Played a bunch of games today thanks to PlayStation Plus and going back to some older games in my GameCube collection

Super Meat Boy is the one I was the most excited about and.....its good. I love the look and style of the game, the controls (mostly) feel great on Vita, and I love the Light/Dark World elements plus the WARP ZOOOOOONE's you can find hidden in levels. The only issue I have with the game is one many have commented on already; the soundtrack. I know its different than the PC/360 versions due to the creator of the OST being...something (don't want to say spiteful or prickish, as it IS is work that he is exerting control over) but still, its a bit distracting.
I listened to some of the original versions soundtrack and man is is great

! I love how it sounds and it bites that I have to either download it online and put on my Vita (to listen to it while playing) or whenever I get a PS4 use Spotify to play the original OST while playing the game.
Its not a major deal to me, as I like the new OST. Its not as great as the new OST that Bending of Issac Rebirth got, but its still a solid soundtrack that while not matching the game at times, still pumps you up for death after death

Tried playing Broken Age next....but my Vita's touch screen was bugging out, so I could select anything

. So, I will be trying it again in a while, than post my comments on my first hour or so latter

The comment about going back to my GameCube collection? It was to play a Spyro game that I own that I haven't played in a while; Spyro A Hero's Tail. The game heavily mirrors not the Spyro series but Jak & Daxter with its structure, level design and mission objectives. You have an inter-connected world, Spyro can double jump, his level design has far more pure platforming than the PS1 trilogy and the different mission types feel ripped out of other games; Hunter is a mix of Fox from Star Fox Adventures and Jak, Sargent Bird is a new take on the Speedway levels form the original series, Brink feels like a heavier version of Jak and Sparx is a mix between Star Fox 64 and Space Harrier.
The game still has a lot of what makes Spyro great though; the humor is quite funny with a number of lines cracking me up or giving me a smile, the visuals mirror the colorful worlds of past installments, the music while not having the same composer from past titles still sounds great, and Spyro still having a lot of his abilities from past games (Horn Dive, Glide, Flame Breath, Charging, Elemental Breaths from Enter the Dragonfly, ect).
Overall, it was a nice surprise going back to the game and getting some gems and Dragon Eggs; came in expecting to not hate the game but see it pale in comparison to Spyro 1 and 2. But, the game feels like a nice evolution from those games and while it doesn't copy from them like how Enter the Dragonfly did, it still feels like a Spyro game but adding more to stand out. I respect the game for trying and similar to Crash Twinsanity and the GBA Crash games, A Hero's Tail is the best post-Insomniac developed Spyro game out there next to the GBA games and Legend of Spyro Eternal Night/Dawn of the Dragon.
The latter two games (Eternal Night and Dawn of the Dragon) should be respected a little bit more, as while they went in a very different direction then what most where expecting, they largely succeed in making this grand, epic tale.....even if it is a bit generic and it having Sparx having different personalities every game.
....Going from Kusko (Emperors New Groove) in the original Legend of Spyro, to Fry (Futurama) and lastly to a completely different person; Sparx has a lot of different voices XD!