Yesterday was probably the day I've walked the longest distance for this damn game I simply don't know why I keep doing this. My legs are on fire right now and they hurt sooooo damn much, especially my feet. But anyways, we finally got the new nearby feature here so as soon as I went out of work during lunch time, I went to different places of the city to test it... and I gotta say it's pretty neat! The "test of fire" of yesterday was a Snorlax that appeared on the radar, it indicated me the stop where it was located, it was a little far away from where I was walking so I accelerated the pace and when I reached the stop, the little Totoro appeared and I catched it. It felt nice. The fact that you still have the sightings feature when there's no Pokestops nearby it's nice as well even though you still have to use 3rd party scanners for those.
I also finally got enough candy to get Charizard and Poliwrath. 128 catched...
Alllsssooo, glad they are working to fix that annoying vibration bug everytime the nearby refresh. It was so annoying yesterday, the phone was vibrating like crazy and I had to look at the screen everytime.
Someone reported a Dragonite five kilometers away from where I was, and it was raining like there's no tomorrow. I don't know why, but I decided to bike over there anyway. Maybe it wouldn't turn out to be so bad.
Wow! You got soaked to hell but it was worth it, even if it doesn't have top notch IVs, withat moveset and that CP you can kick ass on gyms. Congrats!