There is only one acceptable time, and that is DWEBBLE TIME.

It's like the first two are dead and the third one is mourning D:
There is only one acceptable time, and that is DWEBBLE TIME.
Don't you dare. Dopeywott must live!If you want it to be Positwig and not Derpywott, then I guess someone needs to make an even more awesome Positwig avatar. :3
Don't you dare. Dopeywott must live!
Don't you dare. Dopeywott must live!
Best single-stage? Best single-stage.
So...Titsparce right? moderate safe search my arse but it's not as bad as I feared, unless of course you were foolish enough to have no filters on in which case I imagine it was a lot worse.btw guys don't google image search "dunsparce time"
Am I torn between them two now? Turtwig? Oshawott? It's... it's a... He-he-he-he-...
btw guys don't google image search "dunsparce time"[/QUOTE]
Don't google anything Pokémon-related unless you have a strong stomach.
[spoiler]Especially not "Pikachu, the horn!"[/spoiler]
Oh my god. I just looked at the page that Google Images got that Dwebble picture from, and look what I found...
Go away, you're being a pest. I will go back to Roxie if I see Postwig!
Am I torn between them two now? Turtwig? Oshawott? It's... it's a... He-he-he-he-...
Piplup is the cuter water starter anyway.
So...Titsparce right? moderate safe search my arse but it's not as bad as I feared, unless of course you were foolish enough to have no filters on in which case I imagine it was a lot worse.
Are you ready?
You wanna take this outside?
I swear to god these are fighting words. >:0
Is this the part where we find out Cuteness Overload's horrible past that they've escaped from?
I would buy this spinoff.![]()
Are you ready?
That's surprising considering the mighty powers of evil google search can unleash, i'll never forget what I saw thanks to the last thread, those Magnemite and Jasmine.....nope.It was just Titsparce, even with Safesearch off. Unless I scroll down the page!
...Huh. Nothing.
Any answer that isn't Flannery really isn't an answer at all.![]()
Are you ready?
How many GOOD movies do you see based on penguins?Yea like how many movies do you see starring otters? Obviously the penguin is cuter and more precious hence why Piplup comes out on top.
Also, Oshawott evolves into an awesome samurai sea lion, whereas Piplup evolves into a stumpy little metal penguin. There's no comparison.
EDIT: No, Cuteness Overload, why? ;_;
For a long time after Exterminieren stopped using a Dwebble avatar, I didn't realize who he was. :I
As one Oshawott falls, another must rise.
I would buy this spinoff.
So instead of Elite Beat Divas you'd get a male fanservice team.
Empoleon or Samurott?
This is difficult because they are both quite good, but I'll probably say Empoleon.
Samurott. He's awesome as it's ever gonna get.
*The rival theme suddenly plays in real life*
Or you could dance!If only there were still GIFs here! Then I can keep transforming.
Feraligatr has them both beat, though.
If I wasn't following regularly the threads, I would have no idea who is who.For a long time after Exterminieren stopped using a Dwebble avatar, I didn't realize who he was. :I
If I wasn't following regularly the threads, I would have no idea who is who.
Avatars are literally changing as I'm reading the threads :lol
If I wasn't following regularly the threads, I would have no idea who is who.
Avatars are literally changing as I'm reading the threads :lol
Oh really?
If I wasn't following regularly the threads, I would have no idea who is who.
Avatars are literally changing as I'm reading the threads :lol
Oh really?
Welcome back.
<3<3<3It's back! At this rate I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it!
This sequence of posts is going to make zero sense looking back.![]()
This sequence of posts is going to make zero sense looking back.![]()
To our future selves, at this moment Exterminieren was using this avatar:
To our future selves, at this moment Exterminieren was using this avatar:
I think I might settle with the old Scrafty/Dwebble combo for a bit.