed into a single sale.
I keep forgetting that this is pretty likely given NISA + Kadokawa being pals lately, and them already having done some of the anime.
I hope not also. I do not want.
The Love Live Vita games are terrible. No, pls.I keep forgetting that this is pretty likely given NISA + Kadokawa being pals lately, and them already having done some of the anime.
I hope not also. I do not want.
The Love Live Vita games are terrible. No, pls.
The truth hurts, I know. It's okay.grrrrr
so I'm the only one who will buy that love live game if it materializes outside japan?
Tales of hearts + Hyperdimensiom should be fine for 20$? Or everyone will crush me again and recommend Mind Zero over one of them.
EDIT: Fuck, VC2 and Eliminage might get a price drop. I don't have a working ps3 T_T
don't worry i'm on your teamso I'm the only one who will buy that love live game if it materializes outside japan?
For both? That's a steal.Tales of hearts + Hyperdimensiom should be fine for 20$?T_T
so I'm the only one who will buy that love live game if it materializes outside japan?
Tales of hearts + Hyperdimensiom should be fine for 20$? Or everyone will crush me again and recommend Mind Zero over one of them.
EDIT: Fuck, VC2 and Eliminage might get a price drop. I don't have a working ps3 T_T
Yeah, the import costs would price me out of the game unfortunately. Now I'm hoping either of the game shops here import that, still pricey but not like when I do it myself.I think tohr and neptunia would be a fine combo.I think Tom already said it, but it sounds like if you want IA/VT you'll need to import.[/url]
Our tastes are starting to line up. Not that I hate it either.don't worry i'm on your team
It really looks like a good combo for now.For both? That's a steal.
I'm contemplating extremely hard for VC2 to replace it.Save the $6 by not buying rebirth.![]()
I own every (localized) mainline Tales game since Symphonia now
Everyone buy Tales of Hearts R btw
I got it for like ~$20 something in a previous sale and was definitely worth it, $14 is a steal
nah, you can actually combo artes like in recent tales gameswould i like hearts r if i hated the battle systems in symphonia and abyss? because it honestly looks the same
nah, you can actually combo artes like in recent tales games
better than Xillia's imo
the colosseum let's you fight characters from other gameswell i guess i'll give it a shot
...and is that hubert?
Its what happens when theres a small amount of jrpgs on a system so you settle for the mediocre ones.
Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?
Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?
Also, Sonic Rivals? I don't generally like platformers but i loved rayman origins. Odds I'll like Sonic Rivals?
Do you have the source of the first gif? It's ruined by the interlacing so it'd be nice to make a new one.nah, you can actually combo artes like in recent tales games
better than Xillia's imo
I liked it, I'd say it's worth $14.Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?
Bought Kingdom Hearts 2.5 to play after 1.5.
Big shout out to these 2 tracks, in the first game. There's many more that are amazing but these two in particular are on point:
Dearly Beloved (Final Mix Version)
Simple and Clean Remix
Damn, that's a pity. It's basically that Resonance of Fate gif.Yeah, that's the video's fault though
I prefer the platnib remix. My friend showed this to me a day after kh3 got announced.Bought Kingdom Hearts 2.5 to play after 1.5.
Big shout out to these 2 tracks, in the first game. There's many more that are amazing but these two in particular are on point:
Dearly Beloved (Final Mix Version)
Simple and Clean Remix
I really enjoyed the combat, best thing about it. It's quite deep and you'll still be getting better at it ten hours in, as new abilities unlock. Even better, everything works on the bosses, so skills learned in regular combat serve you well against them. Even the characters grew on me despite being largely annoying and simplistic cliches at first, theres quite a lot of optional chatter to read that's funny in places.Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?
Also, Sonic Rivals? I don't generally like platformers but i loved rayman origins. Odds I'll like Sonic Rivals?
How's Rainbow Moon? It's one of the weekly deals for $5 and the screenshots look nice. Hidden indie gem or not?
How's Rainbow Moon? It's one of the weekly deals for $5 and the screenshots look nice. Hidden indie gem or not?
One word. Grindy. Two words. Very Grindy.
played that thanks to ps+ but hated it for its grindy gameplay. You might need other opinions though since I'm soured for this game thanks to it being too grindy to me.
Grindy might be fine for me if the game has some redeeming qualities. How's the world/lore like? And do you get to explore dungeons or is it the usual menu-based mission select from other SRPGs?
Ah, thanks autoduelist!
One word. Grindy. Two words. Very Grindy.
played that thanks to ps+ but hated it for its grindy gameplay. You might need other opinions though since I'm soured for this game thanks to it being too grindy to me.
Rainbow Moon impressions
Can i get some feedback for Tales of Hearts R from anyone but Man God please?
Bought Kingdom Hearts 2.5 to play after 1.5.
Big shout out to these 2 tracks, in the first game. There's many more that are amazing but these two in particular are on point:
Dearly Beloved (Final Mix Version)
Simple and Clean Remix
I prefer the platnib remix. My friend showed this to me a day after kh3 got announced.
my favorite tracks <3
The second one gave my goosebumps when it played for the first time with the cutscenes. My god:
Let's watch it again!
The second one gave my goosebumps when it played for the first time with the cutscenes. My god:
Let's watch it again!
I'm still not too far in, I'm at Deep Jungle now. I am using a spoiler free FAQ to help me out with some of the stuff, there's been many times that I just don''t know what to do or where to go.Nice avatar change man. Glad you are enjoying the collections Names
They are great games, so hope you enjoy them. If you got far enough to answer this, what is your favorite Disney world so far?
From the original KH's, it would be a tie between Halloween Town (Nightmare Before Christmas) or Deep Jungle (Tarzan).
That's a lot of games to play through and with my already large backlog....I have a lot to play for the summer now.
But then that would mean Sora wouldn't have a fish mouth during cutscenes anymore!of only a remake has the whole game in that kind of graphics <3