I've been thinking what Vita games have a chance of coming over. With AX in a few days, I know it's already been discussed in this thread. However, AX and beyond, what games do you think we'll be getting? I made a list, more for the convenience really

Most likely getting localized:
Atelier Sophie
Atelier Escha & Logy plus
Yoru no Nai Kuni
Makai Shin Trillion
Death Under the labyrinth
All the future Neptunia games
TK are amazing at bringing Gust games over, so I've no doubt we'll be seeing both Atelier games and YnNK eventually. Same goes for IF. Haven't been paying attention to DUtL much, but I assume we'll get it over here barring some heavy fanservice. And even then, there's the Asian English release.
Teased: (Using the term loosely here)
God Eater Rage Burst 2
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Chaos Head Noah
Steins;Gate 0
Zero Escape 3*
GE has been trademarked in Europe. A listing for Cyber Sleuth appeared on Amazon CA (Albeit it was for the ps4 version. Can assume we'll be getting it digital only for Vita). According to some people in this thread, Chaos;Head has been teased. 5pb US also mentioned S;G 0 via their twitter (
http://i.imgur.com/wq6Mu7d.png). Aksys have been having a teaser site for over 3 months now. If it's anything other than ZE3 they'll have to barricade themselves from the angry mobs. * = doesn't mean it'll be for the Vita even if it does get revealed though.
Higher than average possibility of getting these:
Stranger of the Sword City
Tokyo Xanadu
Ray Gigant
NISA seems to have a good relationship with EXP inc. Demon Gaze sold really well. I don't think AO sold better than DG, but a lot more people want SotSC than AO so a localization announcement seems likely.
XSeed has been on a roll lately. Not only are we getting TiTS 2, but we're also getting Sen 1 & 2. I should mention that they're also localizing Xanadu Next (pc only). Maybe after they're done with Sen 2, they'll do TX.
Ray gigant is slightly tricky since both experience inc and Bamco are involved. Bamco usually port their Vita games to PS4 for the West. Since Ray gigant hasn't been released yet, it might be a long wait.
Releasing never (short of a miracle):
IA/VT colorful
Sora/Zero/Ao no kiseki Evolution
What games did I miss?