I'd rather they do both.I honestly don't want gen 2 yet.
The base game needs a lot of updates and tweaks before they start adding more pokemon.
I'd rather they do both.I honestly don't want gen 2 yet.
The base game needs a lot of updates and tweaks before they start adding more pokemon.
Starbucks deal officially announced. http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/starbucks/
Starts 11 A.M. PST. 7800 stores to become stops and gyms. And yes, the drink too.
Starbucks deal officially announced. http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/starbucks/
Starts 11 A.M. PST. 7800 stores to become stops and gyms. And yes, the drink too.
I honestly don't want gen 2 yet.
The base game needs a lot of updates and tweaks before they start adding more pokemon.
I honestly don't want gen 2 yet.
The base game needs a lot of updates and tweaks before they start adding more pokemon.
Do any of you guys play this game on the Moto G4?
Just wondering how the game runs on this phone as I'm thinking of getting my youngest son one for Christmas.
Wish there was a feature where you can exchange candies of certain Pokémon into other. For example, I have 600+ Sandshrew candy and only 7 Squirtle candy... 10 sandshrew candy for 1 Squirtle candy or something like that would be ideal because goddamn I simply don't know what I'm going to do to get a Blastoise. I have only catched one single Squirtle on the wild and hatched another from an egg and I only got 4 freaking candies! 4! The lowest amount of candy given from an egg ever!
Haven't played in weeks. Go to check my Pokemon and my 2100 blastoise is gone! This fucking game.
Update is live. You can send pokemon to the prof in bunches now, thank the pokelords.
No gen 2
So i had this weird moment today where i couldn't spin any stops (nothing would happen), i couldn't enter gyms (error) and every pokemon was breaking out of the ball with no hesitation and fleeing, even 10 cp rattatas. This happened for 15+ pokemon.
Lasted for like 10-30 mins, can't tell exactly
Why have i been?soft banned
Wasn't gen 2 supposed to come out today? with the starbucks partnership?
Nah, that was just a rumor at the time. They announced yesterday, as well as with the Pokemon Twitter account,. saying expect big news and "more Pokemon coming" Dec 12th.
What exactly is in the Pokemon Go Frapp? Crushed Pokemon candies?
What exactly is in the Pokemon Go Frapp? Crushed Pokemon candies?
My beautiful perfects. What perfect mons do you guys have?
just admit it, ur a spoofer
It was really weird though couldn't do shit
My beautiful perfects. What perfect mons do you guys have?
Having said that, I don't know how anyone can carry 900 Pokemon in a bag tbh. I love game logic.
Sandslash is one of the last 9 pokemon i need to fill my dexonly have 30 sandshrew candies. Playing since day 1 almost everyday. Too damn rare.
To be fair i also don't have blastoise yet but i have like 100 squirtle candies so that's not the biggest problemplus I'm still mad that stupid Blastoise ran from me a few weeks ago
Waaat!? Damn I don't catch sandshrews anymore since I'm beyond sick of see them popping out all the time, they spawn more than pidgey and rattatas together in here! What are the most common Pokémon in your area? Here we're drowning with Sandshrews, Geodudes, Growlithes, Ekans, Exeggcutes and Paras... I still keep catching Growlithes and exeggcutes since they're useful for gyms, the other ones I simply ignore them.
It runs fine on a G4 even in battery saver mode. The gyro works too if you want to eat extra battery with camera mode.Do any of you guys play this game on the Moto G4?
Just wondering how the game runs on this phone as I'm thinking of getting my youngest son one for Christmas.
My beautiful perfects. What perfect mons do you guys have?
I think my friends have the Moto G model from last year and it runs terrific. I have the Moto G from 2013 myself and it runs not so great...
It runs fine on a G4 even in battery saver mode. The gyro works too if you want to eat extra battery with camera mode.
The only caveat I've seen is that it records about half the distance I walk in steps even for longer distances, but as far as I know accurate step recording is a crapshoot in general.
Waaat!? Damn I don't catch sandshrews anymore since I'm beyond sick of see them popping out all the time, they spawn more than pidgey and rattatas together in here! What are the most common Pokémon in your area? Here we're drowning with Sandshrews, Geodudes, Growlithes, Ekans, Exeggcutes and Paras... I still keep catching Growlithes and exeggcutes since they're useful for gyms, the other ones I simply ignore them.
Literally everyone of those pokemon you mentionened with the exception of paras ist SUPER RARE here. Really.
The commons here are Pidgey, Rattata, Weedle, Spearow, Paras, Eevee and Krabby. So pretty standard.
I have seen <10 of each wild Sandshrew, Growlithe and Ekans in my life