PSP Go is super easy!It's kinda neat that we have two consoles out right now where collecting all of the physical releases is pretty easy.
PSP Go is super easy!
can you change the text speed?
Finally officially announced:
December 3rd release
Well, there goes my assumption it's a PSX game.
Desperately hoping that Asian-English version is true.
That cover made me go plunk down a pre-order for the Asia English, even though TBA and $50 had me hesitant. I paid CC with no pre-ship charge instead of Paypal though, to make the possibility of it being cancelled less hassle.
Now I can just hope the cover it gets is just as cool.
Finally officially announced:
December 3rd release
Got an email telling me to change my password, should I ignore it?
Got an email telling me to change my password, should I ignore it?
During GDC of this year, I discussed the various upcoming projects as well as the issues Sekai faced with getting proper contact with Sony in order to get their titles onto Sonys services. It just so happened that my previous job had me doing this sorts of work in Europe, and as such I offered to help speed up this process.
Over the last few months, I have become part of the team and concentrated my efforts on improving key areas of this wonderful company, namely our front on the digital handheld market such as PSN, as well as proper community communication. And Im glad to say that weve now been able to progress rapidly and should have some very good news for Grisaia fans in the coming weeks! While the lack of communication on this issue is unfortunate, it is important to take the amount of work that is needed into consideration, and that the team at Sekai Project never stopped working hard on this even before I teamed up with them. In order to be approved, let alone have your titles viable to be put on a service like PSN requires a lot of paperwork, not to mention legalities from Japan, cleared up. GDD (Game Design Documents) need to be made from scratch to fully explain the game inside and out, content needs to be accurately presented and explained, and the list goes on. While we are all lifelong gaming enthusiasts and lovers of VN, the world of publishing a game can be a jungle of technicalities and confusion if you never walked through it before. Ill avoid getting too deeply into all the hoops in getting games published, but its sadly not as simple as uploading a file and wait for a happy answer.
But now that we been able to mostly clear up all obstacles that stood in the way of getting this game and the others we got in the pipeline onto the PSN service, we will work hard at bringing more surprises and continue our support for the VN genre. We will of course also keep you continuously updated on the progress with further games scheduled onto the PSVita.
That cover made me go plunk down a pre-order for the Asia English, even though TBA and $50 had me hesitant. I paid CC with no pre-ship charge instead of Paypal though, to make the possibility of it being cancelled less hassle.
Now I can just hope the cover it gets is just as cool.
I've put countless hours into it, getting all the stars in it first on Steam, and now on vita. I only have a few more trophies to get.
It's not a great game, but I had fun with it. It's sort of like Frozen Synapse - turn based, squad based, tactical combat. It was originally a mobile game and feels like it at times.
That said, you do level up your squad rpg style (5 stats, different classes) and that's fun, and the more 'realistic' take on it is also fun. Just don't expect the polish (even close) of FS or others in the genre like Door Kickers. It's got tons of levels, several play modes, and a wide range of difficulty (hard is -hard-). FS is the better game, but in many ways I had more fun with B&C despite myself.
I've put countless hours into it, getting all the stars in it first on Steam, and now on vita. I only have a few more trophies to get.
It's not a great game, but I had fun with it. It's sort of like Frozen Synapse - turn based, squad based, tactical combat. It was originally a mobile game and feels like it at times.
That said, you do level up your squad rpg style (5 stats, different classes) and that's fun, and the more 'realistic' take on it is also fun. Just don't expect the polish (even close) of FS or others in the genre like Door Kickers. It's got tons of levels, several play modes, and a wide range of difficulty (hard is -hard-). FS is the better game, but in many ways I had more fun with B&C despite myself.
Heroes of Loot got a price adjustement in europe - it's now 2.99€
Finally officially announced:
December 3rd release
1001 Spikes will be out in EU tomorrow, 14,99, probably not cross buy like all other Nicalis releases and only in certain EU regions
how hyped are you for this brand new game
Also SMB Vita is out and apparently a perfect port
Agree with you Frozen Synapse is the better game. Breech and Clear gets really repetitive quickly. Not sure it matters because I have a feeling that all 1500 copies will stay in the saran wrap.
I'd get it at that priceLooking to get into Corpse Party, should I bite for $10CAD ?!/en-ca/games/corpse-party/cid=UP1023-NPUH10117_00-0000000000000000
How long is the game?
I'd normally do the same thing, but since getting hit with credit card fraud last week, I'm having to go PayPal only for now & I don't fancy paying for this upfront.
Do we know for sure if it's physical only in Asia or is there a chance of it getting released physically in the West?
Hmm $25 not that bad, now the catch is how much for international shipping is, they said $4 within the US but RCR shipping cost left me salty...
If anything, VGP+ is the way to go. I didn't want to pay that absurd international shipping for RCR DX and just a few days after they started shipping the game, VGP+ had it available for sale with a shipping five times cheaper.
I have learned from my mistake Shizuka, I should've waited like you ;(
Still, why didn't you warn me that time?Just kidding xD.
So I am finally ready.
Danganronpa - how often do they drop in price? What's the lowest PS+ price we've seen?
I have this issue with the PSN webstore: whenever there is a PS+ game I previously owned, it'll not show as "purchased" like my other games, but as "free", as if I didn't already have the game. I proceed to "buy" it as PS+, but I get the impression that I lose my ownership and the PS+ purchase overwrites my regular purchase.
Does this happen to you guys as well? The latest for me is that I bought Kung Fu Rabbit last year, but it's showing to me as "free" right now.
No sales today?
I have this issue with the PSN webstore: whenever there is a PS+ game I previously owned, it'll not show as "purchased" like my other games, but as "free", as if I didn't already have the game. I proceed to "buy" it as PS+, but I get the impression that I lose my ownership and the PS+ purchase overwrites my regular purchase.
Does this happen to you guys as well? The latest for me is that I bought Kung Fu Rabbit last year, but it's showing to me as "free" right now.
No sales today?
I bought Citizens of Earth for less than five bucks, if that counts.
If Store update is weak, probably the Flash sales will be great.
Looking at the Vita store, either my Vita is a time machine, or these are the same sales they had last week. Citizens of Earth, Thomas, Hearts R, Moto, Mud, Ace Combat, Soundshapes stuff, I know I saw all this stuff last week. Or are they just being incredibly slow today?
That's not bad.
If I had the money, would pick it up to try out; heard it has roots in the Earthbound style of RPGs.
It's fun for awhile but still super glitchy.
Sometimes that happens to me; I purchased Kung Fu Rabbit ages ago but I keep getting the option to download the game again (its listed as 'Free' instead of 'Purchased') and while the Vita version lists Free in Yellow text (PS+ title) and the PS3 version listed as Free in White text.
So, I got the PS3 version alongside the other Plus games, and after I purchased everything, I got the PS3 and Vita versions (as if I got the game through Plus).
Is that you situation right now? And what games do you own already that Plus is giving out this month? I might be able to help if you can answer.
Kung fu rabbit is not cross buy, they're giving both versions and you're seeing the one you haven't bought as free.
At least that's what happened in europe. a week ago I've checked out of curiosity (PSblog said that Kung fu rabbit would have been given away for PS3 and Vita, but I was sure it wasn't crossbuy) and in fact I owned just the Vita version. Now I can download the PS3 version, which is tied to my sub, while Vita version has no expiration date.