How can they launch Gen 2 already when they haven't released the legendaries and those damn promised features we've been looking forward since the game was announced: Battling with friends and trading???? Also, I'm still at 122 catched now, if they launch gen 2 it's going to be a mess if they mix gen 1 and gen 2 pokémon... or maybe gen 1 will be totally replaced and since my main goal was to complete the pokédex, then there's no point to me to continue playing if I'm going to have an incomplete pokédex and that sucks because I've been playing literally non-stop since july to achieve just that only so that gen 1 suddenly gets replaced just because.
Maybe if they pull some sort of "non-common pokémon week event" before gen 2 arrives where all of those rare af pokémon of each city starts spawning like crazy just so we can complete the damn gen 1 pokédex... It's nice to dream things
Edit: Congrats Creamium! Damn my luck with eggs sucks beyond words. Haven't hatched a new one for the pokédex there in more than a month! :'(