Probably saw them in gyms.
I would have noticed that, especially seeing clicking on a gym starts you off at the lowest leveled Pokemon.
Probably saw them in gyms.
I'd love to chase down squirtle but that nerfing makes it only useful for attacking. It should be as beastly as Vaporeon but Niantic's got a thing for eevees...
Anyone know of a solution for the freeze glitch? My game constantly freezes after booting but before the location loads, so I see my avatar on on empty green screen.
Nope didn't work for me. What's weird is this glitch is very common for me but sometimes doesn't happen and the game loads properly. I can't find anything about this glitch elsewhere online either.I'm on Android and sometimes I get that annoying freeze glitch and worst, there is no PokeStop on the world map although there is the road and lake loaded.
Restarting the game doesn't help either but what works for me is to temporarily enable Airplane mode for around 30 secs and enabling it back in hoping that I get to reset whatever mobile internet settings from my provider.
Nope didn't work for me. What's weird is this glitch is very common for me but sometimes doesn't happen and the game loads properly. I can't find anything about this glitch elsewhere online either.
Yeah uninstalling and reinstalling is the only thing that works consistently for me but that's annoying and I'm not always near wifi for the dataThat sucks. Worst possible case is to try to clear the cache and reinstall the game from Google Play.
I do admit the new update that tries to load the Pokemon sprites and models from the server is annoying. I didn't even knew I hatched a Magby as it show... pure white screen after the egg hatches.
Where's my goddamn smoochum Niantic? 10 10km eggs, no dice.
When Niantic implements trading.
Those are the ones I just hatched. XDJust hatched an Igglybutt.
Event has been delivering the last couple of days. Just need Magby and Cleffa.
Tomorrow I'm going up to Gatlinburg TN for the weekend with my Fiancee & a few friends. Should be able to hatch a few eggs out of this trip, esp if we do end up going hiking (weather permitting).
I looked up on the pokestop map ( ) and it's like Pokestop City! lol Shouldn't be too hard to reach Pokestops while I'm away.
??? Another Ekans or something? I don't even remember.
i am heavily disappoint
This should answer your questions:
I caught two in a row. Both from a Magikarp. I have five ditto now, lol.I caught one from a Magikarp on Christmas Eve.
Anyone know of a solution for the freeze glitch? My game constantly freezes after booting but before the location loads, so I see my avatar on on empty green screen.
Abra, Rhyhorn, Cubone, and Ekans are all very common here, and I already have more than enough Onyx candy. Poliwag isn't terrible because of Politoed, but "isn't terrible" is the best I can say, particularly when we don't know when it's coming, if it and Poliwrath will be random or not, and Poliwag is still pretty rare here so who knows when I'll get close to enough candy...Abra - A great attacker
Rhyhorn - Strong pokemon and rare were i live
Poliwag - will get a evolution in gen 2
Cubone - crap
Onyx - will get a evolution in gen 2
Tentacool - crap
Ekans - crap
Magikarp - Gyrados
i would have been happy with this
Increased starter spawns from today?
It hasn't, FYI. Still several more hours.Got no Ditto. No Gen II babies. And no increased starter spawns of Pokémon, even though the notification says it has started.
Need 50 candy to evolve.
It seems stupid considering it is a three stage Pokémon in the end.