You have strange friends and relatives. Have they even tried once? Also the aim controller is a cool Controller option for the future, but not required for anything.
Travel experience? Check out AnyWhere.
Social experiences? Werewolves Within, SportsBar
Nieces and nephews avid gamers. They tried. momentary wow, then went to something more engaging.
Frankly, i hated sports bar myself. Werewolves within was awesome, and was a great primer for what I expected Star Trek to be. What I expected (and one of the videos I saw prior to PSVR's launch) was a social hub. Sony had been developing something internally that
housed a hub and a bunch of mini games, and it wasn't Playroom. Do I expect it to come out? Eventually, but the window had passed for me, and I was a day one owner. I would get my social interaction with other PSVR people from either Gaf or /r/psvr, but it started to annoy me that there was no sony polished experience ready to go so that PSVR wouldn't feel so isolating.
People getting sick happens, but it shouldnt happen with every game. Had she tried relaxing games? Like Puzzle games? They also suck people in.
When I tell you that i had a huge library, I mean I had a HUGE library. We tried DriveClub, Mervils, one room in RE...all of it made her sick. Except Headmaster. Playroom just bored her. It got to the point where she didn't want to even put it on her head. It made her sick within MOMENTS. That killed that dead.
Also of course you are isolated with VR

but there are also funny coop games.
I'm glad that you're finding success with your experiences. By the time I got around to trying Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, it was too late. Nobody was interested. Shame because I had it for PSVR and GEAR VR (before I went back to iPHONE). Other than Werewolves Within, there just wasn't much out there. Perhaps my expectations were way too high because coming from GEAR VR where they have the
AMAZING vTIME, I expected to Sony to have something comparable or better. They had NOTHING. I waited and Sony hasn't even announced anything.
Indies on /r/psvr Talk to the community and many of them are still doing development of the games but also ask the community how to integrate things.
Yeah this was the killer for me. I read /r/psvr, gaf, VR Focus, Road To VR, Upload VR daily. I listen to all of the VR podcasts and all of the gaming podcast with VR in them. Maybe the doom and gloom just got to me because the enthusiasm from the general gaming industry was just tepid at best. Listening to indie devs talk about losing money and not wanting to create content due to risk was just killing me. I loved the tech, but the likelihood of seeing cool shit on the platform seemed to be dwindling by the day.
Gaming press like GiantBomb, Glixel, Beastcast, Waypoint...on and on, just ripping into PSVR like Gaf rips into SFV. If the general apathy around the tech was this strong now, it seemed like it wasn't going to improve much.
Sony game lineup was the straw, though. Not that it was bad, but more horror, more gun games, more dpad experiences. There were interesting things mixed in, sure, but I looked at the roadmap for the next year and decided that now might be a good time to reassess and get off the train. Worst case? PSVR does poorly and the headset goes down in price in the used market. I already bought a PRO for PSVR, so the headset down the road will only be cheaper. Best case? PSVR improves, industry support is robust, and it's an easy buy down the road.
Either way? I opted to go with a SWITCH and call it a day.